Human Resource and Investigation Services CUAHRS2015

Common use arrangement (CUA) buyers guide for agency staff procuring human resources (HR) and investigation services.

The Human Resource and Investigation Services arrangement comprises three key categories:

Category 1: Job Design and Classification
Category 2: Recruitment Management
Category 3: HR Investigations

In accordance with State Supply Commission policy, you can buy outside of this CUA and directly source from an Australian Disability Enterprise (ADE) or Aboriginal Business.

This CUA is mandatory for the Perth metropolitan region and non-mandatory in the regions for public authorities. If your delivery point is regional WA you may:

  • Purchase under the applicable CUA from a CUA contractor. Some CUAs may have contractors that are located in the region/s; or
  • Exercise your discretion to purchase outside the CUA, and purchase in accordance with State Supply Commission policies and Buy Local policy.  

Before you buy, also check that your purchase falls within your organisation's procurement policies.

What's on offer?

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Category 1: Job Design and Classification

Contractors can:

  • Draft and amend job descriptions
  • Undertake and draft classification determination
  • Draft and finalise criteria progression report with recommendations
  • Manage job-matching supported wage assessments and assessments procedures for people with disabilities initiatives
  • Conduct work assessment and classification supporting specialist Indigenous positions

Category 2: Recruitment Management

Contractors can:

  • Give recruitment and selection guidance and/or advice
  • Prepare recruitment advertising*
  • Short-list applicants and prepare for interviews
  • Be selection panellists
  • Draft selection reports
  • Receive applications and distribute information packages in relation to the recruitment process both during and following
  • Conduct reference checks
  • Undertake alternative assessment methods, where required

*Contractors can prepare advertisements but agencies must lodge advertisements with the Government’s current non campaign advertising contractor Initiative Media Australia Pty Ltd. Refer to CUAMBBP2018 Media Booking, Buying and Planning Services for Advertising

The recruitment of Senior Executive Services (positions above Level 1- 8 or equivalent) are outside of the scope of this CUA.

Category 3: HR Investigations

This arrangement is to meet the needs of agencies seeking HR Investigation Services in relation to a range of issues including:

  • allegations of misconduct
  • bullying and employee grievances
  • advice to a public authority on investigation frameworks, processes and techniques

The arrangement is designed to meet investigation requirements at the higher end of the spectrum of allegations and is not intended to be used for matters which require informal interviews, analysis and recommendations.

When to use a licenced or non-licenced investigator

Buyers can use a licensed investigator for complex investigations where having an investigator license would be advantageous. Non-licensed Contractors are prequalified for the CUA based on their government experience with HR investigations and knowledge of the Public Sector Management Act 1994.

Licensed investigators have completed Certificate III in Investigative Services, identity and character checks and police clearances. Please note that where an investigation relates to “conduct” and is not exempt under the Security and Related Activities (Control) Regulations 1997 (Cl 13A) a relevant investigators license(s) may be required. Appropriate licenses may be required where, for example an investigation relates to a grievance concerning the conduct of an employee. 

All CUA Contractors are required to be aware of circumstances when relevant licenses are required to undertake an investigation. Where a licence is required and a Contractor does not have a relevant licence to undertake an investigation they must:

  • inform the customer they are unable to undertake the investigation, or 
  • if it comes to light during the course of an investigation, the Contractor must cease the investigation and inform the customer at the earliest opportunity.

Out of scope activity

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  1. The recruitment of Senior Executive Services (positions above Level 1- 8 or equivalent) are outside of the scope of this CUA.
  2. HR consulting services are out of scope of HRS2015. Public authorities are able to purchase the following services from the open market including:
  • policy & project development & implementation
  • HR strategy development & evaluation
  • workforce planning support
  • productivity measurement
  • consultative services for the development of new organisational structures
  • change management services
  • workload assessment 
  • employee performance management strategies / plans / methods 
  • compliance risk assessment relating to Public Sector Standards in HR Management

The following services are also not covered by HRS2015: 

  • diversity management planning
  • occupational safety and health 
  • employee assistance programs 
  • wellness programs
  • outplacement services

Purchases for these services must be in accordance with applicable State Supply Commission policies.

What are the buying rules?

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The following minimum buying requirements apply:

Work valued up to $50,000 (inc. GST)

Verbal quotes are required. You should refer to the listed hourly rates in the Price Schedule and approach a contractor for a verbal quote. Buyers should then directly engage the preferred contractor by confirming the work assignment via email. 

Work valued from $50,001 (inc. GST)

If it can be foreseen that the cost of an engagement will exceed $50,000, then buyers must obtain two to five quotes from selected contractors by communicating requirements using the Order Form. A decision can then be made on which contractor represents a value-for-money outcome. 

Policy requirements

Buyers should be aware of the following requirements under State Supply Commission policies and Treasurer’s Instruction 820, and whether or not they are applicable to purchases from this CUA:

Policy requirement Applicable to purchases under this CUA
Buyers must publish details of their purchase, or any variation to any purchase, under this CUA on TendersWA. 

Yes, for all purchases (and variations) of $50,000 and above.

Buyers must record the purchase on the agency’s contract register, as instructed within the buying agency’s financial management manual.  Yes, for all purchase above $50,000 or as otherwise required by the buying agency’s financial management manual.
Buyers must submit a procurement plan, evaluation report and contract management plan to the State Tender Review Committee (STRC). Yes, for all purchases of $5 million and above. 

Note: Submission of:
  • a procurement plan is not required where the Accountable Authority decides that the plan would be of no benefit due to the nature of that procurement
  • a contract management plan is not required where the Accountable Authority decides the purchase is a one-off that is not the subject of a period contract arrangement, or that the plan would be of no benefit due to the nature that procurement
  • any of these documents is not required if, in exceptional circumstances, the Executive Director of Government Procurement approves an exemption from the requirement.

Buyers must submit a contract variation memo to STRC.     

Yes, for all variations of $5 million and above.

Note: Submission of a contract variation memo is not required if, in exceptional circumstances, the Executive Director of Government Procurement approves an exemption from the requirement.

Buyers must involve the Department of Finance in the procurement.     No, not required for purchases under this CUA.
Buyers must obtain approval from an authorised officer of the Department of Finance to purchase through an alternative arrangement to this CUA.  

 Yes, at all values, if the Buyer is a Public Authority and the delivery location is in the Perth metropolitan area.

Note: Public authorities are not required to obtain the approval of or advice from the Department of Finance when purchasing from Australian Disability Enterprises  or registered Aboriginal businesses , regardless of value.

Requesting police or other security checks?

When engaging a Contractor to carry out HR or investigation services the consultant(s) carrying out the engagement will be responsible for the privacy and integrity of sensitive personal information. Therefore buyers may require consultants to undergo police clearance and/or other security checks as appropriate.The costs of all such police or security checks are to be covered by the Contractor and for this reason buyers should discuss their requirements with the Contractor before entering into an engagement. Buyers should also specify their requirements in the Order Form.

Exemption from using this CUA

Finance is responsible for processing and approving all requests from public authorities seeking exemption from using a mandatory CUA. Requests for an exemption are considered on a case-by-case basis, and a requesting agency must be able to demonstrate that a business need cannot be adequately met by the relevant CUA.

Exemption requests should be directed to the Director of Common Use Arrangements through an email to the contract manager in the first instance. Requests for exemption may be received by posted letter or email, but must be in writing and provide sufficient explanation and background to enable the request to be considered. The requesting officer should be the Accountable Authority or delegate of the agency.

For guidelines on what to include in an exemption request, please refer to the Procurement Practice Guidelines - Common Use Arrangements.

Purchasing from registered Aboriginal businesses or Australian Disability Enterprises

Agencies can now buy directly from a registered Aboriginal business or Australian Disability Enterprise (ADE), without undertaking a competitive process, even where a mandatory Common Use Arrangement exists.

Purchasing HR services that are not available under this CUA

If an HR service is not available under this CUA then buyers must purchase in accordance with relevant State Supply Commission Policy

Who are the contractors?

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There is a choice of contractors for you to select from.

Business name Category 1: Job Design and Classification Category 2: Recruitment Management Category 3: HR Investigations
Acumen Alliance Yes Yes No
AMA Recruit No Yes No
Applied Innovation Centre No No Yes
Austral Human Resources No Yes No
Australia Wide Investigations Pty Ltd No No Yes
Behaviour Matters No No Yes
Beilby Consulting  Yes Yes Yes
Brennan & Associates  No No Yes
Burgess and Sons Consulting No No Yes
Chandler Macleod No Yes No
ChoiceOne Total Recruitment Yes Yes No
CJMConsulting Yes No No
DFP Recruitment No Yes No
Dillinger Group Development Pty Ltd Yes Yes No
Emergency Support Network No No Yes
Equal Consulting No Yes No
GJT Consulting Yes Yes No
Gold Security Group (International) Pty Ltd No No Yes
Harrier Human Capital Pty Ltd No Yes No
Hays Specialist Recruitment (Australia)* No Yes No
Heelan & Co Industrial Relations and Management No No Yes
Humanconnection No Yes No
Hunter Executive Search Consultants Pty Ltd No Yes No
Industrial Relations and Advocacy Services No No Yes
Integrity Southside No Yes No
INVision Investigations & Consulting No No Yes
IPA Personnel No Yes No
John McKenna & Associates No No Yes
Maitland Consulting Group Pty Ltd Yes Yes No
Management Projects No Yes No
McLeod McDonald & Associates No Yes No
Monark Business Consultants Pty Ltd Yes Yes Yes
Nella Global Solutions  No No Yes
Nyaania Consulting No Yes Yes
PDT Consultancy Yes Yes No
Price Consulting Group Pty Ltd Yes Yes No
QL Management Consultants No Yes No
RMK Consulting Group Pty Ltd Yes Yes No
Shelby Consulting Pty Ltd Yes Yes No
SWY Consulting Yes No Yes
The Futures Group Yes Yes Yes
The Nexus Network Yes Yes No
Verifact Pty Ltd No No Yes
WISE Workplace No No Yes
Workplace Management Network No No Yes
Zambotti Consulting Yes Yes Yes

*Hays Specialist Recruitment (Australia) has departures from the head agreement for this CUA. For further information, contact the contract manager (see column on right of page).

Contractor Profiles provide a summary of the Contractor including: Skills, Experience and Services; Industry Certifications and/or Qualifications Relevant to the Category, and; Industry Partners or Affiliations.


HRS2015 contractors are required to maintain the following insurances:

Insurance type Category 1
Job design and classification

Category 2
Recruitment Management

Category 3
HR Investigations
Public and products liability $10 million $10 million $10 million
Professional indemnity $2 million $2 million $5 million
Workers Compensation* $50 million $50 million $50 million

*Contractors who are sole traders are not required to maintain workers’ compensation insurance.


Making the most of this contract

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Buying tips

  • Contractors have quoted maximum hourly rates, which can be reduced upon negotiation. Consider levers such as contract timeframes, payment terms and multiple quotes for your negotiations.
  • Consider negotiating a fixed rate on projects where appropriate. This may be a more cost effective approach.
  • This CUA covers Recruitment Management Services but is NOT for sourcing/engaging temporary personnel. CUA TPS2014 for Temporary Personnel must be used for this.
  • For investigations, consider what identity, criminal records or other security checks you require from the investigator and determine whether a licensed investigator is required.

What will it cost?

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Pricing and payment options

The rates quoted by contractors are maximum rates and lower rates can be negotiated. Make sure to request a project cost estimate prior to engaging a contractor to ensure value for money.

Buyers should consider negotiating a fixed rate on projects where appropriate. This may be a more cost effective approach.
View the Price Schedule to obtain prices for the services you require. 


Contractors have quoted maximum hourly rates for each consultant across two levels of experience. These two levels are listed below:

Experience Level 1 Consultant with 10 years or more experience.
Experience Level 2 Consultant with up to 10 years experience. 

Refer to individual Contractor Profiles and cross reference the consultants’ experience level with the hourly rate in the Price Schedule.

Additional charges

Some contractors charge additional fees above their hourly rate (e.g. for photocopying, travel etc). These charges are outlined in the Price Schedule (available through the ‘additional pricing’ tabs at the base of the Price Schedule). Any additional charges must be itemised separately in the both the Order Form and on the contractor’s invoice. No other charges can be applied other than those listed in the Price Schedule.

Payment by Purchasing Card

The government Purchasing Card (P-Card) offers a quick and convenient method of payment allowing many goods and services to be efficiently purchased. 
Always remember to inform the contractor that you wish to pay by P-Card, at the time of ordering the product or service, and ensure they clearly understand that they must send the tax invoice directly to you, the cardholder. The Contractor Profile documents list those contractors who accept payment by P-Card.

How do I buy?

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Step by step buying process

Orders should be placed directly with contractors, using the Order Form. Before ordering, consider taking the following steps:

  • Draft a brief engagement plan that could be rolled out for all contractors (this may incorporate a number of the elements below).
  • Scope your agency’s requirements in detail.
  • Identify objectives, roles, responsibilities, escalation processes and contacts. 
  • Discuss and obtain a shared understanding of the scope of the engagement and seek advice on the circumstances that may lead to a variation.
  • Request an estimate of hours, additional costs and timeframes or where this is not feasible negotiate a strategy to monitor costs such as progress meetings to discuss hours worked and number of hours required to complete the investigation. 
  • Negotiate rates as the CUA rates are maximum hourly rates. 
  • Request the name of the consultant(s) assigned to the work and specify where you require a specific consultant or a licensed investigator.
  • You can evaluate which contractor represents best value for money for your needs by referring to the information in the Price Schedule and the applicable contractor profile documents.
  • Once you have established value, then contact the preferred contractor to make your purchase.

After I buy

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Active contract management pays off

  • For medium to longer term engagements, consider putting in place progress meetings with the contractor to review the costs, progress and scope of the engagement.
  • Investigate different strategies to reduce both hourly and additional costs.


Acumen Alliance

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Contact details

Contact name:
Robyn Davis
General telephone:
0408 088 253

About us

80 240 136 256

Category 1 job design and classification
Category 2 recruitment management

Does not accept P-Card.

Contractor profile

Acumen is an alliance of two Perth consultancies - these being Gent Consulting Group and People Synergy. The Directors (Robyn Davis and Peter Kent) of these consulting companies have joined in an alliance to provide a more comprehensive service to clients; to facilitate the provision of services taking a broader perspective and utilising the skills, knowledge and experience of the two people involved; and to support each other in providing excellent consultancy services.

All consultants have held executive positions in the WA Public Sector as well as having a wealth of experience in the Commonwealth Government, local government and the private sector. As consultants, the Directors have worked across most agencies for some 20 years.

Category 1 contractor profile

Job design and classification 

The consultants’ classification management experience incorporates having:

  • undertaken numerous classification reviews and the presentation of reports and
  • recommendations following amalgamation of agencies, restructuring of whole or parts of
  • agencies and for individual positions covering operational, technical, professional, administrative
  • and SES positions from Level 1 through to Director General/CEO positions;
  • assisted with change management activities during the implementation of revised organisational
  • structures;
  • conceived and developed classification frameworks for policy/research, project, executive
  • support, GIS, HR, ministerial, information, organisational development and natural resource
  • management officer positions;
  • developed a Classification Schedule for all Operational Workers at the City of Wanneroo, City of
  • Perth, City of Stirling and City of Bayswater;
  • developed a White Paper on the implementation of the Specified Callings’ MOU for an agency;
  • undertaken numerous criteria progression reviews and subsequent submissions;
  • created new or revised Job Description Forms to support the various classification management
  • activities; and
  • developed and run training courses in classification management.
  • The consultants have sound knowledge and experience of work value, BI/PERS, Mercer’s and
  • relativity assessment processes.
Previous experience 
Name of Client Description of Service Provided
DoW, DoP, DoT, Commerce, Fisheries, OEPA and various local governments Development of Classification Frameworks.
DoW, DPaw, DoP, DotAG, Commerce, Fisheries, OEPA, DER, OAG, Landgate. Provision of classification management services
over numerous years.
DoW, DEC, DotAG, MCB, DoP,  Commerce Class review and submissions for various SES positions

Category 2 contractor profile

Recruitment management 

The consultants’ recruitment management experience includes:

  • Providing recruitment and selection assistance for positions including SES, specified callings, administrative, professional/technical and blue collar workers across a wider range of agencies for single positions, recruitment pools comprising of up to 150 applicants and bulk recruitment for many different positions following organisation restructures;
  • Having facilitated the development of the original Public Sector Standards in Human
  • Resource Management (Robyn Davis);
  • Developing recruitment and selection policy and procedures and providing training in this area; and applying innovative recruitment processes to ensure applications are received from a wide range of suitable applicants who through the selection process are thoroughly evaluated for their suitability.
Previous experience
Name of Client Description of Service Provided
DPaW, DoW, DoP, Environment Regulation, OEPA, MCB, Fisheries, SBDC, CCC, Health – Selection management for all types of positions covering administrative, specified callings, management and SES/Corporate Executive.
Departments of Commerce, Attorney General, MCB and Water Panel member and selection management for Director/ Manager Human Resources positions.
ApprentiCentre, Department of Child Protection and Families, Worksafe, DoW; DAFWA and Education in Bunbury Various selection processes covering specialist, specified callings and administrative positions.

Consultant details

Consultant Qualifications *Experience Level 
Robyn Davis Bachelor of Applied Science (Psychology)
Associate Diploma of Personnel Administration
Peter Kent Master of Business (HRM)
Last updated: 11 December 2019

AMA Recruit

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Contact details

Contact name:
Yvette McQueen
Direct telephone:
0418 848 503
General telephone:
61 8 9273 3000

About us

008 671 458
47 008 671 458

Category 2 recruitment management

Accepts P-Card

Contractor profile

Recruitment management

Under the Common Use Arrangement (CUA) for Human Resources (HR) and Investigation Services (IS), AMA Recruit has been supporting public sector workforce development by delivering successful, cost effective recruitment and human resource consultancy services to Western Australian Government Departments, since 2010.
AMA Recruit has been providing highly specialised and targeted recruitment services across all industry sectors in Western Australia (WA) for over 30 years. Both clients and candidates have consistently praised AMA Recruit’s professionalism in successfully delivering a range of tailored services via our highly experienced team of consultants. Our values-based approach to recruitment is matched by a proven track record of impeccable customer-focussed service.

AMA Recruit is a division of the Australian Medical Association (AMA) (WA), the largest independent professional organisation for medical practitioners and medical students in the State. The AMA (WA) is a highly diversified business that incorporates HR consulting, a Group Training Organisation and an Australian Apprenticeship Services Network provider.

Previous experience in category
Name of Client Description of Services Provided
Main Roads WA, Road Safety Commission, Department of Fire and Emergency Services, School Curriculum and Standards Authority, Department of Regional Development, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Armadale Health Service End to end recruitment including: Advertisement creation, candidate search, thorough application assessment and short listing, preparation of interview questions and alternate processes, panel member (and Convenor) participation, DISC personality profiling, completion of referee reports, preparation of the Selection Report, candidate communications/ feedback and general HR advice. Experience in providing services for Graduate Programs through to SES positions, as well as recruitment pools and highly technical roles across a range of industries. Additional capabilities in team assessment and structure review.

Consultant details 

Consultant Qualifications Experience Level
Nathan Bentley
General Manager, Health and Community Services
Nathan has over 20 years’ senior leadership experience in the private sector, including the recruitment industry. Nathan is responsible for the Recruitment and Training areas within AMA (WA). He holds tertiary qualifications in education and psychology. 1

Yvette McQueen Contract Lead/Business Management Consultant.

Yvette offers over 18 years’ experience in recruitment and HR across the corporate and government sectors, managing the HR Services contract within AMA Recruit since 2010. She has intricate knowledge and understanding of the regulatory framework that applies to recruitment in the WA public sector through commitment to policy, process and positive business outcomes. 1
Dave Bell
Recruitment Consultant.
Dave has worked in recruitment in Perth and the UK since 1999 and has provided recruitment services for GPs and clients within the NHS, HMP and Military areas. He has also recruited for specialist construction, design and architectural clients.
Experience Level 1
Joanne Tanner
Recruitment Consultant.
Joanne has worked in recruitment since 2001 in the UK and Australia, delivering executive project recruitment and temporary high volume staffing to corporate and public sector clients. She also works within our Apprenticeship and Traineeship division, offering informed recruitment advice and support to both clients and candidates. 1
Margaret Templeton
Recruitment Consultant.
Margaret offers more than 20 years’ experience in coordinating the recruitment and sponsorship of International Medical Graduates to work in the Australian Health Care Industry; as well as the recruitment of Practice staff for Specialist and General Practices across the Perth metropolitan area. 1
Kristel Maltese
Recruitment Consultant.
Kristel brings broad recruitment and administration experience. With over 8 years' experience in executing end-to-end recruitment campaigns for small and medium-sized enterprises, Kristel focuses on recruiting medical practice staff and providing support for government contracts. 2
Last updated: 11 December 2019

Applied Innovation Centre

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Contact details

Contact name:
Peter Newman
Direct telephone:
61 8 9448 1301
General telephone:
0409 113 845

About us

108 934 069
46 108 934 069

Category 3 HR investigation

Accepts P-Card
Licensed Investigators available

Contractor profile

HR investigation

The Applied Innovation Centre have been conducting investigations within the Western Australian Public Sector since 2005. During that time we have conducted investigations across a multitude of departments in addition to providing investigative and HR services to a number of private sector clients. We pride ourselves in providing independent, unbiased and objective findings with reports capable of withstanding scrutiny. Our Principal, Peter Newman, has worked in a range of specialist areas of Government including the WA Government Functional Review, general management consultancy (internal and external to the public sector), human resource management, industrial relations, training and development, information technology and management review and audit.

