Methamphetamine Action Plan

The Methamphetamine Action Plan (MAP) outlines a comprehensive plan of actions that are aimed at reducing methamphetamine related demand, supply and harm, in recognition of the complexities associated with drug use.

The Methamphetamine Action Plan (MAP) outlines a comprehensive plan of actions that are aimed at reducing methamphetamine related demand, supply and harm, in recognition of the complexities associated with drug use.

There is considerable community concern about the effects and impact of methamphetamine use in Western Australia (WA). According to the Australian National Drug Strategy Household Survey, in 2016 methamphetamine became the drug of most serious concern to the general community, overtaking alcohol and more than doubling the level of concern in 2013 (16.1% to 40%).

In an effort to address the methamphetamine problem in the State, the WA government committed to implementing the Methamphetamine Action Plan (MAP). The MAP is focused on reducing methamphetamine demand, supply and harm, through coordinated implementation of initiatives across Government. This includes the establishment of the MAP Taskforce (see information below).

Since 2017 the WA government has allocated $244.8 million for the implementation of MAP initiatives, including:

  • providing early intervention treatment facilities
  • expanding specialist drug services into rural and regional areas of need
  • improving drug and alcohol programs in schools
  • creating drug and alcohol rehabilitation facilities for prisoners
  • establishing a Meth Border Force
  • increasing roadside drug and alcohol testing.

Notably, between August 2016 and August 2019 the rate of methamphetamine consumption in Western Australia decreased by 4.2%, as measured by the National Wastewater Drug Monitoring Program.

building safer communities graphic

MAP Taskforce

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The Government established a Taskforce to advise on what more could be done to target support to areas of greatest need.

The MAP Taskforce was established on 26 June 2017 to provide advice to Government on:

  • improving how programs can be best delivered and targeted to areas of greatest need, including regional areas
  • opportunities for cross-sector collaboration to reduce methamphetamine harm, demand and supply, and
  • the best ways to measure the performance and success of the Government's initiatives.

In providing its advice to Government, the MAP Taskforce was asked to consider the needs of the Western Australian community generally, as well as the specific needs of vulnerable groups.

Read about what the MAP Taskforce heard.

The MAP Taskforce Final Report represents the independent advice and recommendations to the State Government.

infographic of $171m Meth action plan

MAP Taskforce Report

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State Government's Response to MAP Taskforce Report

The WA Government is delivering its co-ordinated and integrated Meth Action Plan bringing the total investment to $244.8 million to address methamphetamine issues in WA.

It has released the whole-of-government response to the Meth Action Plan Taskforce report − outlining a range of targeted, functional and practical initiatives that focus on prevention, early intervention, treatment and support, and law enforcement.

The $42.5 million package, part of the 2019-20 State Budget that will form the implementation plan in response to the report, includes:

  1. more support for individuals and families in crisis - $5.2 million to expand and develop safe places for individuals and families in crisis
  2. more help when and where it’s needed - $32.3 million to provide more services where people require them, close to their homes and personal supports
  3. more workers to provide support - $2.3 million for evidence based training for health professionals working with people impacted by methamphetamine use, and their families.
  4. more education, prevention and harm reduction - $2.7 million to ensure the continuation of targeted school and public education programs to reduce the uptake of methamphetamine use amongst young people, and encourage access to support for people at risk.

Read the full response to the report.

Getting Help

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If you're looking for someone to talk to, please call one of these helplines. They are there to listen, provide advice, information and referrals.

In an emergency call 000 or visit your local emergency department.


Alcohol and Drug Support Helpline
08 9442 5000 or 1800 198 024 (Country Toll Free)


Parent and Family Drug
Support Line
08 9442 5050 or 1800 653 203 (Country Toll Free)

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If English not your first language, you can get free translation support through Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) by phoning 131 450.

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Page reviewed 27 April 2020