COVID-19 coronavirus: Current gathering restrictions

Social distancing and hygiene information.

Last updated: 27 May 2020 at 10.14am

On this page you will find:

Current restrictions

From 18 May, restrictions have been further relaxed as part of Phase 2 of the COVID-19 WA roadmap.

Activities listed below are allowed for up to 20 people, while ensuring physical distancing, good hygiene and the 4 square metre rule are followed:

Public gatherings

  • indoor and outdoor non-work gatherings
  • weddings and funerals (up to 30 attendees outside)

Dining out

  • cafés and restaurants with meal service, including within pubs, bars, clubs, hotels and casino
  • alcohol can only be served with food

Fitness and recreation

  • non-contact community sports
  • outdoor or indoor fitness classes with no shared equipment, such as yoga, Pilates, bootcamps, gymnastics and dance
  • public pools (1 indoor and 1 outdoor) permitted to open under strict rules and up to 20 patrons per pool

Community facilities open

  • places of worship
  • community facilities
  • libraries.

The WA Government is encouraging Western Australians to support local businesses.

Some businesses remain closed/have limited operations, including:

  • nail, tanning and waxing salons
  • spa and massage parlours
  • cinemas
  • indoor and outdoor play centres
  • concert venues, theatres and stadiums
  • amusement parks and arcades
  • galleries and museums.

These restrictions will be reviewed in Phase 3 of the roadmap.

Gathering restrictions do not apply to:

  • office buildings and factories
  • schools and childcare facilities
  • retail stores and shopping centres
  • supermarkets, fresh food markets and grocery stores
  • mining and construction sites
  • public transport and vehicles.

However, you should still practice physical distancing and good hygiene.

More information

For more information on Phase 2 easing of restrictions and what they mean for you please read our frequently asked questions.

Advice for business

Businesses across Western Australia need to comply with conditions outlined in the COVID Safety Guidelines and prepare a COVID Safety Plan before they reopen, to protect staff and customers.

More information

Find out more about what you can do and which services are open or restricted.

For more information on Phase 2 easing of restrictions and what they mean for community and business, please read our frequently asked questions.

Return to work

Western Australians are encouraged to return to work, unless they are unwell or vulnerable.

Regional travel

A map of WA highlighting the regional areas and biosecurity zones

Regional travel restrictions have been relaxed, with travel allowed:

  • between the South West, Great Southern, Wheatbelt and Perth-Peel regions
  • between the Mid West, Gascoyne and Pilbara regions (excluding the biosecurity zone)
  • within the Goldfields-Esperance region (excluding the biosecurity zone)
  • within Kimberley Local Government areas (the Commonwealth’s biosecurity zone remains in place).

Travel exemptions are still required to enter WA, or to travel between the 4 regions.

From Friday, 29 May 2020, the regional boundaries will be lifted except for the Kimberley region, regions that are bound by the Commonwealth’s designated biosecurity determination and 274 remote Aboriginal communities.

Camping and recreational activities

Campgrounds within national parks, reserves and State forest are open. You can camp at these sites and caravan parks, within your regional boundaries.

Some attractions such as Monkey Mia, Barna Mia and the Tree Top Walk have reopened. Some attractions, tours and facilities remain closed for now. This will be assessed in the coming weeks.

Visiting residents in aged care

While family members can visit residents in aged care, some additional restrictions remain in place to protect vulnerable residents.

For example, visits are limited to:

  • a short duration
  • 1 care and support visit per day, with a maximum of 2 visitors at a time
  • emergency management, law enforcement or emergency response (for example, a police officer, fire fighter or ambulance officer)
  • providing goods or services for the effective operation of the facility.

You should not visit if you have:

  • returned from overseas in the last 14 days
  • been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days
  • a fever or symptoms of acute respiratory infection (e.g. cough, sore throat, runny nose, shortness of breath)
  • not had an up-to-date influenza vaccination.

Physical distancing and hygiene

Every Western Australian needs to play their part to help stop the spread of COVID-19. This means following good hygiene habits and physical distancing.

  • Stay home if you're sick. Do not go to work or school.
  • Keep 1.5 metres away from others.
  • Don't make unnecessary physical contact with others. Avoid physical greetings, such as handshakes, hugs and kisses.
  • Use tap and pay instead of cash.
  • Wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds with soap and water or an alcohol-based sanitiser.
  • Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. Use a flexed elbow or a tissue; if you use a tissue, dispose of it immediately and appropriately.

For more information see Australian Government advice for physical distancing.

WA remains in a State of Emergency, and various restrictions are enforceable by fines of up to $50,000 for individuals and $250,000 for businesses. Police officers also have the power to issue $1000 on-the-spot fines.

Page reviewed 27 May 2020