We conduct all investigations with a process that:

  • Is clear, fair and thorough
  • Is respectful and engaging
  • Includes a thorough review of all relevant evidence
  • Delivers high-quality evidence-based reports and recommendations
  • Ensures minimal disruption to you and your business
  • We have successfully conducted investigations into:
  • Workplace Bullying
  • Substandard performance
  • Grievances between employees and managers
  • Grievances between one employee and another
  • Grievances where mediation has failed
  • Breaches of organisational policies or codes of conduct
  • Suspected criminal offences
  • Whistle-blower allegations (private and public)

Our services do not end when the investigation is complete as we can offer ongoing support through our accredited mediators. This ongoing service includes providing mentoring or coaching for leaders and managers in dealing with staff concerns, grievances, performance and other difficult situations as well as reviewing business processes to discover the underlying causes of the difficult behaviours or situations.

Previous experience in category

Clients serviced over the past three years:

  • Department of Culture and the Arts
  • Department of Mines, Industry and Regulation
  • Department of Justice
  • Department of Water
  • Department of Housing
  • City of Bunbury
  • Landgate
  • Office of Public Prosecutions
  • South West Development Authority
  • Department of Training
  • Curtin University
  • Country Health Service
  • Main Roads
  • WorkCover
  • Disability Services
  • Department of Communities
  • Department of Commerce
  • Large multinational companies 

Consultant details

Consultant Qualification  Experience Level
Peter Newman Bachelor of Economics and Diploma in Public Administration
Certificate IV in Government Investigation
Certificate III in Investigative Services
Inquiry Agent Investigator’s License No. 38017
Ian Edwards Grad Cert in Public Sector Management
Cert IV Govt Investigations
Cert III Investigative Services
Investigator Licence 48411
Keith Chilvers
Cert III Investigative Services
Master’s Degree in Business (Human Resource Management)
Grad Dip Human Resource Management and Development
Cert III Investigative Services
Chartered Member of the Australian Human Resources Institute and an Associate Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management
Cert III Investigative Services
Murray Orrell Bachelor of Arts and Diploma in Public Administration
Certificate IV in Government Investigation
Certificate III in Investigative Services
Inquiry Agent No. 37858 Investigator’s Licence
John Scotland Bachelor of Arts
Graduate Diploma in Education
Diploma in Human Resources Development and Cert IV Training and Assessment
Accredited Mediator, Coach and conflict resolution specialist
Last updated: 11 December 2019

Austral Human Resources

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Contact details

Contact name:
Tony Pepper
Direct telephone:
0409 685 421
General telephone:
61 8 9481 1231

About us

082 219 887
44 082 219 887

Category 2 recruitment management

Does not accept P-Card

Contractor profile

Recruitment management

Established in 1998 Austral Human Resources are recognised specialists in recruitment and job design services. Our consultants have extensive backgrounds in human resource management and related public and private sector management experience. Austral has provided the full range of Recruitment and Selection services from Level 1 to Senior Executive Service positions for many WA Public Sector agencies with a strong focus on the WA Government Health Sector. Expertise offered includes experience in the use of role-plays, scenarios, case studies, structured presentations, problem solving exercises, letter/report writing and team-based activities.
Our Consultants are well experienced in conducting selection interviews, managing pool recruitments, preparing job advertisements, facilitating panel discussions and assessments, obtaining targeted referee comments, giving constructive feedback to applicants and in providing career advice. Consultant Tony Pepper has past experience as a Review and Conciliation Officer appointed by the Commissioner for Public Sector Standards. Austral has designed and delivered training in the recruitment process. Our consultants provide advice on EEO, fairness and equity and Public Sector Standards.

Previous experience in category
Name of Client Description of Service Provided
WA Department of Health, WA Country Health Services: Perth and Regional 
  • Full range of recruitment – short listing, drafting interview questions, arranging selection interviews, participation in interviews and videoconferences, selection panel membership, preparing final report and providing feedback to applicants.
  • Services provided for a wide range of administrative, professional and technical positions from Level 1 to Class 1 including recruitment pools.
Education, Child Protection, Landgate, Premier and Cabinet, Local Government and
Communities, Commerce, Parks and Wildlife, Mental Health Commission, Metropolitan Cemeteries Board 
  • Full recruitment services as above for a wide range of single positions through to pool recruitment for management, administrative, professional/scientific and ICT positions.
  • Audits of WA Public Sector agencies’ recruitment practices (client PSC).
  • Recruitment of CEOs and senior managers for Aboriginal Medical Service Corporations.
  • Development of HR policy and procedures training manuals.

Consultant details

Consultant Qualification Experience Level
Tony Pepper BSc (Chemistry)
Cert IV in Assessment & Workplace Training
Certificate in IR
Certificate in Mediation & Conciliation Member
Recruitment and Consulting Services Association
Christopher Gibbins BA Economics (Hons)
Cert IV Human Resources
Cert IV Training & Assessment
Accredited Professional Recruiter
John Wilson Bachelor of Human Resources
Masters in Counselling
Experience Level 1
Jonathon Woolfrey
Bachelor of Psychology
Certified Professional HR
Joanna Fripp Bachelor of Arts
Diploma in Business
Certificate IV in HR
Alan Davies Fellow of the Australian Human Resources Institute 1
Last updated: 11 December 2019

Australia Wide Investigations Pty Ltd

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Contact details

Contact name:
Tony Rompotis or Joe Baskwell
General telephone:
61 8 9345 1570

About us

009 328 965
85 009 328 965

Category 3 HR investigation

Accepts P-Card
Licensed Investigators available

Contractor profile

HR investigation

Australia Wide Investigations (AWI) is a leading professional investigations company with over thirty years of experience in WA. We undertake investigations in relation to complaints and allegations of disciplinary breaches, including claims of discrimination, bullying and harassment, inappropriate workplace conduct, theft and corruption. Our client-oriented approach differentiates us from other companies. Our focus is on developing innovative strategies tailored to our client’s requirements to ensure optimal results and client satisfaction. Each of our investigators has a thorough understanding of the Public Sector Management Act and the Codes of Conduct relevant to the agencies within the Sector. We are recognised for our experience in dispute resolution and in the provision of consultancy and value added services.

AWI conduct investigations with appropriate transparency. Our investigators provide a fair and unbiased assessment of the issues. We ensure that all parties are given an adequate opportunity to state their case and we conduct our investigations objectively with integrity, procedural fairness and confidentiality. We are discreet and mindful of sensitivities within a workplace. AWI management is dedicated to operating and maintaining a Quality Management System (QMS). Our QMS comprises of plans, policies, and procedures that cover every aspect of our operation. We believe in continuous improvement, which encompasses all aspects of the delivery of service. Our commitment to quality, integrity, communication and training form the framework for delivering excellent value for money customer service.

As a long term panel member of CUA Contract, we have conducted disciplinary and grievance investigations for various Government agencies including the Departments of the Premier and Cabinet, Corruption and Crime Commission, WAPOL, Attorney General, Treasury and Finance, Water, Disability Services Commission, Department of Health, Housing, Transport, Child Protection, Education, Mines and Petroleum, Corrective Services, Environment and Conservation;Fire and Emergency Services, and TAFE Colleges.

We have performed multiple investigations for many of the agencies listed above, which highlights the quality of our services, our ability to get results and a consistently high level of customer satisfaction. Highly qualified licensed investigators who have held investigative roles in the federal and state public sector and the legal profession carry out all investigations. At AWI, all our investigations are conducted to the highest standard, robust enough to withstand independent scrutiny and judicial review.

Previous experience in category
Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Dept. of Transport, Unsatisfactory performance reviews, misconduct, grievances.
South Metropolitan Health Service,  Suspected misconduct, grievances.

Consultant details

Consultant Qualification Experience Level
Joe Baskwell Licensed Investigator
Cert. III Investigation Services
Cert. IV Government Investigations
Cert. IV Government Fraud Control
Former Conciliation and Review Officer with WA Public Sector Commission
Ian Edwards Licensed Investigator
Cert. III Investigation Services
Cert. IV Government Investigations
Haydn Dixon Licensed Investigator
Bachelor of Law – UWA (LL.B)
Cert. III Investigations Services
Don Brown Licensed Investigator
Cert III Investigation Services
Cert. IV Government Investigations
Cert. IV Government Fraud Control
Danny Tampalini
Licensed Investigator
Cert III Investigation Services
Cert IV Government Investigations
Cert. IV Government Fraud Control
Tony Rompotis
Licensed Investigator
Inquiry Agents License
Cert III Investigation Services
Cert IV Government Fraud Control
Last updated: 11 December 2019

Behaviour Matters

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Contact details

Contact name:
Barbara Abbott
General telephone:
0438 336 762

About us

19 317 421 797

Category 3 HR investigation category 3

Does not accept P-Card
Licensed Investigators available

Contractor profile

HR investigation

Barbara Abbott has more than twenty years of experience in workplace investigations and reporting. Barbara has knowledge and experience in equal opportunity and workplace bullying. Her strengths are in investigations and reporting on grievances and disciplinary matters. Barbara has a background in education, human resource management and organisational development. She has broad public sector experience with includes work with Public Sector Standards, Equal Opportunity Commission and Public Sector Ethics. Behaviour matters are a small organisation with strong principles supporting natural justice, procedural fairness and due process. The business has excellent systems for maintaining quality and timely delivery of completed work. Additional information is available on Behaviour matters’ website.

Previous experience in category
Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Department of Education, Review of workplace conduct disrupting a group of staff.
Department of Corrective Services, A number of grievances, in one location, claiming workplace bullying
Department of Transport,  Disciplinary investigation related to employee behaviour.
Insurance Commission of WA,  Staff grievance investigation.

Consultant details

Consultant Qualification Experience Level
Barbara Abbott Insurance Commission of WA,  
Last updated: 11 December 2019

Beilby Downing Teal

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Denise Wetherall
Direct telephone:
61 8 9323 8816
General telephone:
61 8 9323 8888

About us

097 109 012
91 097 109 012

Category 1 job design and classification
Category 2 recruitment management
Category 3 HR investigation  

Accepts P-Card

Contractor profile category 1

Job design and classification

Beilby offers services’ ranging from complex organisational restructures, functional reviews and business process reviews to classification assessments on positions at an agency-wide, division or individual level. We have extensive experience in job design; including classification assessments for new positions or reclassifying existing positions. This includes developing position descriptions, preparing position evaluation questionnaires, comparative research and analysis, preparing comprehensive classification reports. We have access to a widespread industry network, which we have developed over a long period through effective relationship building and client engagement. We pride ourselves on our consulting capability; working with clients to clearly define requirements and offering creative solutions which add value and deliver benefits to their business. All our services are produced to a high standard and comply with public sector legislation, policies and directions.

Beilby has a long history working within the WA public sector’s approved classification frameworks and applying the BI/PERs work value assessment tool.

Our team of talented specialists can offer expertise across a range of human resource practices – organisational design, leadership/team development, classification and recruitment; allowing clients to receive a full range of services from a single consulting firm.

Previous experience in category

Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Department of Health Delivered classification and reclassification assessments across a number of Divisions and at varying levels of seniority (including SES
submissions to PSC and SAT) utilising the BI/PERs assessment tool.
Department of Education Services Consulted to the Director General and other Executives on the structure and composition of positions in one of their key directorates. This
included guidance on process mapping and job design, as well as completing classification assessments on positions and advice on the
transition of staff into the new structure.
Disability Services Commission Provided consultancy to an Executive Director and created a new project management position to accommodate the introduction of the
new National Disability Insurance Scheme in Western Australia.

Category profile category 2

Recruitment management

Beilby’s highly experienced consultants work in accordance with the Public Sector Management Act 1994 offering a range of services from recruitment support to full advertised recruitment (including post box activities/drafting advertising) and selection campaigns as well as bulk and pooled recruitment drives. Our team of skilled professional consultants assist across a range of position levels from level 1/Graduates through to SES Class 1-4, SAT Group 1, 2 and in a variety of industry groups ensuring a robust and objective assessment is completed through ‘a fair and proper assessment based on merit and equity’. For further information please visit:

Previous experience in category 2

Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Building Management and Works
Central Institute of Technology
Department of Biodiversity Conservation and
Department of Education - Central Office, Schools
and District Offices
Department of Finance
End to end recruitment support for permanent and acting opportunities in a variety of occupational groups. Positions range from Graduate, Level 1 – SES and CEO. Led a variety of Executive Search processes in line with existing agency led advertised campaigns. Specialists in managing Teacher / Principal recruitment processes.
Department of Health
Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and
Department of Justice
Department of Mines, Industry Regional and Safety
Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage
Department of Primary industries and Regional
Department of Training and Workforce and
Department of Water and Environmental Regulation
Department of Transport
Department of Treasury
Department of Communities
Public Utilities Office
Western Australian Treasury Corporation
Experts in national and international advertised recruitment campaigns. Experienced in pooled and bulk recruitment intakes. Provision of services in panel member / chair and scribe capacity. Preliminary short listing for high volume processes. Full post box activities including drafting of advertising and responding to candidate enquiries. Design and creation of job advertisements. Organisational Psychology Services including Psychometric Assessments and 360 Degree Feedback Surveys.

Category profile category 3

HR investigation

Beilby’s consultants are experienced in conducting a range of HR investigations and have held high-level strategic and operational management roles in the public and private sector. They are familiar with the Public Sector Management Act (1994) and all relevant legislation within the remit of managing a public sector organisation. The team of Investigators, Alby Huts and Adrian Robinson have held investigations of a formal nature in relation to s.79 sub-standard performance and of a formal disciplinary nature and s.80, s81 of the Public Sector Management Act (1994). Adrian has overseen the representation of matters in the WA Industrial Relations Commission and both consultants are well versed in conducting and overseeing investigations into grievances, misconduct, equal employment opportunity, misappropriation of financial expenditure, workers’ compensation investigations and all other matters pertaining to legislation whether it be matters that can be managed by a public sector agency or matters that must be managed by the Corruption and Crime Commission.

Previous experience in category

Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Department of Corrective Services, Department of Education, WA Industrial Relations Commission
Referee for Adrian Robinson:
  • Investigations into serious misconduct often leading to termination of employment and individuals subsequently charged by the WA Police.
  • Managing complaints for schools in the district including liaison with Principals, staff, parents, legal advisors, confirmation of relevant Education Act and Regulations, generation of response letters and phone calls in relation to complaint to resolution.
  • Workforce management.
  • Management of Breach of Standards Claims.
  • Staff conduct.
  • Complaints management.
  • Local grievance management investigative fact-finds to more complex potential misconduct / disciplinary investigations.
  • Representing organisations as a witness in the WA Industrial Relations Commission, the Equal Opportunity Commission, WorkCover Conciliations / Arbitrations and other formal jurisdictions.
  • Representing organisations in Court.

Consultant details

Consultant Qualification Experience Level Category 1 Category 2 Category 3
Pam Svenningsen Postgraduate Certificate in Public Sector Management
Postgraduate Diploma in Business (HRM)
Bachelor of Commerce (majoring in Management)
1 Yes Yes Yes
Denise Wetherall Applied Diploma in Personal Management (UK) 1 No Yes No
Dawn Grieve B.A., H.E.D., M.A., Ph.D 1Julie Hewson B.Ed, Dip Ed; B.Ed 1 No Yes No
Julie Hewson B.Ed, Dip Ed; B.Ed. 1 No Yes No
Alby Huts Certificate III in Investigative Services
Graduate Diploma of Educational Administration
Bachelor of Applied Science
Teachers’ Higher Certificate
1 No Yes Yes
Alison Lang Graduate Certertificate in Management, Cert IV in Workplace Training 1 No Yes No
Karren Philp Diploma of Teaching, Bachelor of Arts, Teachers Higher Certificate 1 No Yes No
Adrian Robinson Master of Human Resource Management,
Grad Cert in Human Resource Management,
Diploma in Business Management 
1 No Yes Yes
Iyleen Vickers Master of Education (Educational Administration),
Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Administration,
Diploma in Education, Bachelor of Arts 
1 No Yes No
Leeanne Drummond Graduate Certificate of Occupational Health and Safety,
Bachelor of Education, Certificate IV TAA/TAE,
Cert IV Occupational Health and Safety
1 No Yes No
Doug Booth Bachelor of Education, Teachers Higher Certificate, Diploma of Education Primary Education, Teachers Certificate Primary Education  1 No Yes No
Donelle Gillam Master of Science (Health Science), Post Grad Dip in Health Promotions, Bachelor of Arts (Education – Health) 1 No Yes No
Tanya Thorp Post Grad Certificate in Gifted and Talented Education, Post Grad Dip in Education, BA Honours in Contemporary Writing 1 No Yes No
Cath Howard Diploma of Business Administration and Management (HRM), Certificate of Business Administration and Management (HRM) 1 No Yes Yes
Garry Hewitt Masters of Education, Bachelor of Education, Diploma of Teaching 1 No Yes No
Nanette Garland Bachelor of Arts (Town Planning and Urban Studies) 1 No Yes No
Suzanne Dimitrijevich Masters of Health Promotion, Cert IV Workplace Assessment and Training, Bachelor of Education (Primary) 2 No Yes No
Julie-Anne Vassallo Diploma in Business (Human Resources) 2 No Yes No
Last updated: 23 March 2020

Brennan & Associates

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Simon Smith
Direct telephone:
61 8 9475 0355
General telephone:
0420 422 711

About us

609 931 295
58 609 931 295

Category 3 HR investigation

Accepts P-Card
Licensed Investigators available

Contractor Profile

HR investigation

Brennan and Associates is a licenced investigation company that has been providing professional services to Insurance, Corporate, Government and Private sector clients for over 29 years. We have conducted over 14,000 investigations to date, and are known as one of the most reliable and experienced licenced investigation firms in Western Australia. Full details of our range of services can be found at

Our Workplace Investigation Team is headed by our Workplace Investigation Services Director, Simon Smith. Having spent 8 years as Assistant Director Complex Investigations at the Commonwealth Government Fair Work Ombudsman, Simon is a highly experienced investigator specialising in workplace conflict, bullying, harassment, misconduct, breach of discipline, grievances, underperformance, discrimination, coercion, duress, denial of entitlements, unlawful industrial action, sham contracting, misclassification of employment status, unfair dismissal, unlawful termination, adverse action and general fact finding investigations. He is also skilled in contemporary investigative interviewing techniques having trained as a trainer with Charles Sturt University in the delivery of Cognitive and PEACE model investigative interviewing for government investigations. With his prior experience, Simon understands the pressure faced by compliance managers and is totally committed to providing a high quality, professional and timely service to assist in meeting investigational standards and deadlines.

Our investigation team consists of male and female licenced investigators who all have extensive knowledge in the conduct of workplace investigations, so we are able to cater for occasions where, due to the circumstances, a female investigator is considered to be more appropriate to conduct the investigation.

To enable our clients to select the most cost effective investigative solution, we offer a full range of investigative services that can be tailored to suit individual needs. Having agreed the terms of engagement and scope of the investigation, we will manage the investigation process, provide regular client updates and deliver a clear, concise investigation report with defensible findings based upon facts that are supported by the evidence obtained.

Previous experience in category

Name of Client Description of Service Provided
MDC Legal, Investigation into allegations of workplace misconduct and sexual harassment.
Local Government Insurance Services,   Numerous investigations into allegations of workplace misconduct, bullying and harassment.

Consultant details

Consultant Qualification Experience Level
Simon Smith Diploma of Government (Investigation)
Cert III Investigative Services
Adrian Claxton Cert IV Government (Investigation),
Cert III Investigative Services
Alison Robinson Cert III Investigative Services,
Post Grad Diploma in Management Studies
Emma-Jane Body Admitted as a Solicitor in the UK – Nov 2001
Lawyer in NSW – Oct 2008
Lawyer in WA – Jan 2016
Cert III Investigative Services
Clare Heaven
Cert III Investigative Services
UK Police Sexual Offences and Child Protection Training
Mark Hunt Cert III Investigation Services
19 Years UK and WA Police experience
Last updated: 20 March 2020

Burgess and Sons Consulting

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Peter Burgess
General telephone:
0427 070 037

About us

43 775 294 780

Category 3 HR investigation

Does not accept P-Card
Licensed Investigators available

Contractor profile

HR investigation

Burgess and Sons Consulting has undertaken in excess of 600 misconduct, disciplinary, grievance and substandard performance (s79 Public Sector Management Act) investigations for over 100 organisations comprising WA state government agencies, in addition to numerous local government cities, towns and shires, commonwealth departments and private sector organisations throughout Western Australia from 1999 to the present, with particular and specific experience in successfully completing complex and sensitive investigations.  As a former Breach of Public Sector Standards reviewer, a significant number of breach reviews have been undertaken initially for the Commissioner for Public Sector Standards and more recently for agencies requesting an independent assessment of a breach claim.

