Supplying community services

How to find opportunities to supply community services to government, make an offer, understand the evaluation process and manage the service agreement once it is awarded.

This guide contains information for the community services sector on how to provide community services to the Western Australian Government. 

In order to provide community services to the Western Australian Government you need to follow a certain process and meet the requirements of our policies. When looking for services to meet a community need, government agencies will follow a process that incorporates input from stakeholders, including service providers and service users, as set out in the Delivering Community Services in Partnership Policy This guide will give you important information about the policy that is relevant to you, and step you through the procurement process. 

This guide aims to: 

  • explain the steps required to provide community services to government 
  • explain government policies and how they affect community service providers 
  • highlight the requirements for each stage of the process 

This guide includes information about: 

  • the different ways government engages community service providers how to respond to a tender or quote and what you need to include in your offer 
  • how to submit your offer 
  • how we evaluate offers 
  • how we award the service agreement 

Use the guide’s navigation to move through the steps in the process, using the links displayed down the right hand side of the page. The guide is divided into three sections:  

  1. government and the community services sector
  2. making a community services offer
  3. how your community services offer is evaluated

If you know what you are looking for, you can click straight through to the section you need. If you have not previously supplied community services to government, you can click through all the pages chronologically to get an overview of how to supply to government.  

​This guide is for organisations that wish to provide community services to government. Other guides are available for supplying works-related services or general goods and services.

Page reviewed 4 September 2019