Institutional Arrangements

Institutional Arrangements

Rule Change Panel

This project established the regulatory framework enabling a new Rule Change Panel to undertake the administration and decision-making functions related to proposed changes to the Wholesale Electricity Market Rules and the Gas Services Information arrangement.

The Energy Industry (Rule Change Panel) Regulations 2016Electricity Industry (Wholesale Electricity Market) Amendment Regulations (No.2) 2016 and Gas Services Information Amendment Regulations (No.2) 2016 were published in the Western Australian Government Gazette (PDF) on 23 November 2016.

The regulations enable the establishment of the Rule Change Panel, transfer rule-making functions from the Independent Market Operator to the Rule Change Panel and implement a new function for the Economic Regulation Authority, which is to support the Rule Change Panel through the provision of secretariat services. The transfer of functions also required amendments to the Wholesale Electricity Market Rules and Gas Services Information Rules.

In accordance with the Energy Industry (Rule Change Panel) Regulations 2016, on 10 January 2017 the then Minister for Energy appointed the initial members of the Rule Change Panel.

Mr Peter Kolf has been appointed as Panel Chair for a four year term. Mr Shaun Dennison and Mr Roland Sleeman have been appointed as Panel members for a one year term.

Further information about the Rule Change Panel, as well as copies of the amended Wholesale Electricity Market and Gas Services Information Rules are available from the Economic Regulation Authority website.

Transfer of system management functions to the Australian Energy Market Operator

This project transferred the functions of System Management to AEMO to improve the coordination of System Management (including generator dispatch) with the commercial outcomes of the Wholesale Electricity Market.

This project involved legislative and regulatory changes necessary to transfer System Management’s functions to AEMO including changes to the Electricity Industry (Wholesale Electricity Market) Regulations 2004 and associated Wholesale Electricity Market Rules. The amendments were gazetted on 30 May 2016 and the transfer took effect from 1 July 2016.

Transfer of compliance and enforcement functions

This project involved transferring the Independent Market Operator’s compliance and enforcement functions for the Wholesale Electricity Market Rules and Gas Services Information Rules to the Economic Regulation Authority. This outcome required amendments to be made to the Electricity Industry (Wholesale Electricity Market) Regulations 2004Gas Services Information Regulations 2012, Wholesale Electricity Market Rules and Gas Services Information Rules.

The amendments to the Regulations and Rules were published in the Government Gazette on 24 June 2016 and 30 June 2016 respectively, with the transfer of regulatory functions taking effect from 1 July 2016. 

Transfer of market operation functions

This project involved the transfer of market operation functions to AEMO. The functions that were transferred are the operation of the wholesale electricity market, the administration of the Gas Bulletin Board and the development of the annual Gas Statement of Opportunities.

This project involved the making of regulations and amendment rules to support the transfer of market operation and gas information functions to AEMO. Amendments were made to the Electricity Industry (Wholesale Electricity Market) Regulations 2004 and Gas Services Information Regulations 2012.

Amendments were also made to the Wholesale Electricity Market Rules and the Gas Services Information Rules to enable the transfer. These amendments were published in the Government Gazette on 27 November 2015 and took effect on 30 November 2015. 

Western Australian Reliability Advisory Committee project

This project considered proposed measures to confer responsibility for determining local reliability standards and guidelines on the Economic Regulation Authority.

A position paper outlining the proposed reforms was released for stakeholder comment. Submissions closed on 17 February 2016. 

Wholesale Electricity Market Objectives project

This project investigated the merits of replacing the existing Wholesale Electricity Market Objectives with the National Electricity Objective.

Dispute resolution project

This project considered measures to abolish the Western Australian Energy Disputes Arbitrator and transfer functions from the Western Australian Electricity Review Board to alternative dispute resolution bodies, all with a view to reducing regulatory costs.

Page reviewed 4 September 2019