Peter has also tutored and lectured at university in a number of Management and Human Resources units at undergraduate (first second and third year) levels and postgraduate units, and spent five years as a Management Consultant with Ernst & Young.

All investigations are independent and are undertaken in a bias free and extremely thorough manner ensuring procedural fairness with a high degree of confidentiality with findings made only on the evidence presented, in an objective manner.  With regard to grievance investigations that are subject to the Grievance Resolution Standard, reports are written that address all the issues raised in a grievance which ensures the minimum standard of merit, equity and probity as required by that standard is met, which precludes any subsequent breach claim submitted having substance.  Disciplinary and misconduct investigations are written to a standard that meets the requirements of the WAIRC or the Fair Work Commission should a respondent submit a claim to either of those bodies.

Previous experience in category

Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Organisational Development Coordinator City of Mandurah, Organisational Development Coordinator City of Mandurah Grievance investigations including allegations of bullying.
Senior Industrial Relations Consultant North Metropolitan TAFE, Breach of discipline (PSM Act s80) investigations
Barrack Gold Corporation
Central Land Council Alice Springs
City of Bayswater
City of Greater Geraldton
City of Joondalup
City of Mandurah
City of Nedlands
City of South Perth
City of Wanneroo
Department of Health
Department of Transport
Department of Treasury and Finance
East Pilbara Health Service
Gascoyne Health Service
Kimberley Health Service
Legal Aid WA
Main Roads WA
Mental Health Commission
Royal Perth Hospital
Shire of Chittering
Shire of East Pilbara
Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale
Shire of Shark Bay
Shire of Toodyay
Shire of Yalgoo
Town of Bassendean
Town of Cambridge
Town of Port Hedland
Town of Victoria Park
WA Local Government Association
Breaches of Legislation, and Codes of Conduct and Ethics
Bullying and Harassment in a workplace
Conflict of Interest.
Discrimination and victimisation
Fraud and theft
Inappropriate use of computers
Inappropriate workplace behaviour
Serious misconduct
Sexual misconduct
Substandard performance

Consultant details

Consultant Qualification Experience Level 
Peter Burgess Master of Business Administration
Bachelor of Business in Management, Human Resources and Industrial Relations
Investigator’s License
Last updated: 19 May 2020

Chandler Macleod - HR

Show more

Contact details

Direct telephone:
61 8 9217 0501
General telephone:
61 8 9217 0510

About us

090 555 052
33 090 555 052

Category 2 recruitment management

Accepts P-Card

Contractor profile

Recruitment management

Established in 1959, Chandler Macleod Group is Australasia’s leading provider of integrated human resources services, products and technologies. Chandler Macleod helps people and organisations to reach their full potential by enhancing their human resource strategy and practices to support achievement of their goals. This is delivered through provision of Permanent, Temporary and Contract Staffing, Psychometric Assessment, HR Consulting Services, Managed Workforces, Outsourcing and Payroll and HR technologies.

Our history of supply to the Government sector spans the history of our organisation - 57 years – and Government represents our largest sector. We are active at all tiers—local, state and federal— and operate in every state and territory. In FY15 we placed 6,223 candidates in Government roles and provided 4,123 assessment services for Government clients.

In delivering these services, Chandler Macleod helps organisations to plan for their future workforce needs, source the best talent for their business, assess the potential of individuals and teams, develop skills to increase the effectiveness of employees, team and organisations and manage a safer, more efficient and productive workplace.

Previous experience in category
Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Queensland Police Department of Mines and Petroleum LandGate Department of Corrections Main Roads Western Australia . Department of Health Department of the Attorney General Water Corporation Recruitment Management Assessment for selection
WA Department of Education Australian Taxation Office (All States) Department of Human Services Department of Corrections End to End Graduate Recruitment Management inclusive of Assessment Centre Design.
Department of Health Department of the Attorney General Water Corporation Recruitment Management

Consultant details

Consultant Qualification Experience Level
Mr Jamie Greer Masters, Psychology (Org.) 1
Mrs Rachel Jones Diploma of Health and Aging 1
Mr Damir Kadic Diploma Building and Construction 1
Ms Kyra Bonney B.Sc. (ICMD) 1
Last updated: 11 December 2019

ChoiceOne Total Recruitment

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Simone Van Heurck
General telephone:
61 8 9215 3888

About us

88 050 158 195

Category 1 job design and classification
Category 2 recruitment management

Does not accept P-Card

Contractor profile category 1

Job design and classification

ChoiceOne offers Job Design and Classification advice and solutions. We provide expert advice on job design and classification, using the BI/PERS system along with our 10+ years of experience working with the government, in order to conduct accurate and logical assessments of new and existing positions.

From base level through to senior management positions, we facilitate job design and classification processes, prepare classification business cases, draft and amend job descriptions, comparative assessments, undertake and draft classification determinations, and prepare draft and final criteria progression reports with recommendations (classification reports). Our consultants are fully trained and experienced in the use of Public Sector Classification guidelines, and have specific experience in 50(d) and specified calling roles.

Previous experience in category
Name of Client Description of Services Provided
  • Landgate
  • Department of Planning
  • GESB
  • Burswood Park Board
  • Department of Planning
  • WA Country Health Service
  • Landgate
  • Department of Health (including Specified Calling positions)
  • Department of Education
  • Department of Commerce
  • Department of Health
  • Department of Lands
  • Department of Fisheries
  • Department of Justice
  • Department of Water
  • Forest Products Commission
  • Perth Zoo
  • ChoiceOne was invited by Landgate to assist in the documentation of eleven newly created roles. This included writing job descriptions and ensuring that all the positions were in line with Public Sector Classification levels, and Classification of roles using BIPERS.
  • Full Classification of various levels: JDFs and completion of classification / recommendation report.
  • Job Description creation
  • Job Description review
  • Job Evaluation Questionnaire (Managers and Incumbents)
  • Organisational Structure review
  • BIPERS evaluation
  • HSU comparatives
  • Specified Callings comparatives/Occupational Guidelines Structural/Functional reviews
  • Comparative assessments
  • Classification report and recommendations
  • Business Cases Mercer CID preparation (SES positions)

Contractor profile category 2

Recruitment management

ChoiceOne have over 10 years’ experience supporting State Government agencies with Selection and Recommendation processes to attract, select and appoint within the Public Sector Standards and Departmental guidelines.

Our consulting team has extensive training and experience in all aspects of the selection process for positions from Trainees to Director General positions. This includes managing and coordinating the filling of single and multiple positions, establishment of new offices, as well as large and statewide pool recruitment exercises, within strict timeframes. We have an excellent understanding of the legislation and standards and ensure we remain up to date with trends and issues in Government.
We have extensive experience with specified calling and 50(d) roles. We are licensed psychometric testers and offer a range of skills testing.
We strive to provide each client with the highest quality of service in all levels of government, providing detailed information to selection panels to allow for processes to be undertaken in the most effective, efficient and timely manner without compromising standards, allowing you to focus on your core business activities.

End-to-End services such as:

  • Advising on processes.
  • Thorough assessments of written applications.
  • Facilitating the shortlisting meeting.
  • Drafting behavioural and scenario panel questions.
  • Alternative assessment – assessment centres, telescreening.
  • Scheduling interviews.
  • Conducting thorough referee reports.
  • Preparing selection and recommendation reports including supporting documentation.
  • Providing feedback to applicants.
  • Psychometric assessments and analysis and Skills Testing.
  • Office Set Up:
  • Set up of the Office of Information Management division (DEC).
  • Set up of the Project Management Office (DH).
  • Set up of the Sheriff’s Office (DotAG)

(For each, project managed the recruitment of 7 – 15+ positions within strict timeframes)
Engaged as key consultants for the recruitment of Fiona Stanley Hospital clinical staff.

Previous experience in category 
Name of Client Description of Services Provided
Attorney General, Child Protection, Corruption & Crime Commission, Corrective Services, Commerce, Cultural and the Arts, Economic Regulation Authority, Education, Finance, Fire and Emergency Services, GESB, WACHS, Health, Housing, Mental Health Commission, Parks and Wildlife, Planning, Polytechnic West, Premier and Cabinet, Public Sector Commission, Regional Development, State Development, Lands, TAFE, Transport, Work Cover, Perth Zoo Drafting advertisements, writing job descriptions, post box services, executive searching, pool and bulk recruitment, recruitment strategies, assessment centres, psychometric and skills testing.

Consultant details

Consultant Qualification Experience Level
Ms Simone Van Heurck Bachelor of Commerce
Graduate Diploma of Human
Resources; Masters of Commerce (Human Resources Management)
Mr Chris Murphy Bachelor of Commerce (HR Management and Industrial Relations) 1
Ms Jessica Albers Bachelor of Commerce (Human Resources, Industrial
Relations, Management), Certificate 4 TAE (Training and Assessment)
Ms Katharine Honeybul
Bachelor of Arts (Hons.)(European Studies) 1
Mr Timothy Loh Bachelor of Commerce (Business Law), Masters of
Business (HR Management)
Mrs Jade Carnaby Bachelor of Commerce (Finance and Marketing) 2
Last updated: 11 December 2019


Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Chris Murphey
Direct telephone:
61 8 9245 6428
General telephone:
0403 009 808

About us

135 554 022
89 135 554 022

Category 1 job design and classification

Does not accept P-Card

Contractor profile

Job design and classification

Chris Murphy and his team have been providing job design and classification services to the Public Sector since 1996. Major clients include the Department of Parks and Wildlife, Department of Environment Regulation, Department of Commerce and Department of Mines and Petroleum. To date all recommendations on proposed classification and reclassification levels have been supported by the relevant agency’s Classification Review Committee.

CJMConsulting has 20 years’ experience in drafting new and amending existing JDFs, preparing Job Evaluation Questionnaires, undertaking BIPERS assessments, researching comparison positions to assess work value changes and preparing classification reports with recommendations. We also have extensive experience in drafting and finalising criteria progression reports with recommendations.

Previous experience in category
Name of Client Description of Services Provided
Department of Parks and Wildlife  Several hundred classification and reclassification reviews over 20 years ranging from Level 1 to Class 2.
Department of Commerce  Various Level 2 to Level 8 classification reviews for several divisions including WorkSafe, Building Commission and Consumer Protection
Landgate  Structural review of the Department of the WA land Information System to align its operation with the newly developed WALIS Strategic Plan.
Health Department & Health Corporate Network  Classification review within the Health Department and across the health industry.

Consultant details

Consultant Qualification Experience Level
Chris Murphy
B.Commerce (Human Resource Management and
Industrial Relations) with Distinction – Curtin University of

Rosan Morgan

Degree and Post Graduate qualifications in Nursing and over 12 years’ experience undertaking classification / reclassification reviews

Peter Newman
B. Economics - University of WA
Diploma in Public Administration (TAFE)
Murray Orrell Bachelor of Arts, Diploma in Public Administration &
Certificate IV in Government Investigation
Experience Level 1
Last updated: 11 December 2019

DFP Recruitment

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Kate Duncan
Direct telephone:
61 8 9287 9800
General telephone:
61 8 9287 9802

About us

006 381 899
66 394 749 447

Category 2 recruitment management

Contractor profile

Recruitment management

DFP Recruitment Services is a well-established full recruitment consultancy whose commercial objective is in placement services, volume recruitment and the delivery of innovative approaches to match client requirements. We are able to undertake concurrent projects and have demonstrated experience in handling campaigns with over 5,000 applicants requiring 1,000 candidates to participate in assessment centres. We are able to provide recruitment solutions in the business support, contact centre, healthcare, mid to senior management, professional, operational, technical and engineering and industrial market segments. Our specialist brand, DFP Government, provides expertise and a team that understands and operates within the complex legislative framework that underpins public sector recruitment. We tailor solutions that are transparent and align with specific requirements. DFP has a regional network of branches in Broome, Port Hedland, Karratha and Kalgoorlie and can provide recruitment and panel services to Regional Offices of State Government Agencies.

Previous experience in category
Name of Client Description of Service
Provided Country High School Hostels Authority Department of Aboriginal Affairs Department of Culture and the Arts Department of Education Department of Environmental Regulation Department of Finance Department of Health Department of Housing Department of Planning Department of Transport Department of Water School Curriculum and Standards Authority WA Country Health Western Australia Police Panel Membership and Scribing Services for Permanent Recruitment. Process including reviewing of applications, shortlisting, scheduling applicant interviews, writing interview questions, reference checks, validation of work rights, writing recommendation reports and providing candidate feedback to successful and unsuccessful applicants for various position levels 1 - 9. 
Australian Taxation Office Department of the Attorney General NDIA National PSA. Project Management and Hosting National recruitment programs for Level 3 though to EL 1 and 2. Screening, scheduling interviews and conducting assessment security screening.

Consultant details

Consultant Qualification Experience Level 
Kate Duncan
Bachelor of Business , Graduate Diploma Human
Resource Management, Diploma Of Management
Sarah Toohey Diploma of Management, Certificate 1V OHS 1
Fabio Mastrocola Diploma Applied Languages 2
Linda Trunkfield Bachelor of Psychology, Certificate IV (Workplace Training and Assessment), Diploma of Management 2
Last updated: 11 December 2019

Dillinger Group Development Pty Ltd

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Dillinger Group Development Pty Ltd
Direct telephone:
61 8 9379 9422
General telephone:
61 8 9379 9422

About us

072 348 077
68 072 348 077

Category 1 job design and classification
Category 2 recruitment management

Accepts P-Card

Contractor profile category 1

Job design and classification

Dillinger Group Development has been in business since 1996. We have the capability of undertaking assignments ranging from functional and organisational reviews to undertaking Job Design and Classification Assessment process on positions at an organisational, divisional, branch, section or individual level. Our Consultants possess extensive experience in job design, and undertaking classification assessments on new and existing positions. The services that can be provided include developing Job Description Forms, preparing work value assessments (new and existing positions), undertaking research and analysis and preparing and presenting comprehensive reports. Our experience in this field has expanded to providing documentation and training to staff working in public sector agencies in the use of the BI/PERs Work Value Assessment System.

Over the past twenty (20) years we have established professional and productive working relationships with a range of clients in various public sector organisations.

Our Consultants provide high quality services that comply with public sector legislation, policies and guidelines. We are able to offer an end to end service in a range of human resource activities ranging from functional and structural reviews, job design, classification assessment and recruitment

Previous experience in category 1
Name of Client  Description of Service 
Department Of Transport Undertaking functional and structural reviews that then required job design, classification and reclassification assessments to be undertaken. Prepared a significant number of individual creation and reclassification reports. Designed and delivered training in the use of the BI/PERs work value assessment system.
WA Police Provided consultancy advice to the Commissioner and other members of the Board on restructures together with completing reports (including classification assessments). This has included preparing information submitted to the Salaries and Allowances Tribunal and Public Sector Commission.

Contractor profile category 2

Recruitment management

Dillinger Group have a team of highly experienced staff, possessing the capability of leading, managing, participating or assisting in the recruitment of a range of occupations including positions ranging from Level 1, Senior Executive and Chief Executive Officer. We have the capacity and capability of providing the full range of recruitment services that includes drafting advertisements, responding to enquiries, accepting applications, short listing applications, preparing interview questions, organising actual interviews, attendance either in an active or inactive role, obtaining referee information, preparing the selection report and provision of feedback. We have designed recruitment and selection processes for specific occupations that include the use of assessment centres. We have established professional and productive working relationships with a range of clients in various public sector organisations.

Our Consultants provide high quality services that comply with public sector legislation, policies and guidelines. We are able to offer an end to end service in a range of human resource activities ranging from functional and structural reviews, job design, classification assessment and recruitment management.

Previous experience in category 2
Name of Client Description of Service provided 
  • Department of Transport,
  • Department of Education,
  • WA Police, Department of Health,
  • Department of Planning,
  • Department of Sport and Recreation,
  • Central Institute of Technology,
  • Disability Services Commission,
  • Potato Marketing Corporation,
  • National Trust of Australia (WA),
  • Housing Authority,
  • Department of Lands,
  • Department of Regional Development,
  • Mental Health Commission,
  • Department of Finance

Services provided include drafting advertisements, post box services, pool, bulk and individual positional recruitment; use of assessment centres, psychometric and skill testing. We have been required to provide advice on recruitment management strategies and processes, undertake the shortlisting of applications, drafting interview questions, scheduling interviews, participating as an active or inactive member on selection panels, obtaining referee information, prepare selection reports, and provide feedback to applicants.

We have been able to provide responsive, effective, efficient and timely services without standards being compromised. 

Consultant details

Consultant Qualification Experience Level
Joe Radici
Diploma in Public Administration
Adam Radici Bachelor Of Science and Graduate Diploma in Education 1
Andrea Hancock
Bachelor of Commerce,
Post graduate qualification in Human Resource Management
Masters of Business Administration
Kim Ward
Diploma in Teaching/Bachelor of Education
Experience Level 1
Greg Robson Bachelor of Education (UWA), Bachelor of Arts (UWA), Master of Education (University of Sheffield) 1
Last updated: 11 December 2019

Emergency Support Network

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Carla Fotev
General telephone:
61 8 9203 7777

About us

088 411 910
58 088 411 910

Category 3 HR investigation 

Accepts P-Card
Licensed Investigators available

Contractor profile

HR investigation

Since 1999 ESN has been providing innovative, strategic solutions to create flourishing workplaces with teams of productive, positive people.  The combined expertise of our consultants offers a range of highly developed and effective approaches.  We understand exactly how positive workplaces and well trained, focused people are a crucial advantage to any organisation.

The Emergency Support Network is dedicated to providing best practice, timely and practical investigation services.  With extensive experience in providing investigative services to government, local government, and private sector organisations, ESN can conduct investigations into a range of highly complex issues.  We are adept at investigating: grievances, sexual harassment, bullying, discrimination, misconduct, disciplinary issues, and other workplace concerns.  Our experience extends to reviewing prior investigations, as well as having our investigations, favourably reviewed in other forums, such as the CCC, WAIRC, PSC, FWC and courts.  We are well versed in contemporary public sector practices, policy and frameworks as well as general legislative requirements.  We will objectively investigate every complaint, dispute or concern with sensitivity, in a neutral and objective manner, and at all times promoting the principles of procedural fairness and natural justice.  Our investigations are transparent, systematic and timely.  We provide reports that are useful and have achievable recommendations based upon the evidenced findings.

Under the direction of Carla Fotev, investigations are allocated to the most appropriate Investigator to meet the required scope.  For example, we are able to match the Investigator to an assignment whereby there may be sensitivities such as cultural requirements, or particular background knowledge / gender may be more beneficial for the role.  We seek at all times to provide a consistent and high level of service, that is up to the standards that we believe our Client agencies should expect.  All of ESN Consultants are aware of their requirements to carry out services in accordance with an agency’s policies, procedures and with due respect for confidentiality and Occupational Safety and Health requirements.

Our Consultants, have in the majority over 25+ years’ experience in workplace investigations, HR consulting, and training.  All hold a range of memberships including: Australian Psychological Society, Australian Human Resources Institute, Professional Speakers Australia, and Crisis Intervention & Management Australasia.  As an organisation, we specialise in consulting support, intervention, and training in the areas of interpersonal skills, conflict resolution, grievance management, bullying & harassment, psychosocial hazards, fitness for work, crisis response, mediation, psychometric assessment, cultural review and analysis, team functionality innovations, safety climate reviews, coaching, peer support training and products, effective supervisor / management skills, performance management, change management, risk management, OSH / EEO assistance, policy and procedure development and review, employee wellness initiatives, organisational behaviour and development, stress management / resiliency, and counselling.

For more detailed information, please see

Previous experience in category

Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Art Gallery WA
Child and Adolescent Health Services
City of Armadale
Department of Commerce
Department of Communities
Department of Corrective Services
Department of Fisheries
Department of Health
Department of Justice
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Department of Treasury
Fiona Stanley Hospital
Health Support Services
Legal Aid WA
North Metropolitan Health Services
Office of Director Public Prosecutions
Perth Cultural Centre
Public Transport Authority of WA
South Metropolitan Health Services
South Regional TAFE
State Library of WA
University of Western Australia
WA Police

During the course of the past three years we have provided the following services to our listed clients:

  • Preliminary inquiries into breach of the Code of Conduct / potential serious misconduct
  • Reviews of numerous staff complaints
  • Response to PSC question pertaining to investigation
  • Investigation into CCC referral
  • Investigation into allegations of failure to disclose a conflict of interest
  • Disciplinary and misconduct / serious misconduct investigations
  • Investigation into safety culture and hazards
  • Review of suspected breach of discipline investigation process
  • Make redactions to a report prepared by another provider

Consultant details

Consultant Qualification Experience Level
Carla Fotev Inquiry Agent / Investigator / Security Agent No: 39685
M.Ed.Psych., B.Psych., PG Dip.Ed., Cert.IV TAA, Cert III Inv. Serv., Cert IV Gov. Inv. (Reg. Compl.), MAPS, CAHRI, Registered Psychologist.
Miles Browne-Cooper Inquiry Agent / Investigator No: 58365
M.App.Psych (Org), B.Psych, Cert III Inv. Serv.
Kath Polglase B.Sc. (Psych.), PG Dip. Psych., PG Dip.Ed., M.Psych., Cert III Inv. Serv., Assoc. APS, Registered Psychologist. 1
Karyn Corby

B.Arts (business, psychology and education), Cert IV Assessment and Workplace Training, Certified Practitioner of Meta Dynamics, Cert III Inv. Serv (pending), MAHRI. 

