Website Project Governance Process

Information for agencies seeking an exemption from aligning to the ServiceWA program.

Agencies are required to align with the whole of government ServiceWA (Digital) strategic initiative.

Agencies seeking exemption from aligning with this whole of government strategic direction and common digital services platform approach will require DG ICT Council approval. This exemption applies to:

  • any website projects with a total cost of $100,000 or more that do not align with the ServiceWA (Digital) whole of government strategic direction
  • website projects that do not comply with all the relevant policies and standards provided to support the outcomes of the State ICT Digital Strategy, Digital WA.

An Agency Website Project Exemption Proposal is required to be completed as part of the exemption process.

This guidance is part of the Digital Services Policy Framework that underpins the Digital Services Policy.


Page reviewed 4 December 2019