Community services templates

The following templates, workbooks, documents and requests can assist both buyers and suppliers in planning, contracting and managing community service procurement.

​These 'how to' frameworks will assist your government agency and community service providers procure and tender for community services.  They will help you plan your procurements in partnership with your providers and other stakeholders.  

Understanding and following the Community Services guides will help you achieve efficient purchasing outcomes for government and better outcomes for the community, within the guidelines of the Delivering Community Services in Partnership Policy

These templates and guides are regularly reviewed and may change so you should only download them when needed. If you have any suggestions for improvements you can send them to Finance to assess using the Template change form. There is an archive of old request conditions you can consult if needed. 

If you are not procuring community services, go to the alternative suite of templates and guides for goods and service procurement.

Contract planning: Templates and workbooks

The guides and templates provides assistance on planning and implementing co-design and engaging with the community services sector and service users. They also give an overview of everything you need in planning your procurement and assessing the risks involved.

Community Services Template - Procurement Timeline Form
Community Services Template - Outcomes-based Program Logic Model
Community Services Template - Declaration of Confidentiality and Interest Form

​Requesting exemptions: Templates and approval register

When procuring community services, under the DCSP policy you can get exemptions from the minimum requirements for: 

  • direct negotiations 
  • preferred service provider provisions 

It’s good practice to register all exemptions and approvals from the minimum requirements. Like goods and service procurement, agencies need approval from their delegated authority for procurement exemptions. You must include all exemptions on your agency’s Exemption Register. 

Community Services Template - Request for Exemption
Community Services Template - Service Review Report and Request Exemption for Preferred Service Provider

​​Establishing grant agreements

If you have decided your procurement is better suited to being funded through a grant, there are two templates available to you. There is no minimum nor maximum amount specified for grant funding.  

Grant Agreement should be used as the standard template for grants valued at $10,000 or more.

You can use the list of Grant Conditions for smaller and less complex grants valued below $10,000. 

The List of Grant Conditions are not intended to function as a separate document but may be incorporated into either advertised Guidelines or Application forms as a condition of the Grant or in the formal Letter of Offer advising recipients that their grant application has been successful.

Community Services Templates - Grant Agreement
Community Services Templates - Grant Conditions

​​Contract formation: Requesting quotes and tenders and briefing providers

The following templates give detailed guidance on the Request process: from conducting briefings to the terms and conditions of your requests. 

General Provisions for the Purchase of Community Services
Community Services - Process Terms and Conditions Definitions - Request for Offers
Community Services - Process Terms and Conditions definitions - Expression of interest
Community Services Template - Request for Preferred Service Provider
Community Services Template - Registration of Interest
Community Services Template - Addendum to Request
Community Services Template - Verbal Quotation Form

​Contract formation: Evaluating offers

Evaluating the offers you have received can be made simpler by reviewing the handbook and using the reporting templates. 

Community services templates - Evaluation Handbook
Community services templates - Evaluation Report for Preferred Service Provider
Community services templates - Evaluation Report EOI

Contract formation: Awarding contracts in the request process

A straightforward series of Request process templates are available to you for notifying successful and unsuccessful providers.  

Community Services Templates - Award of Contract for Request Process Letter
Community Services Templates - Preferred Respondent Letter
Community Services Templates - Unsuccessful Offer Request Process Letter
Community Services Templates - Request Process Decline All Offers Letter
Community Services Templates - Incomplete Offer Letter

Contract formation: Awarding contracts for expressions of interest

Awarding contracts to Expressions of Interest have their own templates that include letters for declining offers and shortlisting providers. 

Community Services Templates - Shortlisted Provider EOI Letter
Community Services Templates - Unsuccessful Offer EOI Process Letter
Community Services Templates - Decline All Offers EOI Letter

Contract management

Community services procurements have some different requirements when it comes to managing your service agreement. You need to incorporate and address the various requirements of the DCSP Policy.  The templates below assist you in making sure your service agreement is meeting these requirements.  

Community Services Templates - Service Agreement Management Plan
Community Services Templates - Service Agreement Review
Community Services Templates - Services Agreement Variation Memo
Community Services Templates - Novation Deed
Community Services Templates - Master Agreement
Community Services Templates - ERO Summary of Financial Information
Community Service Template - Preferred Service Provider Variation Letter
Community Service Templates - Agreement Variation Letter

​​Template change suggestions

Community Service tendering and contracting forms and templates are reviewed bi-annually in collaboration with Government Agencies who procure Community Services from the community sector.  

You can provide suggestions for changes to the templates by emailing the template with changes tracked, and an explanation of what your suggested change will address to

Old versions of the templates are available in the archive

Page reviewed 27 May 2020