Terry Bransby 42 years in complex government agencies including 30 years in a variety of HR Manager and Practitioner roles. 1
Last updated: 20 March 2020

Equal Consulting

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Andrea Michailidis
Direct telephone:
61 8 6210 1665
General telephone:
0417 398 178

About us

074 363 750
52 293 014 858

Category 2 recruitment management

Does not accept P-Card

Contractor profile

Recruitment management

Since commencing operations in 1994, Equal has provided management services to a significant number of WA public sector agencies.  This 26 year history of working for public sector agencies offers the highest level of assurance of Equal’s knowledge and experience. Equal has a solid and proven track record in the provision of public sector human resources management services and all our Consultants have extensive knowledge of, and experience in, public sector recruitment processes.  Examples of clients that we have provided recruitment services to include Department of Communities, the Corruption and Crime Commission, the Department of Health, the Department of Treasury and the Department of Fire and Emergency Services.

In recruitment processes Equal has:

  • provided guidance and/or advice in relation to recruitment and selection including advice on pre-recruitment planning and support, best practice recruitment, innovative retention strategies and candidate assessment techniques.
  • provided consulting services to public sector agencies including preparation of relevant documentation and Recommendation Reports.
  • short-listed applicants as a Panel Member and on an individual basis for large and pool recruitment processes.
  • participated as a Panel Member and acted as the Convenor of the Panel.
  • used a range of recruitment methods in public sector selection and recruitment processes including tests of attainment, ability testing and job related aptitude testing.
  • Equal has a good understanding of targeted Equal Employment Opportunity recruitment services strategies for People with Disabilities and for Indigenous Australians.
  • Equal has successfully undertaken numerous recruitment projects for a range of agencies and as a result agencies have become repeat customers and regularly call on Equal for assistance with large, significant or very complex projects.

Previous experience in category

Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Corruption and Crime Commission, Department of Agriculture and Food, Department of Finance, Department of Lands, Department of Health, Department of Transport, Department of Treasury, Main Roads, Small Business Development Corporation 

Equal has participated in a wide range of recruitment processes and prepared all relevant documentation. Services include:

  • shortlisting,
  • arranging interviews,
  • preparation of interview questions,
  • reference checking,
  • selection report preparation and
  • post interview feedback.

Recruitment has been from Levels 1-9 and in specialist and technical positions including Engineers, Veterinary Officers, Intelligence Analysts, Environment Officers and Marine Officers. Panel participation and/or scribing services are provided. Experience includes pool recruitment and graduate recruitment.

Department of Communities Equal has participated in a wide range of recruitment processes and prepared all related documentation for Department of Communities for a number of years.  Recruitment has been from Levels 1-9 in a range of areas including business administration, project management, media and communications, finance, policy and customer service.  Equal has also undertaken large pool recruitment processes in this agency including Child Protection Workers and Field Workers.
Consultant details
Consultant Qualifications Experience Level
Andrea Michailidis
Bachelor Economics
Carmel Philippe
Bachelor of Applied Science (Psychology)
Graduate Dip. (Org Psych)
Michelle Kouroulis
Bachelor of Commerce 1
Pauline Ivancich
Certificate of Commerce & Business
Certificate IV in Professional Writing & Editing
Last updated: 14 May 2020

GJT Consulting

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Gary Turkich
General telephone:
0408 688 881

About us

41 044 323 538

Category 1 job design and classification
Category 2 recruitment management

Does not accept P-Card

Contractor profile category 1

Job design and classification

Gary Turkich is the Director of GJT Consulting and has provided a range of consulting services to a large number of clients and has been a management consultant since January 1999. He has substantial experience in major structural review projects, which includes developing and classifying structures; developing change management strategies for cultural change; consultation and communication plans; and developing and implementing the appointment process to staff organisations.

His experience in organisational reviews and classification determination is extensive and he is a former chairperson of Classification Review Committees. Gary has extensive experience in using the BI/PERS classification methodology, assessing work value change, undertaking comparative assessments against other positions, being aware of internal relativities and potential flow-on effects and making recommendations on appropriate classification levels. He is also well experienced in preparing submissions for Senior Executive Service positions for assessment by the Mercer Cullen Egan Dell system, and in remuneration reviews. His knowledge of job design and classification methodologies is applied in the public sector through work undertaken in organisational reviews and restructures, and in undertaking classification assessments for all levels of positions including CEO, SES, non SES, technical, professional, specified calling and specialist positions.

Previous experience in category
Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority HR Consulting; Job Design & Classification; Recruitment
Perth Market Authority  HR Consulting; Job Design & Classification; Recruitment
Tourism WA  HR Consulting; Job Design & Classification
Construction Training Fund HR Consulting; Job Design & Classification

Contractor profile category 2

Recruitment management

Gary Turkich is the Director of GJT Consulting, and has provided a range of consulting services to a large number of clients and has been a management consultant since January 1999. He has substantial experience in major structural review projects, which includes developing and classifying structures; developing change management strategies for cultural change; consultation and communication plans; and developing and implementing the appointment process to staff organisations.

Gary has extensive experience in providing recruitment and selection services to government agencies and a comprehensive understanding of the Public Sector Standards and regulatory framework that applies to recruitment in the WA public sector.

Previous experience in category
Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority HR Consulting; Job Design & Classification; Recruitment
Perth Market Authority HR Consulting; Job Design & Classification; Recruitment

Consultant details

Consultant Qualification Experience Level
Gary Turkich Associate Fellow Australian Human Resources Institute
Diploma in Business Administration
Last updated: 11 December 2019

Gold Security Group (International) Pty Ltd

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Aleksandar Borkovic
General telephone:
61 8 9443 9800

About us

086 548 745
90 086 548 745

Category 3 HR investigation

Accepts P-Card
Licensed Investigators Available

Contractor profile

HR investigation

GSG is licensed under the Security and Related Activities (Control) Act 1998; Peter GRANT being the nominee. It is a Quality Endorsed company accredited to ISO9001:2015 certification. GSG is a Gold Status, corporate member of the Australian Security Industry Association Limited (ASIAL). Investigators can be nominated for particular investigations and where appropriate, they can become ‘authorised persons’ within relevant legislation. GSG is immediately able to offer the services of a number of personnel who can perform the tasks and meet all of the standards that are sought. For quality assurance purposes Peter LAVENDER acts as case manager for public sector inquiries predominantly, but is available for investigations if needed. Investigations into suspected breaches of discipline and disciplinary inquiries under the Public Sector Management Act 1994 have been completed for a wide range of public sector agencies. An efficient and effective approach is used to inquire into and resolve the allegations or issues in the best interests of all concerned. All such inquiries are subject to the application of the principles of natural justice. Procedural fairness is observed by persons conducting reviews of actions and related investigations.

Insofar as industry experience is relevant, GSG conducts investigations globally, nationally and predominately within WA. The listed personnel exceed 200 years combined experience as investigators. All of the designated personnel have been involved in degrees of conflict resolution and mediation in various situations in their former roles. GSG has a strong commitment to maintaining stakeholder confidentiality. Policies and practices are aligned with the NPP and continually monitored to maintain the high standards required when dealing with information. All of the experiences, principles and protocols, various practices and procedures such as statement taking and report compilation, have been developed into a set of investigation guidelines that are the benchmark for all investigations conducted by GSG.

Previous experience in category 3

Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Department of Food and Agriculture WA,  Investigations into breaches of discipline vide the PSMA and breaches of the WA Public Sector Code of Ethics and the DAFWA Code of Conduct. The investigation was conducted partly in Regional WA.
Main Roads WA, Investigation into conflict of interest matters and breaches of discipline vide the PSMA.
Central Institute of technology,   Investigation into acts of misconduct and breaches of the Institute’s Code of Conduct.

Consultant details

Consultant Qualification Experience Level
Malcolm Evans
Grad Dip Bus (Mgmt)
Dip Mgmt
Cert Crim Just Ed
Cert III Inv Ser
Peter Lavender (APM)
Exec Cert Mgt
Dip Pol
Assoc Dip Bus
Cert III Inv Serv
Jim Zaknich 
Post Grad Dip (Bus Law)
Churchill Fellow
Cert III Inv Serv
Dominic Blackshaw
Cert III Inv Serv,
Dip Pol
Dip Crim Inv
Adv Dip Bus Mgmt
Grad Cert Finance Inv
Grad Cert Sec Mgmt
Dip Govt (Fraud Control Inv)
Cert III Inv Service
John WIBBERLEY Adv Dip Bus Mgt
Dip Crim Inv
Dip Pol
Cert III Inv Serv
Experience Level 1
Cert III Inv Serv
Dip Pol
Adv Dip Public Safety (Police Inv)
Liljana CVIJIC
Cert III Inv Serv
Dip Pol
Grad Cert Applied Mgmt
Dip Crim Inv
Adv Dip Mgmt
Dip Public safety (Pol)
Grad Cert Applied Mgmt
Dip Pol
Cert IVPol
Cert III Inv Ser
Last updated: 11 December 2019

Harrier Human Capital Pty Ltd

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Vicki Steen
Direct telephone:
61 8 6555 4300
General telephone:
61 8 6555 4364

About us

123 202 951
49 123 202 951

Category 2 recruitment management

Does not accept P-Card

Contractor profile

Recruitment management

Harrier Human Capital is a wholly Australian owned recruitment, strategic HR consulting and managed solutions business.

We deliver sustained business improvement through human capital by providing recruitment, strategic HR consulting and managed solutions across Australia and Asia Pacific. Calling on the expertise of our high quality, experienced people, we help employers realise their strategic objectives through the attraction and retention of the most sought after talent, mitigating risk while delivering tangible savings.

Harrier has a reputation for customer excellence and is renowned for the timely delivery of business critical talent in complex organisations and government departments.

Our core value proposition is:

  • Sourcing outstanding talent for permanent, fixed-term and temporary roles across the HR and Recruitment disciplines;
  • HR consulting, strategy and workforce planning;
  • Recruitment process outsourcing (RPO);
  • Professional services – including payroll, assessment and selection, talent mapping and pipelining, recruitment technology consulting, employee brand and value proposition, resourcing audits and benchmarking, performance and metric analysis;

Our Resourcing division is comprised of experienced recruitment professionals from leading multinational organisations, who each have a distinct discipline focus enabling them to be specialists in their field. We support our clients to improve their internal resourcing processes, which we have found effective in reducing their time to hire and cost of delivery. We understand the pressures faced by our clients and we are able to provide advice based on industry best practice and offer services that are completely tailored and outcome focused.

Previous experience in category
Name of Client Description of Services Provided
Recruitment management services for permanent Chevron roles accounting for some 500 hires per year in a highly competitive and talent-short market
Coles  Recruiting 1,300 roles per year, the Harrier Coles team fills management, operational and in-store roles following a recruitment process designed and implemented by Harrier.
Water Corporation Provision of temporary and permanent recruitment services
Synergy Provision of temporary and permanent recruitment services.
HBF Provision of temporary and permanent recruitment services.
Provision of temporary and permanent recruitment services.
Wesfarmers Provision of temporary and permanent recruitment services.

Consultant details

Consultant Qualification Experience Level
Jodie Choyce
Director Resourcing Division
Helen Gormley
Client Solutions Director
Lindsey Barnett
Client Solutions Manager
Experience Level 2
Delwyn Hook
Client Solutions Partner
Last updated: 11 December 2019

Hays Specialist Recruitment (Australia)

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
David Irvine
General telephone:
61 8 9486 9553

About us

001 407 281
47 001 407 281

Category 2 recruitment management

Accepts P-Card Yes

Contractor profile

Recruitment management

Hays is experienced and skilled in providing recruitment services to the public sector. Hays was the first national recruitment consultancy to establish a Public Sector specialisation, where consultants are fully dedicated to understanding and servicing the specific needs of our public sector clients.

Our experience and the service offered by Hays gives us an unparalleled knowledge and operational base to provide a high quality, cost-effective recruitment service for the WA Public Sector. We have developed a team of specialist public sector consultants in each of our business units, dedicated to handling the recruitment needs at all levels of the Public Sector. We have been named as Contractors on many federal and state public sector recruitment panels and contracts.

Hays has extensive experience providing solutions to complex issues both in the Public Sector and large commercial organisations. We have experience in supplying from one-off to high volumes of staff using consistent, carefully tailored methodologies, and experience in managing contracts in line with service level agreements and key performance indicators.

Hays’ investment in our business has seen us become the region’s largest corporate recruitment advertiser and our website has the highest number of unique visitors of any recruitment company website. We are continually developing our services with the aim of anticipating our clients’ needs and our current expertise
includes the following elements:
• Recruitment
• Temporary staffing solutions at all levels,
• On and off-line ability, personality and intelligence testing, and
• Assessment Centres for volume recruitment and simulations

Hays HR Assessment and Development (HR A&D)
This team consists of a team of recruitment and HR consultants who provide a full suite of recruitment services to organisations. They are experienced professionals who all have over ten years’ experience in this space and have all attended merit based selection training as per the public sector commission. We have strong experience in delivering unbundled services, bulk recruitment projects or campaigns and internal transformation and change projects. As a team of consultants, we are
able to create a project team quickly and can scale up or down as needed to fit a client’s budget or requirement.

Key service elements include:
• Unbundled services: Over the last year we have worked with organisations in WA such as Main Roads WA, the Public Transport Authority and the Department of Health as well as a number of Federal and Local Government clients, offering offsite and onsite help with shortlisting, reference taking, scribes, independent panel recruitment specialists, outplacement workshops and career coaching
• Bulk Recruitment Campaigns: We have worked most recently with VenuesWest, assisting with the bulk recruitment of a number of key positions within their corporate services team including the Director of Corporate Services. This bulk recruitment campaign consisted of designing and developing a framework in line with core capabilities of the positions, advertising, creating a robust interview and assessment centre and management of candidate communication and he logistics of the assessment days and shortlisting. We have also assisted St Vincent De Paul with their trial role out of the NDIS.
• Recruitment Services: Over the last three years we have worked on an array of projects, partnering with organisations to help them through a period of change while ensuring consistency and confidentiality.
• Senior Executive Transitions: We have worked on senior executive transitions with Department of Planning, Office or Environment and have worked on larger scale projects with Transport for NSW and Family and Community services. We have significant experience of working within the guidelines from the Public Service Commission and Government Sector Employment Act.

Working across State Government on numerous projects, HRAD understands the importance of project milestones, deadlines and timeframes. Having the flexibility to quickly scale a project to an individual clients’ needs ensures we offer a fluid solution

Last updated: 11 December 2019

Heelan & Co Industrial Relations and Management

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Mark Vallence
Direct telephone:
61 8 9204 7777
General telephone:
0438 838 835

About us

067 556 398
26 067 556 398

Category 3 HR investigation

Accepts P-Card
No licensed Investigators available

Contractor profile

HR investigation

Heelan and Co. has extensive experience in facilitating workplace investigations in both the public and private sectors. The consultants employed by Heelan and Co possess in excess of 60 years combined IR/ER experience (see below), a significant portion of which centres around workplace investigations.

Specifically, Heelan and Co have extensive experience in:

  • Identifying the framework around which a particular investigation is to be conducted;
  • Developing (and implementing) tailored approaches for the undertaking of workplace investigations;
  • Assisting employers to (themselves) conduct workplace investigations;
  • Preparing comprehensive workplace investigation reports (including conclusions) designed to stand up to scrutiny; and
  • Providing advice in relation to the IR/HR consequences that can flow from a workplace investigation.

Heelan and Co Personnel: (1) Mr Tony Heelan - Managing Director of Heelan and Co with more than 30 years’ experience in IR/ER. (2) Mr Mark Vallence - Senior Consultant with approximately 20 years’ experience in IR/ER. (3) Mr Warren Milward - Consultant (legally qualified) with approximately 15 years’ experience in IR/ER (including lengthy stints in senior management positions with DOCEP). All Heelan and Co. personnel have extensive experience in conducting investigations within the public and private sectors.

Previous experience in category
Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Fremantle Ports, Investigation into complaints regarding, inappropriate conduct in the workplace.
Alcoa World Alumina Australia, Investigation into claims of bullying and harassmen

Consultant details

Consultant Qualification Experience Level
Tony Heelan
Bachelor of Arts (Industrial Relations) 1
Mark Vallence   1
Warren Milward
Bachelor of Laws (Hons)
Bachelor of Commerce - Management
Last updated: 11 December 2019


Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Wendy Lamotte
Direct telephone:
1300 656 807
General telephone:
0427 981 461

About us

123 570 221
71 671 564 135

Category 2 recruitment management

Accepts P-Card

Contractor profile

Recruitment management

Humanconnection provide regional and metropolitan agencies with effective end-to-end sourcing solutions.
Our Principal has significant recruitment experience including 8 years recruiting for the WA public sector. We ensure our understanding of Agency recruitment objectives and develop recruitment campaigns that meet Agency diversity and skills requirements. Our processes will deliver pre recruitment planning, a fit for purpose resourcing strategy and a recruitment system that complies with Public Sector protocols and guidelines. We ensure objective assessment of merit through STAR and Behavioural interview techniques. All processes adhere to the standards of merit, equity and diversity and our recruitment methods deliver a full audit trail that capture phone, written and email communications.

Services fit into four functional areas:

  • End to End Recruitment, including Executive Search, advisory, designing, developing and managing i.e. job advertisements, sourcing talent, resume screening, interviewing, candidate management, reference checks and reporting plus other selection techniques;
  • Recruitment and Selection skills training, coaching and advocacy for Agencies with internal recruitment teams;
  • Panel Selection participation – Scribe; and
  • Placement Management, candidate feedback and On Boarding.
Previous experience in category
Name of Client Description of Service Provided

Dept. of Corrective Services Verbal Reference checks of high volume Pool of applicants. Develop templates & document findings. Make recommendations.
Fiona Stanley Hospital Start up Clinical and Senior Administration staff – Recruitment Consulting, Coordination Support and Scribe for 18 Panels and 26 (FTE) roles. Each FTE required generic requirements of leadership, staff management, mentoring, admin, and systems knowledge. The expanded brief covered end-to-end recruitment services, developing shortlists, interview questions, scribe, reference checking, recommendation reports and candidate feedback.
Department of Health Executive Search, Recruited for HSU Class 1& 2, PSA Levels 8-12. Roles included Prog Man; Applications Solutions Design Specialists; Infrastructure PM’s; Account Managers; Technical PM; Campus and Facilities Manager; Medication Management ; Records Management.

Department of Attorney General 
Recruited Infrastructure Project & Program Managers,
Technical Architect, Senior Analyst Programmer and Senior Business Consultant. Currently sourcing Solutions Architects, Senior Analyst/Programmers

Consultant details

Consultant Qualification Experience Level
Sue Williams GAICD
Dip HR & Business
Joann Jamieson Dip HR Management & Counselling 2
Martine Noe Bch Political Science 2
Tony Rosser Bch Computing Science
Last updated: 11 December 2019

Hunter Executive Search Consultants Pty Ltd

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Ben Oakley
Direct telephone:
61 8 9278 2511
General telephone:
0417 178 220
Hunter Executive Search Consultants Pty Ltd

About us

164 138 023
68 164 138 023

Supplies: Category 2
Recruit Management

Accepts P-Card

Contractor Profile

Hunter Executive Search Consultants specialise in professional recruitment and Executive Search services for the Engineering, Transport, Infrastructure, Buildings, Power, Energy & Resources, Environment and Water sectors.

Our team have extensive experience working in their specialist fields, successfully filling roles from Junior level right through to Executive level positions, both in the public and private sector.

We have experience in sourcing and attracting quality candidates for government agencies in Australia and will ensure that the recruitment process is as easy and pain free as possible for you.

Our team are all specialist recruiters and experts in the industries they recruit for which means you can be confident that they are able to provide you with the best advice and candidates available.

In addition to being corporate members of the Recruitment and Consulting Services Association, all of our consultants are also personally accredited RCSA professional recruiters. We have a strong emphasis on working ethically and professionally and will ensure that best practice and public sector policies and standards are adhered to.

When choosing Hunter, you can be confident that you are dealing with a consultant who has your best interests at heart and will work hard in partnership with you to provide a great outcome.

Consultant Details

Name Qualifications Experience Level
Ben Oakley MEng – Masters Degree – Engineering
MRCSA – Recruitment and Consulting Services Association
MIEAust – Institution of Engineers Australia
Experience Level 1
Gregor McNally HND – Construction Management & Surveying
Diploma – Business Management
APRCSA – Recruitment and Consulting Services Association
Experience Level 1
Roberto Forte BA - Bachelor of Arts (UWA)
Master of Industrial Relations, UWA
AHRI – Australian Human Resources Institute
Experience Level 1

Previous Experience in Category

Name of Client Description of Service Provided
QLD Government
Dept. of Natural Resources and Mines
Geological Survey of Queensland
Office of Groundwater Impact Assessment

Various recruitment processes and Executive Search assignments including:
Petroleum Engineers, Executive Engineers, Chief Geologist, Geoscience Managers, Hydrogeologists, Resources investment Commissioner, Technical Directors.

