COVID-19 coronavirus: Latest updates

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Last updated: 27 May 2020 at 1.37pm

WA's recent low numbers are encouraging, and the WA Government thanks the community for playing their part and taking this seriously.

We cannot be complacent and need everyone in WA to stay the course. This will give us the best chance of protecting every Western Australian.

Key announcements

Regional travel restrictions to be lifted as part of WA roadmap

25 May 2020

Western Australia’s remaining regional travel boundaries will be reduced further, as part of the WA Government’s gradual and safe easing of COVID-19 restrictions.

From Friday, 29 May 2020, the regional boundaries will be lifted, except for the Australian Government biosecurity zones, including the Kimberley region, parts of the Shire of East Pilbara and Shire of Ngaanyatjarraku. Restrictions on entering 274 remote Aboriginal communities will remain in place.

For more details see regional travel information.

COVID Safety Plans key to reopening WA businesses

15 May 2020

Businesses across Western Australia will need to prepare a COVID Safety Plan before they reopen, to protect staff and customers.

Find out more about COVID Safety Plans for business.

WA Government encourages use of COVIDSafe app

28 April 2020

The WA Government is encouraging residents to download the Australian Government’s COVIDSafe app.

Downloading the app is voluntary, but highly recommended by the Chief Medical Officer. It will help keep our community safe and ensure we can get back to normal as quickly as possible.

Read more about the COVIDSafe App.

Latest news

Wastewater charges relief for business customers

27 May 2020

Businesses with 4 or more wastewater fixtures may be eligible to receive up to $41,000 in relief through Water Corporation’s major fixture waiver.

$2.9m to boost local researchers’ quest for COVID-19 answers

25 May 2020

The WA Government has provided $1.9 million in research grants to support 12 COVID-related research projects. Another $1 million has been provided for infrastructure support, which will cover costs of consumables, staffing and site set-up for local COVID-19 research.

For more information see the boost to local researchers' quest media statement.

Support for WA artists through $1.5 million COVID-19 support program

25 May 2020

The WA Government has approved a $1.5 million support package, developed by the Art Gallery of Western Australia’s Board and the Art Gallery’s Foundation, to help Western Australian artists during the COVID-19 pandemic.

For more information see the Support for WA artists media statement.

WA roadmap for easing restrictions

10 May 2020

The WA Government has released a COVID-19 roadmap, which will see some restrictions relaxed further from 18 May.

The 4-phase roadmap will help get Western Australians back to work safely and begin the process of restarting the State’s economy.

Find out more about the WA roadmap

COVID-19 hygiene training sets course for hospitality recovery

29 April 2020

Western Australia’s hospitality industry is being prepared for a return to business, with the launch of a mandatory COVID-19 hygiene training program.

The initiative ensures strong COVID-19 protections will be in place when restrictions are eased in the future.

For more information see the COVID-19 hygiene training for hospitality.

Travel to and around WA

WA State border closure

Strict border controls are in place to limit the spread of COVID-19. You cannot enter Western Australia without an exemption.

For more information visit COVID-19: Advice on travelling to and around Western Australia.

Returning to Australia from international travel

If you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident arriving back in Australia, you’ll be subject to the Australian Government’s mandatory quarantine period of 14 days at your first Australian destination.

You will be given suitable accommodation to stay in during this period.

However, you will not be permitted to travel domestically (including to your home) or continue on any domestic connections, until the 14-day mandatory quarantine period has been completed.

For more information visit the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Smart Traveller.

Health and wellbeing


Every Western Australian needs to play their part to help stop the spread of COVID-19 — this means following good hygiene habits and exercising physical distancing.

More information on hygiene.

Hospital visiting hours

Visiting hours at Western Australian public hospitals have been tightened to limit the flow of people through hospitals to better protect patients and staff.

For more information see hospital visiting hours.

Business and industry

Support for small and medium businesses

The WA Government is investing $114 million to support small and medium businesses.

More information on how we are supporting small and medium businesses.

Commercial tenants and landlords

The WA Government has set aside $100 million for land tax relief grants for commercial landlords.

More information on financial relief for commercial landlords.

$1 billion COVID-19 economic and health relief package unveiled

The WA Government has announced a $1 billion economic and health relief package to support Western Australian businesses, households and community groups, and to boost the response by health and frontline services to the COVID-19 pandemic.

For more information see COVID-19 economic and health relief package.


Prohibited activities and venues

Restrictions relating to food and drinks, retail, beauty and personal care services, entertainment venues, leisure and recreation and non-residential institutions remain in place.

For more information see prohibited activities and venues.

Aged care and the elderly

Protecting the elderly is a priority. Restrictions have been placed on visits to aged care facilities.

For more information see aged care facilities.

Your consumer rights

Consumer Protection has issued information about your rights related to tenancy, shopping, services, events and travel affected by COVID-19.

For more information visit COVID-19 Consumer Protection FAQ.

Support for tenants and landlords

The WA Government has announced support for tenants and landlords, adding to the $1.7 billion stimulus and relief package for businesses and households.

For more information visit COVID-19 coronavirus: Western Australian Government response.

Other useful information

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COVID-19 advice in other languages

Information and advice translated in languages other than English.

Page reviewed 27 May 2020