Regulatory Impact Assessment

Guidance to support agencies develop and implement regulatory proposals, within the framework of the Better Regulation Program.

Transition to the new Better Regulation Program

The Government has recently endorsed a new approach to regulatory development and design in the Western Australian public sector. The new approach  – known as the Better Regulation Program – replaces the Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) program. The new Program commences 31 March 2020.

The Better Regulation Program represents a more streamlined, and flexible approach to regulatory design and review for the Western Australian public sector. 

Further advice and guidance for agencies is available on the Better Regulation webpage.

The Regulatory Impact Assessment Program

The Regulatory Impact Assessment program has been replaced by the Better Regulation Program, although key features relating to consultation and impact assessment have been retained. This will assist agencies to undertake a thorough assessment of options, including consultation with stakeholders, for regulatory proposals with economically significant impacts.

Consultation and impact assessment under the Better Regulation Program generally proceeds as follows:

  • Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement
    • Outline problem
    • Discuss non-regulatory and regulatory options
    • Include a cost-benefit analysis of options
  • Decision Regulatory Impact Statement
    • Finalisation of the Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement, which must recommend a preferred option
    • Discussion of implementation plans
    • Outline of review plans
  • Decision Regulatory Impact Statement submitted to Cabinet
    • The Decision Regulatory Impact Statement is submitted to Cabinet as part of the Cabinet Submission seeking the regulatory change
Page reviewed 31 March 2020