Services included:

  • Taking a detailed brief
  • Preparing job advertisement
  • Talent sourcing & headhunting
  • Resume screening
  • Interviewing candidates
  • Detailed reference checks
  • Qualification checks
  • Shortlisting
  • Arranging interviews
  • Negotiating & managing the offer process
  • Managing the placement & candidate care

WA Government
Dept. of Commerce
Dept. of Environment Regulation
Dept. of Mines and Petroleum
Dept. of Transport
Dept. of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS)

Providing Panel recruitment support for roles including:
Senior Electrical Inspector, Gas Regulatory Coordinator, Policy and Electrical Engineering Director, Chief Electrical Inspector, Senior Manager – Policy Coordination, Inspector of Mines – Process Engineer, Inspector of Mines – Structural Engineer, Inspector of Mines – Electrical Engineer, Business Systems officer, Director Maritime Planning.

Services included:

  • Screening and shortlisting of applications
  • Scheduling interviews
  • Reviewing and developing Interview Questions
  • Attending Panel interviews with candidates
  • Scribing and assisting with interviews
  • Obtaining and reviewing reference reports
  • Preparing and submitting Selection and Assessment report
  • Notifying and providing feedback to unsuccessful applicants.
WA Public Sector Commission

Executive Search and recruitment support for roles including, ‘Worksafe Commissioner WA”

Services included:

  • Taking a detailed brief
  • Preparing job advertisement
  • Talent sourcing & headhunting
  • Resume screening
  • Interviewing candidates
  • Qualification checks
  • Shortlisting
  • Arranging interviews
  • Attending Panel interviews with candidates
  • Scribing and assisting with interviews
  • Obtaining and reviewing reference reports
  • Preparing Selection and Assessment report
  • Negotiating & managing the offer process
  • Managing the placement & candidate care
Last updated: 26 February 2020

Integrity Southside

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Belinda Fox
Direct telephone:
61 8 9327 5488
General telephone:
61 8 9327 5444

About us

612 387 612
67 612 387

Category 2 recruitment management

Accepts P-Card

Contractor Profile

Recruitment management

Integrity Southside (Southside Personnel) is a division of the Integrity Group, providing consultancy recruitment and human resource services to public sector agencies since 1992. Our dedicated team of Public Sector Recruitment Specialists have an in-depth understanding of best practice public sector recruitment methodologies, taking pride in our ability to provide strategic advice and flexible tailored recruitment solutions that adapt to the individual needs of our clients.

We have extensive experience in single, multiple and pool recruitment processes at all levels across a wide range of agencies. Our ability to evolve and adapt our services to cater to the unique public sector environment allows us to meet strict timelines whilst maintaining exceptional process and reporting standards. We are trained and confident in the use of the RAMS system and departmental selection report templates including R12 selection reports and have demonstrated experience and training in Section 51 recruitment processes. 

In choosing Integrity Southside you will be working with respected and recognised recruitment and human resource professionals. We offer full service and unbundled recruitment management services from advertising through to final selection reports, reference checking and feedback.  Our dedicated team prides itself on maintaining continued communication and collaboration with the Chairperson, Panel Members, HR team and applicants throughout the process. We also provide training and advice to Panels and have had experience chairing the selection process should this be required.

Previous experience in category

Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries Integrity Southside provide a range of services to DLGSC’s directorates including an extensive portfolio of work within Culture and the Arts at the Western Australian Museum. Integrity Southside provide full service recruitment of entry level pool to Senior Executive roles including but not limited to; Shortlisting, testing, assessment centres, interviews, reference checking, feedback and selection report completion to departmental standards.
Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions

Integrity Southside provide a range of services to the Departments directorates including extensive work within the Office of Information Management and the Rottnest Island Authority. Services include; Full service recruitment of entry level pool to Management and SES including Specified Calling roles inducing but not limited to; Shortlisting, interviews, reference checking, feedback and selection report completion to departmental standards.

Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety Full service recruitment of Graduate to Management/Senior Executive and Specified Calling roles including but not limited to; Shortlisting, testing, assessment centres, interviews, reference checking and NPC document and identification collation, feedback and selection report completion to departmental standards.
Department of Health Full service recruitment including extensive experience in bulk recruitment processes for entry level to Management/Senior Executive and Specified Calling roles including but not limited to; Shortlisting, testing, assessment centres, interviews, reference checking, feedback and R12 selection report completion to departmental standards.
Department of Communities Full service recruitment of entry level pools to Senior Executive and Specified Calling roles including but not limited to; Shortlisting, testing, assessment centres, interviews, reference checking, feedback and selection report completion within the RAMS system to departmental standards.
Last updated: 23 March 2020

INVision Investigations & Consulting

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Jane Wyllie
General telephone:
0404 870 311

About us

127 450 346
75 127 450 346

Category 3 HR investigation

Does not accept P-Card
Licensed Investigators available

Contractor profile

HR investigation

As licensed Investigators, INVision’s Directors, Jane Wyllie and Tony Langmair offer combined experience and expertise spanning over 45 years in the public sector over three jurisdictions in a wide range of areas including Management, Consultation, Investigations and Workplace Reviews. We are highly regarded for our professionalism, integrity, objectivity, independence and skill in dealing with complex and sensitive matters. Since 2008 INVision has conducted numerous complex investigations for the WA public sector; Local and Federal Government; Private Sector and Universities, TAFE Colleges and Schools. We have a detailed and thorough working knowledge of the Public Sector Management Act 1994 and its application to administrative investigations. All of our investigations are accountable, transparent and conducted in accordance with the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness.
Our Services:

  • Workplace Investigations: Sexual Harassment; Workplace Bullying; Discrimination and
  • Victimisation; Fraud and Corruption; Breaches of Confidentiality and Misuse of Resources;
  • Workplace Reviews: Assess and identify any operational or procedural challenges issues faced by your organisation; and identify avenues for improvement and implement positive change; and
  • Consulting: Create or develop of range of workplace Policies, Procedures and Practices.
Previous experience in category
Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Disability Services Commission  Workplace Review and Preliminary Inquiry
Department of Health  Investigation: Grievance
Department of Transport Disciplinary Investigation: Serious Misconduct
Curtin University  Disciplinary Investigation: Serious Misconduct

Consultant details

Consultant Qualification Experience Level
Jane Wyllie
B.Biomedical Science (Hons);
Grad Dip Legal Practice. Admitted to the Supreme Court of NSW in 2008.
Tony Langmair
Graduate Certificate in Public Sector Management
Diploma of Government (Investigations)
Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.
Last updated: 11 December 2019

IPA Personnel

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Kristin France
General telephone:
61 8 9463 1999

About us

137 834 738
12 137 834 738

Category 2 recruitment management

Contractor profile

Recruitment management

IPA is a well-established Australian provider of employment and career solutions, designed to help organisations and individuals to succeed at work. Our offerings include permanent and temporary recruitment, training and a range of unbundled recruitment services. You will find us professional and authentic and that we always hold ourselves accountable for the work we do. We really collaborate with our customers to create solutions that deliver on our brand promise, which is ‘Closer than you think’.To find out more about IPA and the services we offer, visit our website

Previous experience in category 2
Name of Client Description of Services Provided
Department of Justice Panel member and selection management for Clerical, ICT and Management roles.

Consultant details

Consultant Qualification Experience Level
Kristin France Senior recruitment specialist with 8 years’ experience in Recruitment and General HR Processes. 2
Susan Lawson (MAHRI)
20 years Recruitment and HR experience.
B.Sc. (Appl Geol).
Last updated: 11 December 2019

John McKenna & Associates

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
John McKenna
General telephone:
0434 184 776

About us

19 187 242 880
66 128 575 860

Category 3 HR investigation

Accepts P-Card
Licensed Investigators available

Contractor profile

HR investigation

John McKenna and Associates is a professional and highly experienced investigation company with more than 35 years’ experience. Key personnel John McKenna and Jim Monteleone are former WA Police officers with impeccable and unblemished service records. John was engaged for a period of time with the Police Royal Commission before moving to the Corruption and Crime Commission where he conducted numerous successful and sensitive investigations involving Local Government and State Government Departments. As a legal practitioner at the Australian Securities and Investment Commission John undertook a number of complex fraud investigations.

He has also appeared as counsel in both the WAIRC and the Fair Work Commission where he has successfully represented clients and as such has a comprehensive knowledge of this jurisdiction. Jim has undertaken countless workplace investigations over the past 14 years. Several investigations resulted from adverse findings made by the Corruption and Crime Commission against senior agency personnel. John and Jim have a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the Disciplinary Process as prescribed in the Public Sector Management Act. Their Investigations are conducted to the highest level of ethical and integrity standards and are able to withstand any level of probity. The principles of natural justice, fairness and confidentiality are observed during all their inquiries and investigations.
Investigations undertaken for a wide range of government agencies including:

  • Department of Child Protection
  • Department of Communities
  • Department of Culture and the Arts
  • Department of Environment
  • Department of Transport
  • City of Geraldton
  • Landgate
  • Princess Margaret Hospital
  • Royal Perth Hospital
  • Department of Commerce
  • Department of Corrective Services
  • Department of Education
  • Department of Finance
  • Disability Services Commission
  • Central TAFE
  • Country Health Services
  • Main Roads
  • Treasury and Finance
  • Investigations undertaken include:
  • Public Interest Disclosure-Whistle Blower x 4
  • Administrative Review
  • Workplace Review
  • Misappropriation of Funds
  • Disclose Confidential Information
  • Allegations of Abuse
  • Misconduct
  • Workplace Bullying and Harassment
  • Fail to Respond to Patient Needs
  • Disclose Confidential Information
  • Disobey Lawful Directive
  • Inappropriate Workplace Behaviour
  • Medication Errors
  • Sexual Harassment Complaints
  • Substandard Work Performance
  • Assault
  • Workplace Grievances
  • Medication Errors

John McKenna and Associates also offers follow up services by way of providing Ethics and Integrity lectures in regards to all of the above areas, ensuring that staff are aware of the elements, which constitute these breaches, and thus safeguarding both themselves and the organisation from possible litigation. Mr W McKenna has extensive experience in fraud related investigations as well as Organised Crime and surveillance techniques should the need arise for these attributes to be adopted.

Previous experience in category
Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Department of Environment  Review of internal investigation concerning a serious fraud matter.
Department of Finance  Disciplinary investigation concerning possible attempted fraud and breach of policy issues.
Department of Commerce  Breach of policy and procedures.
Department of Communities Ministerial Administrative Investigation Review

Consultant details

Consultant Qualification Experience Level
John McKenna
Bachelor of Laws
Admittance to Practice Supreme Court of Western Australia
Assoc. Dip. Justice Studies
WAPOL Advanced Det. Training
Exec. Cert. Management
William McKenna
WAPOL Det. Training. Organised Crime Investigation and Surveillance Course.
Major Crime task Force Methodology.
Cert III Investigative Services
Jim Monteleone Superintendent WAPOL - 34 years WAPOL and HR/ER Investigative Experience 1
Last updated: 11 December 2019

Maitland Consulting Group Pty Ltd

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Shelley Hatton
Direct telephone:
61 8 9389 5007
General telephone:
61 8 9388 6886

About us

065 337 948
62 065 337 948

Category 1 job design and classification
Category 2 recruitment management

Accepts P-Card

Contractor profile category 1

Job design and classification

Maitland has been providing job classification services to WA Public Sector Agencies for over 21 years. We have a large and strong team experienced in all aspects of job classification services for positions at all levels, as well as specified calling, GOSAC and HSU positions. We also have experience with criteria progression environments. Our job classification services include developing job description forms, job creation, reclassifications, preparing work value assessment reports, organisation reviews and restructures. Because we have worked in such a large number of agencies, we have experience using many templates, or can supply our own. Maitland consultants have experience with the BI/PERS classification methodology and the Mercer Cullen Egan Dell system. Our consultants all are very experienced in the Public Sector, as consultants and as employees, mainly at the managerial level. Maitland consultants are highly regarded not only in the Public Sector, but also in the Private Sector. This, and their range of experience, enables them to work with you to provide you with the best outcome.

Previous experience in category 1
Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Auditor General, Main Roads WA

Criteria progression, classification frameworks

Health, Housing, Training and Workforce Development, South Metro Health Service, North Metro Health Service Organisational structural reviews, including job creation and re-classification
Attorney General, Auditor General, Breast Screen WA, Central TAFE, ChemCentre, Child Protection, Communities, Dental Health, Economic Regulation Authority, Education, Health, North Metro Health Service, PathWest, Planning and Infrastructure, QEII Medical Centre Trust, Racing, Gaming and Liquor, South Metro Health Service Job design, classification and re-classification assessments, including SES, GOSAC, HSU and specified callings.

Contractor profile category 2

Recruitment management

Maitland has been providing Recruitment and Selection services to the Public Sector for over 25 years. We have been involved in over 500 recruitment and selection processes since the inception of the first CUA. As well as providing services for individual processes, we have also provided services for the recruitment of all 28 roles, except the Executive Director, in one division of a Public Sector agency (this was completed in six weeks), pool recruitment processes and graduate programs. We have provided services to all levels from Level 2 to the SES levels, as well as specified callings.

Maitland can manage complete recruitment processes including: advertising preparation; managing all application processes; short-listing candidates; matrix comparison of applicants; managing panel arrangements; managing interview preparations, including appointments; psychometric assessments; referee checking; reporting and; providing verbal feedback to candidates following the completion of the process.

Our consultants are continually asked back to agencies because they are effective and efficient and manage the processes with no breaches. They also provide advice to selection panels, which are not in the HR arena.

Previous experience in category 2
Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Avon Catchment Council, Central TAFE, Country Housing Association, Department of Child Protection, Department of Commerce, Department of Communities, Department of Consumer and Employee Protection, Department of Corrective Services, Department of Culture and the Arts, Department of Education and Training, Department of Health, Department of Housing, Department of Indigenous Affairs, Department of Industry and Resources, Department of Local Government and Communities, Department of Premier and Cabinet, Department of Sport and Recreation, Department of the Attorney General,
Department of Training and Workforce Development, Department of Treasury and Finance,
Department of Water and Environmental Regulation, Disability Services Commission, Environmental Regulation Authority, Healthway, Landgate, LotteryWest, Main Roads Western Australia, Mental Health Commission, North Metropolitan Health Service, Office of the Appeals Convenor, Office of the Auditor General, Office of the Public Advocate, Office of the Public Sector Standards, Commissioner, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Small Business Development Commission, South Metropolitan Health Service, Tourism Western Australia, WestOne Services 
We are highly experienced in providing recruitment services at all levels of the Public Sector from Level 2 to Directors General and CEOs.

We also provide graduate development program services. In one agency, we are currently delivering this for the fourth time. We have recruited for technical and specialist positions and for existing and new boards. Maitland also conducts pool recruitment and has been asked several times to recruit for all positions for Divisions after restructures; firstly filling the executive positions, then managers down to Level 2 positions.
We manage the complete recruitment service, if required, from advertising preparation, to short-listing, arranging interviews, drafting interview questions, interviewing, referee checking, writing selection reports and giving feedback to applicants. We also conduct assessment centres for clients and offer preemployment testing.
Maitland conducts individual process as well as a large number at a time, where several consultants may be involved.

Consultant details

Consultant Qualifications Experience Level Category 1 Category 2
Ray Bennett
Bachelor Business
Diploma Accounting
Trina Capps Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing, General Management and HRM)
Cert IV in Assessment and Workplace Training
1 Yes Yes
Allen Howell
Grad Dep Business (Management)
Associate Diploma Arts & Applied Science
1 Yes Yes
Sue McDiarmid
Bachelor Social Science 1
Laura Metcalf
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology and Industrial Relations)
1 Yes Yes
Laura Metcalf 
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology and Industrial Relations)  1 Yes Yes
Trina Capps 
Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing, General
Management and HRM), Cert IV in Assessment and
Workplace Training
  No Yes
Pauline Ivancic
Certificate of Commerce and Business 1 No Yes
Last updated: 11 December 2019

Management Projects

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Dr Ricki Hewitt
General telephone:
0417 998 147

About us

90 845 654 075

Category 2 recruitment management

Accepts P-Card

Contractor profile

Recruitment management

Management Projects (MP) specialises in providing the full range of recruitment services for State and Commonwealth government clients, adding value through the provision of strategic advice at the front end and throughout the selection process. We have extensive experience in developing selection policies and guidelines; developing job descriptions; providing training on job applications and interview techniques as well as supporting and participating on selection panels and undertaking executive searches.

MP has undertaken more than 1,500 recruitment management assignments across 50 government agencies as well as non-government agencies since establishment in 1995. These have included services for entry level to SES positions and over 50 Chief Executive Officer, statutory office holder and tribunal member positions. We have provided services in relation to individual positions and bulk pool recruitment and have undertaken targeted candidate searches for specialist technical and professional, SES and CEO positions. Our work has included services for agencies in both metropolitan and regional Western Australia.

MP’s methodology is designed to ensure that our clients attract and recruit the highest quality applicants from diverse fields in a timely manner. We are strongly outcomes focused but also have an in-depth understanding of, and adhere to, all relevant legislation, policies and standards, including in relation to improving diversity. We ensure that selection panels and applicants are properly supported throughout the selection process. We pride ourselves on adding value to clients, offering advice on innovative approaches and current best practice and providing support tailored to the client’s requirements. MP consultants have qualifications in a variety of disciplines and have extensive experience in recruitment services. All consultants have worked directly in government, which is reflected in the breath of our understanding of public sector structure, reforms and governance.

Previous experience in category
Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Department of Justice, Office of the Public Advocate, State Administrative Tribunal Full range of recruitment services for positions from Level 2 to SES, statutory office holder & tribunal member positions, including large pool recruitment processes. Services have included shortlisting assessment, arranging interviews, drafting questions & other tests, scribing at interviews, referee checks, drafting selection reports, applicant feedback and participating as panel members.
Department of Corrective Services
  • Large bulk pool recruitment services for Youth Justice
  • Officer positions in metro & regional locations.
  • Coordination of multiple panels, preliminary shortlisting for panel consideration, arranging and attending shortlisting meetings and interviews, referee checks, drafting selection reports, providing candidate feedback.
  • Other projects include executive search & selection services for Director Youth Justice Services; full range of recruitment services for SES positions.

Department of Planning, Lands & Heritage / Department of Jobs, Science, Tourism & Innovation / Department of the Premier & Cabinet
  • Full range of recruitment services for EOI and permanent appointment processes for numerous technical, professional and administrative positions, including large pool recruitment processes at various levels, senior legal counsel, and SES positions.
Department of Communities / Local Government and Communities / Commissioner for Children and Young People / Department of Child Protection / Office of Multicultural
  • Full range of recruitment services SES and non-SES levels.
  • Services have ranged from applicant search & shortlisting assessment, participation as a panel member to providing candidate feedback for a wide range of positions and levels, including Aboriginal specialist positions.
Public Sector Commission
  • CEO recruitment services for approximately 40 positions
  • Full range of services and reports, incl. executive search, shortlisting, arranging interviews and candidate travel & accommodation, drafting interview questions/scenarios, scribing at interviews, conducting referee checks, verifying qualifications.

Consultant details

Consultant Qualifications Experience Level
Dr Ricki Hewitt
Bachelor of Economics (UWA)
Doctor of Business
Administration (UWA).
Ms Susan Kurtjak
Executive Masters of Public Administration (ANZOG) (Curtin University)
Graduate Certificate in Public Sector Management (Flinders University)
Cert IV in Training & Assessment
Trained Mediator (LEADR)
Experience Level 1
Ms Amanda Bott
Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD)
Master of Business Administration (Cardiff University)
Post Graduate Certificate in Health Service Management (Open Business School, England)
Registered Mental Health Nurse
Dr Sue Graham-Taylor
Bachelor of Arts (Honours)
Certificate in Teaching
English as a Foreign Language
Last updated: 11 December 2019

McLeod McDonald & Associates

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Lynne McLeod and Louella McDonald
Direct telephone:
0417 179 017
General telephone:
0412 558 542

About us

26 110 346 727

Category 2 recruitment management

Accepts P-Card

Contractor profile

Recruitment management

McLeod McDonald & Associates has provided a quality and efficient Recruitment and HR
Management service to the State Public Sector for over 20 years. All consultants have extensive experience in Public Sector Recruitment and have each undertaken hundreds of assignments covering all aspects of recruitment for a wide range of agencies and positions including SES, professional, management, scientific, technical and administrative under the PSA and other awards.
In addition all consultants in our team have a comprehensive knowledge of the Employment
Standard and procedures that applies to the Public Sector and most of the consultants previously held roles with the Public Sector Commission as Independent Reviewers and Conciliation Officers for many of years. This places us in a prime position to demonstrate best practice by providing current and well informed information to agencies to assist them achieve high standards in their recruitment operations and in effectively managing risks. We work in collaboration with individual agency’s HR and panels to assist them develop plans for recruitment processes that suit their needs and in providing services for all or any part of the process.

Previous experience in category

Name of Client  Description of Service Provided
Department of Treasury and Department of Finance All aspects of recruitment processes for all positions
Department of Agriculture & Food WA  Description of Services Provided: All aspects of recruitment processes for all positions
Department of Attorney  General All aspects of recruitment processes for all positions.
Numerous other Departments including Health, Ombudsman, Mines and Petroleum, Main Roads Regional Development, Workcover All aspects of recruitment for a wide range of agencies

Consultant details

Consultant Qualification Experience Level

Louella McDonald

Certified Professional AHRI


Lynne McLeod Certified Professional AHRI 1

Tony Pepper

Cert. Professional AHRI


Amanda Knight

B Business (Human Resource Mgt)
Grad Dip of Bus (Mgt)


Rose-Anne Robinson Certified Professional AHRI 1

Karen Moore

Certified Professional AHRI


Kathy Csaba Masters Criminal Justice, BA 1

Steve Young

Diploma in Personnel Management CPAHRI


Neil Hunter

GD Business
Diploma in Public Administration


Doreen Mahony

B Com.
GD Project Management
Diploma in Frontline Management


Karen Watkins

Bachelor of Applied Mathematics
Prince2 – Certification of Project Management


John Wilson

Bachelor of Human Resource Management
Master of Counselling
Certified Professional (CPHR)
Australian Human Resource Institute


Jonathon Woolfrey

Executive Master of Public Administration
Master of Business Administration
Bachelor of Science, Psychology
Certified Professional (CPHR)
Australian Human Resource Institute


Rhonda McFadden Master of Business Administration, Graduate Diploma of Business, Graduate Business Qualifications 1

Michelle Cangemi

B Arts in Psychology
Minor Human Resource Management
Master of Business Administration


Jesse McDonald

Bachelor of Arts (Communication and Cultural Studies)
Grad. Cert. – Project Management
Masters of Urban and Regional Planning


Leila Morgenroth Masters in Organisational Psychology
Registered Psychologist with AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency)
Dual Diploma Business & Management (with strong focus on Recruitment and HR processes)
Committee member of the City of Perth’s Access and Inclusion Advisory Group


Last updated: 26 May 2020

Monark Business Consultants Pty Ltd

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Mark Granston
Direct telephone:
61 8 9455 5995
General telephone:
0419 944 710

About us

126 416 813
81 126 416 813

Category 1 job design and classification
Category 2 recruitment management
Category 3 HR investigation category 1, category 2 and category 3

No Licensed Investigators available

Contractor profile category 1

Job design and classification

Monark Business Consultants Pty Ltd has been on the list of approved contractors to provide job analysis, job design and job classification assessment services to Government agencies since inception. Well designed and correctly classified positions require competent measurement of work value. Your organisation will be well placed to meet service delivery and business priorities and function with strong structures and teams. Job boundaries are clear with tasks and accountabilities consistent with overall Divisional direction. We apply our specialist knowledge and comprehensive experience in job analysis, job design and classification determination to:

  • create new positions
  • reclassify existing positions
  • review existing positions to update documentation for re-registration.


  • discusses tasks,
  • accountabilities, and specific business priorities with the position supervisor and incumbent (if in place)
  • develops job descriptions that capture information in a clear well worded manner
  • identifies the selection criteria that the incumbent must possess to perform competently
  • completes work value assessments using clear evidence based cases to justify score selections using such instruments as BIPERS that will identify correct classifications and remuneration rates
  •  identifies valid comparison positions to demonstrate work value relativities 
  • assesses potential flow on issues • prepares reports with recommendations for endorsement.
Previous experience in category 1

Name of Client

Description of Service Provided

  • Housing Authority
  • Training and Workforce Development
  • Corrective Services Commerce
  • Health
  • Aboriginal Affairs
  • Agriculture and Food Transport
  • Attorney General
  • Audit General Local Government and Communities
  • ChemCentre
  • Finance
  • State Development
  • Landgate
  • Planning
  • Metropolitan Cemeteries Board
  • Main Roads
Each of our Job Classification Consultants has worked in senior HR positions in a number of Government agencies including HR Manager and higher, and are very experienced providing these services from both employee and external consultant perspectives. Positions have been created, reclassified, or modified without classification change in many industries from entry level to those in the SES for referral to the PSC. We provide sound reasoning for assessments and recommendations and are accomplished applying BIPERS

Contractor profile category 2

Recruitment management

Monark has been providing recruitment and selection services to WA Public Sector agencies since 1996. We were the second most used recruitment consultancy group on the previous CUA. Monark works with selection panels to identify the best matched applicants to your positions to enable you to achieve sound results and meet your performance targets. Specifically we:

  • Assess each written application thoroughly
  • Agree the shortlist with the selection panel
  • Assist panels to determine the best assessment methodologies
  • Interview and/or provide scribe services
  • Conduct searching referee assessments
  • Write evidence-based selection reports
  • Provide candid and constructive feedback to applicants
  • Provide policy and protocol advice to panel members
  • Our recruitment consultants provide highly-responsive services throughout each selection process,
  • apply the Employment Standard and Commissioner’s Instructions, and present quality selection
  • reports within quick timeframes.
Previous experience in category 2
Name of Client Description of Service Provided
  • Housing Authority
  • Training and Workforce Development
  • Corrective Services Commerce
  • Health
  • Water
  • Aboriginal Affairs
  • Agriculture and Food
  • Transport
  • Attorney General
  • Premier and Cabinet
  • Audit General
  • Local Government and Communities
  • Fire and Emergency Services
  • Sport and Recreation
  • Lotterywest
  • ChemCentre
  • Finance
  • State Development
  • WA Country Health Service
  • Landgate Planning
  • Metropolitan Cemeteries Board
  • Child Protection
  • Treasury
  • Central Institute of Technology
  • Ombudsman’s Office
We are experienced recruiting to individual positions from entry level to SES level, pool positions, and graduate programs in many agencies and industries. We offer various selection methodologies aside from the traditional interview approach if required. These include the use of scenario questions, practical work exercises, assessment centre type approaches, and screening interviews. We pride ourselves on conducting targeted and searching referee assessments that access information about true on the job performance effectiveness of candidates. Poor selection decisions result in poor individual performance which detracts from team performance and creates significant problems for management and clients. Monark assists you to avoid such situations.

Contractor profile category 3

HR investigation

Monark is a highly accomplished provider of investigation services to W.A. Public Sector agencies. These services have also been provided to private sector clients. Investigation services have been provided by both Investigators listed below initially when employed in Human Resource Manager and Human Resources Practitioner roles in a number of WA Public Sector agencies, and over the past 20 years as an external provider through Monark (Mark Granston).

Previous experience in category 3
Name of Client Description of Service Provided

WA Country Health Service:

  • Durack Institute of Technology,
  • Forest Products Commission,
  • Departments of:
  • Agriculture and Food,
  • Fire and Emergency Services,
  • Racing and Gaming,
  • Child Protection

Our investigations methodology has full regard for the legislation and policies. Examples of the type of allegations investigated include:

  • Disciplinary with regard to many types of allegations e.g. misconduct, assault, theft;
  • Grievance with regard to many types of allegations;
  • Bullying, intimidation, victimisation;
  • Sub-standard performance;
  • Sexual harassment;
  • Disobeying lawful directives;
  • Review of breach claims in relation to a number of Public Sector Standards;
  • Compliance Inquiry General in accordance with the principles of human resource management outlined under section 8(1)(c) of the Public Sector Management Act 1994 and in accordance with section 79(5) of the Public Sector Management Act 1994.

Investigations have related to staff employed under various awards in numerous industries, at various classification levels located in a large number of agencies and industries throughout WA. We provide comprehensive reports that systematically and methodically detail all aspects of the investigation where we present each allegation, the critical facts, our analysis of the facts, a discussion on the available information, and our findings. We operate with propriety, confidence and speed.

Previous experience in category

Name of Client Description of Service Provided

WA Country Health Service:,

Durack Institute of Technology,
Forest Products Commission,
Department of Agriculture and Food;
Department of Fire and Emergency Services;
Department of Racing and Gaming; and
Department of Child Protection

Please refer to paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 in the Contractor Profile Section above

Consultant details 

Consultant Qualifications Experience Level Category 1 Category 2 Category 3
Mark Granston
B. App Sc (Psych)
Grad Dip Org Psych
Experience Level 1
Alan Davies
Fellow of the Australian Human Resource Institute
1 Yes Yes Yes
Alan Davies
Fellow of the Australian Human Resource Institute 1 Yes Yes Yes
Celly Brown B. Bus HR & Marketing (partial) 1 Yes Yes No
Last updated: 11 December 2019

Nella Global Solutions

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Amanda Nella
General telephone:
0433 466 916

About us

151 829 319
65 151 829 319

Category 3 HR investigation

Accepts P-Card
Licensed Investigators available

Contractor profile

HR investigation

Nella Global Solutions (NGS) is an established and highly reputable licensed and insured investigations firm based in O’Connor, Western Australia. Amanda Nella, Managing Director and Principal Investigator at NGS holds formal qualifications in Government Investigative practice and has over eighteen years (18) industry experience in providing investigative services to both the public sector and local government sector.

NGS has appeared on the CUA since 2011. NGS applies high level investigative standards by ensuring adherence to the principles of procedural fairness and natural justice and ensuring the stringent and consistent application of the hearing rule and rules of evidence.

NGS reports are highly professional and comprehensive, evidence based, clear, concise and will withstand any level of scrutiny by relevant stakeholders such as public sector oversight bodies including the Industrial Commission, Fair Work Australia, CCC and APHRA. NGS is highly regarded for its integrity, accountability and transparency and NGS has a reputation in delivering a highly efficient, cost effective and customer focused service. NGS is an Organisational Member of the Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI) and Corporate Member of the Australian Security Industry PTY LTD (ASIAL). Amanda Nella is a current AHRI professional member (CAHRI).

Previous experience in category 3

Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Mike Costarella, Director of Corporate Services, Town of Bassendean Administrative Investigation into allegations of public records being destroyed outside of retention and disposal registered.
Department of Health
  • Allegations of Bullying in the workplace;
  • Investigations into Workplace Grievances;
  • Preliminary Enquiries into allegations of inappropriate behaviour;
  • Desktop Review:
  • Preliminary Enquiry,
  • Allegations of Abuse;
  • Investigation into allegations of removal of documents of an agency and storage of such contrary to policy;
  • Investigation into allegations of Sexual Harassment;
  • Investigation into allegations of falsification of documentation and breach of medication processes;
  • Investigation into Allegations of Misuse of DOH Equipment contrary to policy,
  • Schedule 8 investigations
  • Complex Organisational Reviews and Food Audit Investigation.
WACHS Investigation into Allegations of breach of process, Workplace Grievance.
Department of Corrective Services Investigation into Allegations of breach of process, Workplace Grievance, Schedule 8 Investigations.
Mental Health Advocacy Service Allegations against Advocates
Breast Care WA Allegations of Bullying in the Workplace
Disability Services Allegations of Inappropriate Conduct, Allegations of Bullying in the Workplace
Various Local Government Investigations into Breaches of Code of Conduct and Council Policy Town of Bassendean, City of Mosman Park, City of Cockburn, City of Rockingham, Shire of East Wyndam Kimberley, Shire of Wongan Ballidu, Greater City of Geraldton.

Consultant details

Consultant Qualifications Experience Level
Amanda Nella Diploma of Government
Diploma of Business
Certificate III Investigative Services
Professional Member of AHRI
Inquiry Agent 40258
Security Agent 40258
Private Investigator 40258
Last updated: 17 December 2019

Nyaania Consulting

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Dianne Gilbert
General telephone:
0417 925 522

About us

099 654 592
98 099 654 592

Category 2: recruitment management
Category 3: HR investigation

Accepts P-Card

Category Profile Category 2

Recruitment management

Nyaania Pty Ltd is a WA-based consulting firm, formed in February 2002 to provide services in public administration and procurement to government agencies within Australia and overseas. Directors Diane Gilbert and Colin Gilbert have extensive experience working at executive level within public sector frameworks, as has Senior Consultant Susan Kurtjak.

The company is an approved supplier of services to government, including under CUA HRS2015 and the previous HR-CUA 10410 and Investigations CUA 14610 and under previous arrangements for the Public Sector Commission such as reviews of recruitment process in relation to possible breaches of standards. We understand the frameworks applicable in the public sector and pride ourselves on our integrity, and on being able to deliver services in an impartial, fair and objective manner. These qualities are applied in both our recruitment and investigations services. We are familiar with the processes that support good recruitment, including effective communication with shortlisted applicants, providing transparency through sound documentation that supports the recruitment decisions, and timely and effective feedback.

Previous experience in category 2

Name of Client Description of Service Provided
  • Department of Planning
  • Department of Fire & Emergency Services
  • Department of Treasury
  • Department of the Attorney General
  • Department of Commerce Equal Opportunity Commission
  • Australian Public Service Commission
  • National Offshore Petroleum and Environmental Management Authority
Series of recruitment support services, with individual and pool positions ranging from L2 to Executive Director (SES Level 1), including a range of positions resulting from restructuring of technical functions. Includes HR advice, assessment of applications, preparation of interview questions, arranging interviews, panel member participation, obtaining referee reports and drafting reports.

Contractor profile category 3

HR investigation

Nyaania Pty Ltd is a WA-based consulting firm, formed in February 2002 to provide services in public administration and procurement to government agencies within Australia and overseas. Directors Diane Gilbert and Colin Gilbert have extensive experience working at executive level within public sector frameworks, as has Senior Consultant Susan Kurtjak.

The company is an approved supplier of services to government, including under the previous HRCUA 10410 and Investigations CUA 14610 and under previous arrangements for the Public Sector Commission such as reviews of recruitment process in relation to possible breaches of standard.
We understand the frameworks applicable in that sector and pride ourselves on our integrity, and on being able to deliver services in an impartial, fair and objective manner. These qualities are applied in both our recruitment and investigations services. We are familiar with the processes that support sound investigations, including professionalism, accuracy, procedural fairness and timeliness.

Previous experience in category 3

Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Department of Lands Series of investigations into grievances.
Department of Education Investigations including possible misconduct / breach of discipline
South West Institute of Technology Review arising from PID report.
Corruption and Crime Commission Investigation
Office of the Public Sector Standards Commission / Public Sector Commission   Range of reviews – possible breach of standards.
Department of Veterans’ Affairs   Investigations including possible misconduct.
National Offshore Petroleum Safety Authority  Investigation including possible misconduct.
Australian Public Service Commission Range of reviews including recruitment, grievances.

Consultant details

Consultant Qualifications Experience Level Category 2 Category 3
Diane Gilbert, Director BSc
Diane had 20 years’ experience as an executive in the Australian Public Service including as Director Corporate Support with the Australian Customs Service. Since forming Nyaania Consulting in 2002, she has provided recruitment and investigations services to the WA public sector.
1 Yes Yes
Susan Kurtjak, Senior Consultant
Susan has an extensive background in Government across a range of portfolios and responsibilities, including as Head of the WA Office of the Australian Public Service Commission. She is also experienced in providing recruitment and investigation services to the WA public sector.
1 Yes Yes
Amanda Bott
Post Grad Cert (Health Service Management)
Amanda has more than 25 years’ experience in executive and management leadership roles across the government, not-for-profit and commercial sectors in Australia and the UK. Prior to that Amanda worked in the health sector as a registered mental health nurse.
2 Yes Yes
Last updated: 11 December 2019

PDT Consultancy

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Geraldine Morris
General telephone:
61 8 9321 5656

About us

062 508 678
79 062 508 678

Category 1 job design and classification
Category 2 recruitment management

Accepts P-Card

Contractor profile

PDT Consultancy consists of four directors/senior consultants; Ian Crosby, Faye Harris, Vanessa Herbert and Bill Reid. These four senior consultants are founding members of PDT Consultancy and each has more than 20 years’ experience in the provision of HR recruitment and consultancy services. The range of senior consultants with PDT Consultancy provide a broad range of skills and experience available to fulfil the requirements of contracts within specified time lines. In addition to providing recruitment and job design and classification services, the PDT consultants also undertake the development and facilitation of HR related workshops. PDT Consultancy also contracts a number of consultants who have extensive experience in the provision of job evaluation and classification services.

Previous experience in category 1

Job design and classification

Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Department of Education, Department of Communities, Department of Health, Department of Primary Industry and Regional Development, Mental Health Commission, Office of the Public Advocate, Curtin University, Lotterywest, Metropolitan Cemeteries Board. Provision of job design and classification services for public sector positions throughout the agencies

Previous experience in category 2

Recruitment management

Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Department of Education Extensive provision of selection services for education act and public sector positions in individual schools.

Extensive range of public sector agencies including:

  • Department of Communities
  • Department of Health
  • Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries
  • Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety
  • Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
  • Department of Water and Environmental Regulation
  • WA Country Health Service
  • ChemCentre
  • Corruption and Crime Commission
  • Family Court
  • Insurance Commission of WA
  • Lotterywest
  • Mental Health Commission
  • Metropolitan Cemeteries Board
  • Office of the Auditor General
  • Office of the Public Advocate
  • Public Sector Commission
  • WA Police
Extensive provision of recruitment services for level 2-8 positions throughout the agencies

Consultant details 

Name Qualifications Category 1 Category 2
Ian Crosby Masters of Psychology (Counselling)
Post Graduate Diploma in Business- Human Resource Management (HRM)
Diploma in Education
Bachelor of Psychology
Experience Level 1
Yes Yes
Faye Harris
Bachelor of Education
Bachelor of Arts
Diploma in Education
Diploma of Teaching
Experience Level 1
Yes Yes
Vanessa Herbert

Post Graduate Diploma in Business-Human Resource Management (HRM)
Graduate Diploma Physical Education
Diploma of Teaching
Experience Level 1
Yes Yes

Bill Reid

Bachelor of Education
Diploma of Teaching
Experience Level 1
Yes Yes
Gordon Brockway
Bachelor of Economics
Diploma in Professional Coaching
Experience Level 1
Yes No
Bronwyn Elliott
Post Graduate Diploma of Business – Human Resource Management (HRM)
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)
Experience Level 1
Yes Yes
Rick Larsen 
Gerry Hopfmueller Bachelor of Applied Science (Physics), Teachers’ Higher
Experience Level 1
No Yes
Peter Mears Teachers’ Higher Certificate 1
Experience Level 1
No Yes
Ross Albones Masters of Education Admin; Bachelor of Education;
Bachelor of Arts
Experience Level 1
No Yes
Geoff Harris Bachelor Science (Maths major)
Diploma Education
Experience Level 1
No Yes
Glenys Reid Bachelor of Education,
Experience Level 1
No Yes
Gerry Hopfmueller Bachelor of Applied Science (Physics), Teachers’ Higher Certificate No Yes
Karen Jones Bachelor of Education, Diploma of Teaching (with distinction) No Yes
Lloyd Page Bachelor of Education, Diploma of Education No Yes
Penny Halleen Bachelor of Education, Diploma of Education No Yes
Suzanne Wood Master of Science (Science Education), Postgraduate Diploma Health Promotion, Diploma of Coaching, Diploma of Teaching, Cert IV Business, Cert IV in Assessment and Workplace Training No Yes
Leanne Browning Dip of HR Management, Cert IV Govt Personnel Vetting, Cert IV Sec/Risk Management, Cert III Investigative Services,
Dip Project Manage ment, Dip Government Security, Adv Business Management, Dip Public Safety/Policing, Cert IV Assess/Work Training, Adv Criminal Intel Analysis
No Yes
Last updated: 23 March 2020

Price Consulting Group Pty Ltd

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Di Jasas
Direct telephone:
61 8 9261 7738
General telephone:
0417 180 177

About us

120 115 666
51 120 115 666

Category 1 job design and classification
Category 2 recruitment management

Accepts P-Card

Contractor profile category 1

Job design and classification

Price Consulting Group has been providing job design and classification services to the WA Public Sector for 19 years. Our consultants are highly skilled and have a reputation for creating innovative job descriptions and selection criteria that reflect the values and culture of an organisation. This facilitates agencies recruiting not only for job fit but also for values that align with the organisation. Our expertise extends to the design and classification of a variety of positions including CEO/Special Division, Technical, Professional and Specified Calling roles in addition to various Executive Director/Manager/Officer level positions in a wide range of areas including Policy, Project Management, Legal, Analyst, Investigator and Corporate Services positions such as Finance, HR and CIO/IT. We have reviewed organisational structures and developed submissions for the classification of entire executive teams and organisations. We have also conducted training in job design and classification processes for agency staff. We have extensive experience in using the BI/PERS classification methodology and also have substantial experience in preparing submissions for assessment by the Mercer Cullen Egan Dell system. Our consultants have a background of working as senior HR professionals in the WA Public Sector and this provides them with an in depth understanding of the different levels of responsibility and work value of positions.

Previous experience in category 1

Name of Client

Description of Service Provided

Auditor General

Biodiversity Conservation & Attraction



City of Canning

City of Kwinana

Economic Regulation Authority



Fire & Emergency Services

Justice Health Jobs,


Science & Innovation

Landgate Local Government,

Sport & Cultural Industries

Main Roads

Mines, Industry Regulation & Safety

Office of the Inspector of Custodial Services


Lands & Heritage

Premier & Cabinet

Primary Industries & Regional Development

Public Utilities Office

Small Business Development Corporation



VenuesWest WA

Country Health Service WA

Electoral Commission WA


Water & Environmental Regulation


  • Designed organisational structures and position descriptions and prepared business cases for submission to the PSC for numerous Senior Executive teams and their staff.
  • Developed new Job Descriptions and completed work evaluations for 23 management positions in addition to undertaking remuneration research, benchmarking and developing a set of core leadership competencies for all Executive roles.
  • Developed the Executive Director and Specialist positions to lead the public sector ICT reform agenda. Developed Job Description Forms (JDFs) and prepared classification assessments for 45 positions using a streamlined process to meet the tight timeframe following a significant organisation review of four business units.
  • Developed five business cases for SES positions charged with the role of overseeing and implementing the health reform program for the entire WA Public Health System.
  • Facilitated the efficient conversion of 340 JDFs to a streamlined format focused on core business and synergies across the function.
  • Re-designed JDFs for previously established Specified Calling positions into the format required by the Department of Commerce for General Division positions.
  • Developed a Job Description Matrix outlining generic position titles, key responsibilities, job requirements and core competencies and updated JDFs to reflect the restructured Division.
  • Reviewed various Tier 2 and Tier 3 Senior Executive positions across the Department including revising Job Profiles and prepared business cases for Salaries and Allowances Tribunal and Mercers assessment.
  • Developed generic Job Descriptions and a Classification Framework for Project Management positions from Levels 2 to 7 to enable the creation of project positions using a streamlined process.
  • Conducted job design and classification assessment training and developed a new job classification system.

Contractor profile category 2

Recruitment management

Price Consulting Group has a strong reputation for successful recruitment and are one of the 3 most commonly used recruitment consultancies on the CUA. We are a recognised leader in using innovative recruitment and executive search processes as well as conducting panel and applicant training. We have been providing these services to the WA Public Sector for 19 years. Our progressive practices have been sourced by central agencies responsible for developing recruitment guidelines and standards for the WA Public Sector. We have also worked with several agencies to redesign their recruitment practices to be more streamlined and outcome focused using contemporary selection tools. Our strategic HR skills helps us to assist clients to attract and retain the best available talent. From redesigning jobs and developing attraction strategies to providing feedback to applicants and everything in between, our highly skilled consultants can act as a selection panel member, support and guide the selection panel and manage applicant communications to ensure an open and transparent process. Our experience spans all levels including CEO, SES or specialist positions. However, we don’t limit ourselves to only managing end-to-end executive recruitment, we also have extensive experience recruiting at more junior levels including graduate programs, regional recruitment and pools of multiple positions with high volumes of applicants.

Previous experience in category 2

Name of Client Description of Service Provided

Aboriginal Affairs,

Agriculture & Food,

Attorney General,

Auditor General,


Central Institute of Technology,

City of Subiaco,



Economic Regulation Authority,


Environment Regulation Authority,

Finance, F

ire & Emergency Services,





Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority,

Mines & Petroleum,

Office of the Inspector of Custodial Services,

Pilbara Development Commission,


Premier & Cabinet,


Public Utilities Office,

Regional Development,

State Development,




Services have included multiple recruitment assignments where a high level of confidentiality and professionalism is critical. Positions recruited include CEO, SES, pools, graduates, regional recruitment, technical and specialist positions.

Assignments have required innovative advertising campaigns and executive search. On several occasions assignments have required filling new executive teams and the direct reports as a result of a restructure. One of our most recent complex assignments used a streamlined selection process to assess 300 applications across 19 pools covering L2, L3 and L4 and not one breach claim was lodged. Our clients regularly engage us to manage one-off recruitment assignments often using these services: specialist advertising expertise; mailbox; short listing; arranging interviews; drafting interview questions; job testing; interviewing; referee checking; selection report writing and feedback to applicants.

Consultant details

Consultant Experience Category 1 Category 2
Andrea Bold

B. Bus (Management & HRM)National
National Disability Services Training attendee
Experience Level 1

No Yes
Naomi Briggs
B. Commerce
Experience Level 1
Yes Yes
Heila Brits
B. Comm. (Hons) HR (Labour Law)
B. Admin.
Experience Level 1
Yes Yes
Angie Dominish Grad Dip Social Sciences
B.Applied Science
Experience Level 1
Yes Yes
Virginia Frost B.Social Works (Hons)
Experience Level 1
Yes Yes
Maureen Giorgi

B. Science
Grad. Dip Bus (HRM)
Experience Level 1
Yes Yes
Darlene Gould MBA
Dip. Financial Markets
Experience Level 1
Yes Yes

Natalie Lincolne 

Post Grad. Dip. Psych Studies
B. Training & Development
Post Grad. Cert. HR Development
National Disability Services Training attendee
Experience Level 1
Yes Yes
Fiona Macleod B. Arts (Communications)
Post Grad. Dip. Bus (HRM)
Experience Level 1
Yes Yes
Alasdair Malloch Masters IR & HR
Experience Level 1
Yes Yes
Rosie Marks B.Comm. (HRM & Industrial Relations)
Experience Level 1
Yes Yes

Kathy Peacock

Grad Dip Bus.
Grad Cert Change Mgt
Experience Level 1
Yes Yes
Sue Pederson
Dip. In Project Management
Experience Level 1
Yes Yes
Georgina Shepherd
B. Science
Experience Level 1
Yes Yes
Rachel Small Cert IV Human Resources Management
Experience Level 2
No Yes
Hannah Thompson
Diploma in Consulting Services
Experience Level 1
Yes Yes
Last updated: 5 May 2020

QL Management Consultants

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Lori Grech
Direct telephone:
61 8 9388 8532
General telephone:
0407 424 302

About us

090 937 563
59 213 774 140

Category 2 recruitment management

Accepts P-Card

Contractor profile

We are a boutique consultancy delivering contemporary recruitment services with a focus on innovation, flexibility, and providing expert advice in relation to the PS Standards & recruitment practices. Our 17 years’ experience in the public sector has facilitated the development of a niche offering and consequently we have coached and mentored hundreds of panels on best practice talent assessment techniques and have assisted them to develop customised, objective, job specific assessment methodologies that have delivered reliable and valid assessment outcomes. We see every recruitment assignment as an opportunity to add value beyond maintaining the status quo and engage in a collaborative recruitment process that ensures our client identifies and selects the best talent possible.

Previous experience in category

Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Department of Fire & Emergency Services Extensive experience facilitating end –to-end executive recruitment and pool recruitment including at Chief Superintendent, Superintend, & District Officer levels, in addition to all PS levels. Services include developing creative and compelling advertisements, shortlisting, design of case studies/job related scenarios and targeted questions, in addition to participating on selection panels/scribing, drafting selection reports and undertaking referee checks.
Department of Health Facilitated pool recruitment of multiple generic senior positions required across various directorates in order to lead major health reform initiatives. Delivered outcomes within tight timeframes, managing large volumes of applications/referee checks, while designing flexible and meaningful assessment approaches to ensure best talent identification.
Rottnest Island Authority Provided longstanding recruitment support including during major agency restructuring. Facilitated the development of communication strategies to staff during restructuring to advise of recruitment phases (like-tolike/open recruitment) project planning with HR staff, coaching panel members around process and best selection approaches, scheduled interviews, drafted relevant selection reports and referee reports, provided applicant feedback.
Department of Mines & Petroleum Specialist recruitment of technical roles providing administrative support, drafting interview questions, scribing, drafting selection reports and referee reports, panel liaison and HR support.Consultant Details

Consultant details

Consultant Qualifications Experience Level
Lori Grech Bachelor of Commerce
Experience Level 1
Susan Kurtjak
Certified Professional Member
Aust Human Resources Institute
Last updated: 11 December 2019

RMK Consulting Group Pty Ltd

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Rosie McKay
Direct telephone:
61 8 6143 5350
General telephone:
61 8 6143 5351

About us

125 155 080
53 125 155 080

Category 1 job design and classification
Category 2 recruitment management

Accepts P-Card

Contractor profile

RMK Consulting Group Pty Ltd was established in April 2007 by the Director, Rosie McKay, who has over 20 years’ experience in the provision of HR and Recruitment Management Services in the WA Government and private sectors. Our business philosophy is to provide a personalised and high quality service to our clients. Our Consultants have extensive recruitment experience and operate with the highest level of integrity, professionalism and confidentiality. Examples of recent feedback received from clients include:

  • Central Institute of Technology - “Superb service from start to finish - excellent organisation, documentation and constant provision of quality advice”;
  • Department of Health – “Prompt, organised, effective. A real pleasure to work with. All your team over the past 12 months have been working with me in recruitment.”; and
  • Housing Authority – “They were professional, organised and efficient and made good use of available time. They were courteous and helpful and explained the elements of the selection process very well. They are an approachable organisation and communicated well.

Previous experience in category 1

Job design and classification

Name of Client Description of Service Provided

Organisational re-design for various branches and divisions of the Agency. This included position re-design and evaluation and specified calling positions.

Public Transport Authority Re-classification of numerous positions. Development of new positions.
Department of Health Management of full organisational restructure processes across Directorates. Undertaking functional reviews, providing support through the re-design of operational structures, development of job descriptions, undertaking like for like assessments and classification of positions.

Previous experience in category 2

Recruitment management

Name of Client Description of Service

Various Agencies including:

  • PTA
  • Landgate
  • Department of Health
  • Housing Authority,
  • Department of Transport
Central Institute of Technology –
Full recruitment management services provided for numerous positions from level 2-9. Services include advising on processes, short listing, organising interviews, referencing, selection report writing and provision of feedback.

Large volume / pool recruitment programs for Graduate positions, Transit Officers, Nurses and Customer Service Officers via Assessment Centres and adapted recruitment methodologies designed and managed specifically to meet Agencies’ needs.

Consultant details

Consultant Qualifications Experience Level Category 1 Category 2
Rosie McKay
Diploma in Business Administration.
Accredited Professional Recruiter with the RCSA.
1 Yes Yes

Lyn Burriss

Various RCSA courses completed.
10+ years’ recruitment experience in WA Government sector. Lyn joined RMK in April 2007.
1 Yes Yes
Amanda Hurt

Diploma in Call Centre Management,
Advanced Diploma in Management.
15+ years’ management and recruitment experience within WA Government Sector. Amanda joined RMK in March 2014.
1 Yes Yes
Jacqui Day
RCSA Recruitment Consulting Certificate.
Recruitment and administration experience within the QLD Government sector.
Jacqui joined RMK in March 2018.
2 No Yes
Last updated: 14 May 2020

Shelby Consulting Pty Ltd

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Rob Veitch
General telephone:
61 8 9472 8722

About us

120 911 917
52 120 911 917

Category 1 job design and classification
Category 2 recruitment management

Accepts P-Card

Contractor profile category 1

Job design and classification

Shelby Consulting has extensive experience in structural review and all facets of classification review and evaluation including HSU, PSGOGA levels (1-9), Special Executive Service (Cl 1-4) and SAT levels (CEOs), as well as criteria progression of professional groups. We are experts in the use of a range of classification tools including BIPERS, CED and Hay. Shelby’s consultants have implemented BIPERS into a statutory authority and have developed and conducted classification review training for managers and internal staff conducting classification review. We also deconstructed BIPERS for a major project and converted it into a survey to enable the concurrent assessment of 3000 positions throughout the state. Our experience includes classification of new positions and reclassification of existing positions. We have also successfully defended cases
through internal appeals and in the WA Industrial Commission.

Previous experience in category 1
Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Department of Health, including WA Country HS, East Metro HS, North Metro HS and South Metro HS Classification review of PSGOGA, HSU and hospital positions, including criteria progression of health professional positions, and evaluation of the Head Office Classification Team’s own classifications.
Departments of Education, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety, Communities(Housing), Planning, Lands and Heritage, Training and Workforce Development, and Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (WA Museum). MyLeave and Forest Products Commission Classification review of a range of operational and executive positions. Our classification reports include work value assessment, BIPERS evaluation, development of a new/revised Job
Description and specific recommendations.

Structural review and redesign of the HR Branch.
Classification review.

Implementation of BIPERS and the training of HR staff.

Perth Theatre Trust, State Heritage Office  Review of organisation structure, position classifications and refining of job descriptions for whole agency.
Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage
Review of structure, position classifications for two branches.
WA Museum Classification review of executive, project and regional positions

Contractor profile category 2

Recruitment management

Shelby Consulting has extensive experience in providing high quality public sector recruitment and selection services for wages and salaried positions from Level 1 to SES level. This includes managing and coordinating the filling of single and multiple positions simultaneously as well as pool recruitment projects. We can assist you with any part/s of the recruitment and selection process including advertising, shortlisting, booking candidates, interviews, interview questions, referee checks, selection report (including RAMS) and feedback to applicants. We can be your scribe, or a voting panel member or the Chair of the panel depending on your requirements. We can get you from the close of applications to signing the selection report in one week if speed is your requirement. We can also provide individual or group training in job applications and interview techniques, as well as training for the panel members.

To get an instant quote go to:

Previous experience in category 2
Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Department of Education, including schools (primary and secondary), the Institute of Professional Learning and Darling Range Sports College. Department of Health, including the WA Country Health Service, South Metropolitan Health Service and East Metropolitan Health Service. Department of Finance, Small Business Development Commission, Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (Fisheries, and Parks and Wildlife), Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMP and Commerce), WA Museum, Chemistry Centre and Lotterywest Recruitment & selection services for various positions (level 1 – 9) including a number of pool recruitment and multiple position processes.

Consultant details

Consultant Qualifications Experience Level
Rob Veitch
B. Business
Dip Pers Mgt
Grad Cert Eco Tourism Mgt
Shai Harris Bachelor of Psychology (Hons) 1
Jade Coward Cert IV Human Resources Management 2
Last updated: 11 December 2019

SWY Consulting

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Steve Young
General telephone:
0417 900 830

About us

22 910 621 300

Category 1 job design and classification 
Category 3 HR investigations

Does not accept P-Card
No licensed Investigators available

Contractor profile category 1

Job design and classification

The SWY Consulting team has extensive experience in coordinating Job Design and Classification and related assessment activities for many WA Public Sector agencies. Having managed classification review committee processes when employed in the WA Public Sector, the individuals of the consulting team have gained considerable experience and ongoing training, and as such the team is able to manage classification initiatives to a high standard. In this regard SWY Consulting generally coordinates the entire process generally in liaison with human resource personnel and where the processes involved usually include the review and development of operating structures and JDF requirements, consultation with stakeholders, work value assessments processes and preparation and submission of reporting requirements to the prescribed standards.

Previous experience in category 1

Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Department of Treasury Structure review and supporting position classification reviews.
WA Electoral Commission Position creation, classification and reviews.
Department of Mines Industry Regulation and Safety Structure review, JDF development and supporting position classification reviews.
WA Police Service Position creation, classification and reviews.
WA Construction Council Fund Position classification and reviews.
Mineral Research Institute of WA Position classification and reviews.
Department of Communities Position creation, classification and reviews.
Health Support Services Position classification determinations.
Breastscreen WA Position creation, classification and reviews.
Department of Finance Position creation, classification and reviews.

Contractor profile category 3

HR investigations

SWY Consulting has been providing a consultancy service to the WA Public Sector since 1999.These services have included investigations for clients in the areas of staff performance, conduct, disciplinary matters as well as a range of grievance/complaint issues. In addition, members of the team, being Steve Young and Neil Hunter, have, over an extended period, undertaken investigations and review assignments on behalf of the OPSSC. The projects undertaken within the scope of those identified above demonstrate a comprehensive approach to investigations that are in line with those demanded for the WA Public Sector.

The investigations undertaken have invariably involved dealing with matters associated with the Industrial Relations Act 1979, the Equal Employment Opportunity Act 1984, the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984, as well as extensive exposure to the requirements of the Public Sector Management Act and its Regulations 1994, and finally in relation to the provisions of the Public Sector Standards/Regulations in Human Resource Management 2005, as revised.

Previous experience in category 3

Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Department of Health CAHS Conduct of grievance/complaint and disciplinary investigations.
Department of Health NMHS Conduct of grievance/complaint and disciplinary investigations.
Department of Communities Conduct disciplinary investigations.
PathWest Conduct disciplinary investigations.
Department of Justice Formal grievance investigations.
Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions Disciplinary investigations and substandard performance reviews.

Consultant details 

Consultant Qualifications Experience Level Category 1 Category 3
Steve Young Diploma in Personnel Management, CPAHRI. 40 years Public Sector and Human Resource Management Experience. 1 Yes Yes
Neil Hunter Diploma and Grad Diploma in Personnel Management, Diploma in Public Administration. 40 years Public Sector and Human Resource Management Experience. 1 Yes Yes
Doreen Mahoney Bachelor of Commerce, Graduate Diploma in Project Management Diploma in Frontline Management. 30 years Public Sector and Human Resource Management Experience. 1 Yes Yes
Karen Watkins Bachelor of Applied Mathematics. Prince2-Certification for Project Management. 30 years Public Sector experience in HR and IT management. 1 Yes Yes
Terry Bransby 40 years WA Public Sector experience, including 30 years in specialist HR and change management or consulting roles. 1 Yes Yes
Last updated: 20 March 2020

The Futures Group

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Kerry Neill
General telephone:
61 8 9322 6633

About us

076 275 020
95 076 275 020

Category 1 job design and classification
Category 2 recruitment management
Category 3 HR investigations

Accepts P-Card
Licensed Investigators available

Contractor profile category 1

Job design and classification

The Futures Group provides specialist classification consultancy services in government and the private sector. We have developed, reviewed and refined classification systems and provided specialist advice to support organisations ensure that jobs are awarded a fair and consistent classification in line with organisational and government policy. Our professional knowledge, systematic procedures, interpersonal skills and demonstrated experience has enabled us to undertake organisational reviews, job classification and evaluation exercises across a range of organisations and job categories in the public sector involving Levels 1 – SES. We have an extensive range of consultants to provide a professional, timely and quality service. We have developed outcomes-based job descriptions and selection criteria and comprehensive reports with clear rational to support decision making. The Futures Group provides organisations and individual directors and manager’s confidence to support job design and review decisions, whether they be large or small processes

Previous experience in category 1

Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Mid West Port Authority Developed a classification system for senior positions not covered by an Award or Agreement and made key policy recommendations to implement the system.
Department of Education, Health (Corporate, HCN and WA Country Health) Provided extensive job design, creation of job families and classification processes in line with Public Sector and specific government Acts such as The Schools Education Act and specified callings in Health and other agencies. Ranging from Level 2 to SES.
Shire of Swan and City of Broome Undertook job analysis, developed job descriptions and classified and re-classified positions. Operational and strategic classification advice and support was also provided to improve the classification system and supporting processes.
Disability Service Commission Provided job analysis, developed job descriptions and provided work value assessment and classification services across a range of positions.
Healthway Assisted Healthway to align, restructure and reclassify a number of positions to meet organisational imperatives.
School Curriculum and Standards Authority Have undertaken extensive review, job design and classification of a range of positions as part of an organisational restructuring process and on-going realignment

Contractor profile category 2

Recruitment management

The Futures Group provides specialist recruitment, executive search and selection services in the public and private sector. We have over 20 years’ experience partnering a broad range of public sector agencies to attract, select and appoint staff into specialist and senior management positions in metropolitan and country areas and we have extensive experience with Indigenous recruitment. We have demonstrated experience running large scale recruitment processes, working in complex organisations, selecting positions to SES level, as well as managing Board and CEO appointments. We have an extensive range of consultants to provide a professional, timely and quality service and can support all aspects of the selection and recruitment process from advertising through to feedback, as well as coaching and training managers and coaching and training of staff in job application and interview techniques. We use our broader consulting skills and experience to enhance the selection and recruitment process and can provide an end-to-end consulting and recruitment service to organisations. We also use our extensive network and ingenuity to undertake executive search processes for specialist and executive positions, run assessment centres, use a range of testing processes to enhance selection decisions, and conduct in-depth referee checks and apply a range of innovative methodologies to cater for different occupations, positions and location factors.

Previous experience in category 2

Name of Client Description of Service Provided
 Department of Treasury Undertaking an executive search and recruitment process to fill a specialist AP6 position.
Corruption and Crime Commission Assisted the CCC to implement an innovative recruitment process to establish a new division (17 positions). The process involved conducting an Assessment Centre at UWA, targeted testing and PRINT profiling to identify key motivations together with behavioural evidenced based interviews and referee checks.
Department of Health Executive search, recruitment and selection of positions in Health Corporate Network (HCN), Health Department (Corporate), North and South Metro Health Services.
Disability Services Commission Recruitment and selection of a range of positions including successful searches for specialist positions.
Department of Education Successful executive search, recruitment and selection assignments across a range of senior, specialist, aboriginal and front line positions.
Worksafe, Dept. of Transport, Healthway, FESA, Regional Development, Dept. Planning, Landgate, Commerce, etc. Recruitment and selection of a range of senior and specialist positions-including Directors, Managers, Human Resources, Legal, Graduates, Engineers, Policy and Project Officers, Media and Communications, Budget and Finance, Environmental and Safety, Community Engagement, Procurement, Marketing, Sponsorship, etc.
Private Sector and Not-for- Profit Conducted a range of CEO recruitment and selection appointments in the private and not-for profit sectors working with boards.

Contractor profile category 3

HR investigations

The Futures Group has a strong team of consultants with specialist investigation skills and experience built on post graduate qualifications, practical workplace experience and a demonstrated track record of success in delivering independent, un biased and professional investigations to assist decision making. We adopt a rigorous investigation methodology, which reflects the investigation framework and methods appropriate for the WA public sector, with best practice and a project management approach to ensure all investigations are well planned, timely and clear outcomes are achieved. Our extensive experience working at both an executive and operational level within the WA government on a broad range of performance based consulting issues has required us to address some incredibly difficult matters in the workplace, this includes sexual harassment and bullying complaints, as well as discrimination claims investigations. In all of these situations we have treated all stakeholders with respect, and focused on building relationships to engender trust and engagement in a fair, consistent and transparent manner. Our HR investigation services will help you gather evidence surrounding difficult circumstances and give you confidence in a through, fair and efficient process.

Previous experience in category 3

Name of Client Description of Service Provided

WA Country Health Service and Health Dept. WA –

Elder abuse allegation and Bullying allegation and mediation.
School Curriculum and Standards Authority – Referee: Breach of discipline.
Department of Child Protection – Referee: Bullying allegation.
Murdoch University and Perth Mint  Misconduct allegation and alleged inappropriate behaviour.

Consultant details

Consultant  Qualifications Experience Level Category 1 Category 2* Category 3
Kerry Neill
Master of Business,
Post Graduate Diploma Human Resource Management
Graduate Diploma. in Education
BA Economics
Certificate III Investigative Services
Certificate IV Investigations (Government)
Investigator No 59429
1 Yes Yes Yes
Keith Chilvers

Master of Business (HRM)
Postgraduate Diploma in Business (HRM/HRD)
Diploma in Personnel Management
Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessment
Certificate III in Investigative Services
1 Yes No Yes
Miranda Cecich MBA,
BCom (HRM),
GradCert Bus,
AdvDip PM,
Dip Bus 
1 Yes Yes No
Jetelle Bailye Bcom, (HR/IR) 1 Yes Yes No
Sanella Krstic Bachelor of Laws LLB,
Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice,
Associate Diploma in Business (Legal Studies),
Certificate III in Investigative Services
1 No No Yes

 *Category 2: Other consultants are available on request

Last updated: 8 April 2020

The Nexus Network

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Jan Saggers
General telephone:
61 8 9385 4934

About us

087 263 509
86 087 263 509

Category 1 job design and classification
Category 2 recruitment management

Accepts P-Card

Contractor profile category 1

Job design and classification

The Nexus Network is a network of highly skilled, experienced consultants specialising in helping organisations think and act strategically to get the most out of their people. Nexus consultants have a deep appreciation of, and commitment to, the public sector, all having worked in various government agencies prior to joining Nexus. The Nexus Network has been providing classification and job design services to the WA Public Sector for nearly 20 years. In that time we have consulted to over 40 State Government agencies. Nexus specialises in providing job design and classification services and in tailoring classification processes to suit individual agencies' requirements. Nexus is experienced in undertaking classification processes at all levels, including the preparation of documentation for the assessment of the work value of SES positions. Nexus has also provided classification services for positions under different awards, such as the Nurses Award, HSO Award and awards for positions in the not for profit sector. At Nexus, we continue to develop our skills and knowledge of current job design and classification practices and pride ourselves on providing a quality service to our clients.

Previous experience in category 

Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Department of Fisheries Proposal to the Public Sector Commission for the reclassification of SES positions.
Central Institute of Technology Classification of a range of restructured administrative positions. 
Department of Agriculture and Food Development of JDFs for and classifications of various positions
Department of Transport Review of the classification level of a public sector employee seconded to special offices to assist a political office holder.

Contractor profile category 2

Recruitment management

The Nexus Network has been providing recruitment services to the WA Public Sector for nearly 20 years. In that time we have consulted to over 40 State Government agencies. Our work ranges from designing selection policies to conducting executive searches and supporting individual selection panels. Prior to moving into consulting, each of our consultants worked in a variety of government agencies. We therefore have a deep appreciation of, and commitment to, the public sector. Our comprehensive understanding of Public Sector recruitment practices led to us being appointed by the then Public Sector Standards Commissioner to undertake a review of the Breach Claim Regulations in place at the time. At Nexus, we continue to develop our skills and knowledge of recruitment practices, including innovative selection techniques, and pride ourselves on providing a quality service to our clients.

Previous experience in category 

Name of Client Description of Service Provided

Public Sector Commission
Executive search and selection services for 15+ CEO roles across government.
Department of Commerce (Labour Relations Division) Recruitment support in relation to several positions Levels 4 – Class 1, including pools of Labour Relations Advisers.
Department of Education Design of recruitment practices and provision of recruitment services in relation to positions up to and including Deputy Director General.
Botanic Parks and Gardens Authority Training of selection panels and the provision of recruitment support to individual selection panels.

Consultant details

Consultant Qualifications Experience Level Category 1 Category 2
Jan Saggers
BA (Hons, Politics)
1 Yes Yes
Caroline Adupa
BA (Psych)
Post Grad Dip Psych
M. Psych
1 Yes Yes
Catherine Sambell
Dip Ed
Grad Cert Management
1 Yes Yes
Lee Jackson

Dip Management
Cert IV Training and Assessment
ISO Lead Auditor Training
1 Yes Yes
Maxinne Sclanders M Ed 1 Yes No
Last updated: 11 December 2019

Verifact Pty Ltd

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Ross Clark
Direct telephone:
61 8 9443 9346
General telephone:
0418 119 003

About us

120 091 590
59 708 957 461

Category 3 HR investigations

Accepts P-Card
Licensed Investigators available

Contractor profile 

HR investigations

Verifact has over 25 years’ experience in Commercial Investigations and acts for over 187 different clients and client divisions. Our trained operatives have knowledge of the Public Sector Management Act and are well versed in the following areas: Human Resources and Industrial Relations; Staff Grievances and Misconduct; Fraud, Workplace Corruption and matters of Ethical Standards; Surveillance; Workplace Health and Safety; Dispute Mediation.
Verifact has conducted official misconduct related investigation services to a number of Federal, State and local Government departments, statutory bodies and private sector clients. Verifact has also conducted corporate investigations into corporate fraud, harassment, bullying in the workplace, grievances, drugs in the workplace, matters of ethical standards, system failures, conducting Surveillance, matters related to security as well as having conducted investigations for crime and misconduct. Verifact delivers detailed investigations, which expertly combine regulatory control and customer satisfaction. Our highly skilled Investigators are experienced in policing, management, human resource, workplace health and safety, fraud, psychological related work issues, workplace corruption, risk, mediation of a dispute, system analysis and system failures and are available throughout Australia. Early intervention is a key for a successful outcome. Our team are dedicated and ensure value of money and a satisfactory outcome.

Previous experience in category

Name of Client  Description of Service Provided
Department of Transport, Issues of misconduct, workplace review.
Western Australian Institute of Sport (WAIS),  Issues of misconduct, workplace review, allegations of sexual assault/harassment.
Racing and Wagering Western Australia, Contravention of contractor agreement.

Consultant details

Consultant Qualifications Experience Level 
Paul Ferguson
Adv. Detective Training (CIB)
Dip Criminal Investigations
Cert III Investigative Services
Cert Orgs. Behavioural
Cert Risk Management
Cert Inter-service Incident Management
Steven Watson
Cert III Investigative Services
Dip Government Investigations
Cert IV Government Fraud Control Investigations
Cert IV Business
National Security Clearance at protected level 2003-2013
Ian Edwards
Cert. III Investigation Services
Cert. IV Government Investigations
Belinda Goosen

Cert III Investigative Services
Higher Cert Business Administration and Management
Senior Personnel Administrator’s Certificate
Last updated: 14 May 2020

WISE Workplace

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Vince Scopelliti
Direct telephone:
1300 580 685
General telephone:
0412 389 913

About us

107 291 430
27 663 439 934

Category 3 HR investigations

Accepts P-Card
Licensed Investigators available

Contractor profile category 3

HR investigations

WISE Workplace has been providing investigations and advice on workplace misconduct since 2002 and have offices in Sydney, ACT, Melbourne, Brisbane, Hobart and Perth. Our combined network of specialist workplace investigators across the country enables our business to ensure you have access to a more diverse highly experienced and qualified practitioner in your specialist industry anywhere in the state whilst still being guaranteed of the quality stamp of WISE Workplace.

WISE Workplace has demonstrated skills and experience in conducting a range of investigations, both civil and criminal, inclusive of corruption, misconduct, grievance and disciplinary matters. WISE Workplace capability in WA is underpinned by members of the senior leadership team being current practicing lawyers with significant experience conducting misconduct and corruption investigations as well as the WISE CEO, who is internationally recognised for expertise in conducting workplace investigations. Collectively, this experience provides WA Government and businesses with local expertise underpinned by exceptional experience and knowledge.

Our approach is robust and complies with all the requirements of procedural fairness and natural justice, which provides you with a level of comfort that the findings and the process can be relied upon to support decision-making within any organisation as well as satisfying any subsequent review process.

Previous experience in category

Name of Client  Description of Service Provided
WA State Government Department Serious misconduct investigation conducted relating to unlawful access and release of information.
Regional Local Government  Serious misconduct investigation conducted relating to bullying and harassment of employee and investigation review relating to procurement fraud.
Commonwealth Agency  Serious misconduct investigation conducted relating to multiple allegations of staff behaviour and falsifying records. Investigations subject to Public Interest Disclosure.
Not-for-Profit Organisation  Serious misconduct investigation conducted relating to matters of child protection.
DP World, Fremantle, Disciplinary investigation related to employee behaviour.
Curtin University,  Major Fraud and serious misconduct investigation leading to multiple charges and convictions
Panorama Health, Perth Marc Lahad  Complex misconduct investigation.

Consultant details

Name Qualifications Experience Level
Vince Scopelliti
Bachelor of Science (BSc) (major in Psychology)
Bachelor of Laws (LLB)
Cert IV in Security (Risk Management)
Cert IV in Government (Fraud Control)
Cert III on Investigative Services
Cert IV in Training and Assessment
Matt Read
Certificate III Investigation Services
Certificate IV in Government (Investigations)
Certificate IV in Government (Statutory Compliance)
Diploma of Government Investigations
Graduate Certificate in Public Sector Management
Working with Children Check Card 291509
Clare Ryall
Certificate III Investigation Services
Diploma of Leadership and Management, and extensive experience in workplace investigations.
Steve duKamp
Certificate III Investigation Services
Advanced ABE and PEACE interviewing techniques, and extensive misconduct and fraud investigation experience.
Ian Wooley
Certificate III Workplace Investigations
Western Australia Police /Transitional Training
Aerospace Engineering Apprenticeship
Last updated: 12 December 2019

Workplace Management Network

Show more

Contact details

Contact name:
Helen Sitlington
Direct telephone:
0417 946 674
General telephone:
0419 005 548

About us

27 663 439 934

Category 3 HR investigations

Accepts P-Card
Licensed Investigators available

Contractor profile category 3

Workplace Management Network is a boutique consulting practice offering personalised assistance to clients across a wide range of Employment Relations and Strategic Human Resource Management areas, with particular expertise in workplace investigations. The primary Investigators are Dr Helen Sitlington and Dr Verena Marshall. Both Helen and Verena have many years’ experience working in HR in the state public sector and have been undertaking investigations for over 20 years.

As well as conducting thorough investigations and providing comprehensive reports, we also peer review our reports to ensure they can withstand examination by external agencies such as the WAIRC and the Fair Work Commission if required. Both Helen and Verena are Licensed Investigators. We are supported by the inclusion of a Specialist Public Sector Advisor (Dr Kim Schofield), who has recently held executive roles in the WA Public Sector and continues to advise on public sector initiatives, through involvement in the national professional representative body. The team is rounded out with our Assistant Investigator (Ms Inna Geoghegan) who brings both legal and post graduate business qualifications and experience to the team.

Team members are experienced Human Resource practitioners so we understand the work environment and sensitivities around workplace grievances. All team members are proven researchers with the essential analytical and evaluation skills necessary for undertaking sound investigations, ensuring reports present findings that can withstand rigorous external review, and providing recommendations that are practical for agencies to implement and comply with Public Sector human resource guidelines.

Previous experience in category

Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Landgate, Multiple allegations of bullying – one complainant; one respondent.
Department of Planning, Multiple allegations of improper conduct – five complainants; two respondents.

Consultant details

Name Qualifications Experience Level
Helen Sitlington
Cert III Investigation Services
Cert IV Govt Investigations
Licensed Investigator (No. 51883)
Experience Level 1

Verena Marshall

Juris Dr of Law
Grad Dip Legal Practice
Cert III Investigation Services
Cert IV Govt Investigations
Licensed Investigator (No. 50065)

Inna Geoghegan

Juris Doctor of Law
Kim Schofield

MBA (International)
Dip. Personnel Management
Last updated: 11 December 2019

Zambotti Consulting

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Contact details

Contact name:
Darianne Zambotti
Direct telephone:
0418 948 548
General telephone:
61 8 9471 7030

About us

009 183 046
86 087 263 509

Category 1 job design and classification
Category 2 recruitment management
Category 3 HR investigations

Does not accept P-Card
Licensed Investigators available

Contractor profile category 1

Job design and classification

Zambotti Consulting was established in 2003 and since this time has been providing services to Government. Darianne is an experienced manager and organisational consultant with a successful background in private and public sector organisations in human resources and operational management roles. Darianne brings extensive experience across a wide range of sectors (Health, Postal, Building and Construction, Utilities) from her employment as; an HR Consultant, Manager of Occupational Health Safety and Injury Management; and Health Service Manager.

Darianne has an excellent understanding of Job Design, identifying what work must be performed, how it will be performed, and the competencies required to perform it. Darianne's qualifications in ergonomics (human factors) enable her to design jobs to maximise job performance (cognitive and physical) and ensure worker health and safety. Darianne has been trained in the use of both BiPERS and Mercer/CED classification methodologies and was a member of the classification review committees in several organisations.

Darianne has assisted organisations in designing jobs, undertaking work value and relativity assessments for positions across many job categories/families and at all levels. Darianne is experienced at reviewing reviewed organisational structures and has reviewed the classification of positions to support restructure.

Darianne's relevant consulting experience includes:

  • Review of structure and positions of sections, branches, directorates
  • Position creation, classification and review
  • Development of classification frameworks for positions across multiple levels.
  • Preparation of Attraction and Retention Incentive Benefit submissions.
  • Review of classification assessment 150 School Registrar positions following an appeal to the WAIRC.
  • Development of a classification methodology for the Department of Education for school administrator positions (Principal's, Deputy's, HOD's) giving consideration to the factors that impact job complexity.
Previous experience in category 1
Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Dept. Education, ERA, City of Perth, DLGC, RGL, Public Advocate, DoTAG Structure review and supporting position reviews.
Main Roads, Dept. Education, Dept. Planning, Dept. Transport, Dept. Health, DLGC, ERA, Country Housing Authority Position creation, classification and review.
Economic Regulation Authority, Public Advocate, Department of Water, WorkSafe Classification Frameworks for job roles across various levels including Project Officers, Analysts, Admin Support, Advocates, Inspectors.

Contractor profile category 2

Recruitment management

Zambotti Consulting was established in 2003 and Darianne is the Principal Consultant and Director. She is an experienced manager and organisational consultant with a successful background in private and public sector organisations in human resources and operational management roles.

Darianne has extensive consulting experience across a wide range of sectors (Health, Postal, Building and Construction, Utilities) and varied employment roles including HR Consultant, Manager of Occupational Health Safety and Injury Management; Health Service Manager.

Since 2003 Darianne has provided recruitment and selection assistance for positions ranging from Level 1 to SES for a range of positions including specified callings, specialist technical, general administrative and blue collar, wide range of WA Public Sector agencies for single positions, recruitment pools (Dept. Education, Dept. Health, Dept. Local Govt. and Communities) and bulk recruitment of many different positions following organisation restructures (Department of Housing, BMW) and for annual intake of graduates/trainees (Main Roads).

Darianne understands the Public Sector Standards for Recruitment and Selection. The Department of Education contracted Darianne to design an audit methodology and undertake an audit of 31 locations state-wide to determine compliance with the Public Sector Standards in Recruitment and Selection and Performance Management.

To reduce the workload for panel members Darianne is able to undertake the initial shortlisting on their behalf by grading applicants for the panel’s review. Darianne assists selection panels to use innovative recruitment processes and regularly arranges for the use of actors for role plays where communication and interpersonal skills assessment is required.

Where requested, Darianne provides expert advice and coaching to the panel on process and supports managers in the provision of feedback to unsuccessful applicants or provides this feedback on their behalf

Previous experience in category 2
Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Dept. Transport, Dept. Planning, Dept. Water Specified Calling recruitment
Education, Health, DLGC, Main Roads Pool recruitment, graduate and trainee recruitment
Economic Regulation Authority, Dept. Housing, Dept. Water, Public Advocate, CCC, DoTAG  SES Recruitment, Recruitment and applicant feedback

Contractor profile category 3

HR investigations

Darianne has 30 years’ experience in Human Resource Management, Health Service Management; and Health, Safety and Risk Management in public and private sector organisations in the Health (Hospital, Community Care and Vocational Rehabilitation), Postal, Utilities, Building and Construction and Detention Services sectors. Zambotti Consulting has provided a range of HR consultancy services since 2003 including investigations and inquiries and has conducted over 400 investigations and inquiries relating to grievances, substandard performance and disciplinary matters including serious misconduct (bullying and harassment, fraud, sexual harassment, conflict of interest, misuse of power of position, breach of professional code of conduct) for government and private sector clients.

Since 2005, Darianne has been a Senior Sessional Member of the State Administrative Tribunal (SAT), an independent body that makes and reviews a range of administrative decisions. In recent years Darianne has worked increasingly with employment law firms and with General Counsel in organisations, undertaking investigations and writing reports under legal professional privilege. In most cases these matters are highly complex, involve very senior employees and are considered high risk for the organisation. Darianne provides high quality reports with findings and reasons and keeps in mind the various audiences who may access the reports. In addition, Darianne is trained in root cause analysis (Apollo) and is an experienced risk manager and provides clients information about contextual and contributing factors to assist with the management of future risk.

Zambotti Consulting also assists organisations to manage grievances and complaints. Darianne works with the parties involved identifying options for resolution. Darianne is a trained mediator and uses the Leading Edge Alternative Dispute Resolution (LEADR) model in undertaking mediation and developing mediation agreements. Often it is found that employee performance is a contributing factor in grievances and disciplinary matters and Darianne is able to provide advice and support including coaching for managers/supervisors and/or employees. Darianne has provided investigation to services many government agencies and a diverse range of private sector clients. 

Previous experience in category 3
Name of Client Description of Service Provided
Law firm acting for University Misconduct: Bullying and Harassment of multiple employees by Executive level Manager. Fact finding: Alleged bullying by faculty Operations Manager
Law firm acting for industrial client Misconduct: Bullying and Harassment by Senior Manager of multiple direct reports.
Aged Care provider Root Cause Analysis: death of resident. Coroner involved.
Community Care provider Misconduct: Breach of Psychologists Code of Ethics – sexual relations with client.
Community Care provider  Misconduct: misappropriation of clients (Govt.) funding.
Police involved.
TAFE Workload assessment for employee claiming work caused stress. Misconduct: Bullying and harassment of female worker in male dominated workplace.
Private School Misconduct: Complaint by parent that staff member repeatedly assaulted intellectually impaired student. Police involved. Misconduct: bullying by Head of Learning Area.
Department of Health Misconduct: allegation that management bullied and harassed an employee with disabilities. Grievance: allegation that Senior Manager bullied subordinate, supported Manager through process. Misconduct: alleged bullying by Psychiatrists, Senior
Pharmacist, Head of Service.
Law firm acting for client Misconduct: Allegation General Counsel bullied direct report.
Govt. Department Grievance: Bullying allegation Executive Director and Direct. Report: Mediation. Grievance: Client grievance, Mediation.
Govt. Departments (various) Misconduct: inappropriate access of confidential information for private purposes.
LGA’s Misconduct: fraudulent claiming of entitlements relating to workers’ compensation claim. Misconduct: fraudulent claiming payment for work when no work undertaken.
ASX 200 industrial client Allegations of bullying, harassment and sexual harassment of employee reported to General Counsel under Whistleblower provisions.

Consultant details

Name Qualifications Experience Level
Darianne Zambotti Bachelor of Applied Science (Occupational Therapy)
Post Graduate Certificate Ergonomics
Public Sector Management Course
AIM/GSM Leadership Consortium Action Learning Program,
Apollo Root Cause Analysis
LEADR Mediation
Licensed Investigator No. 38225
Last updated: 11 December 2019
Page reviewed 22 May 2020