Market Competition

The reform projects under this work area included Full Retail Contestability, Removing Barriers to Entry and Advanced Metering and Competition in Metering Services.

Full Retail Contestability

This project involved consideration of the systems and structures to allow electricity retailers to compete to supply all electricity customers in the South West Interconnected System.

Network Services Contracting Framework

A position paper outlining the proposed reforms to implement a new contracting framework for the provision of network services was released for stakeholder comment on 15 June 2016. Submissions closed on 13 July 2016. 

The project team also commissioned Mr Tony Westmore to review the Position Paper from the perspective of a small use customer in the market. 

Removing Barriers to Entry

This project considered measures to encourage effective retail competition by identifying material barriers to entry for the retail sector and the required changes to market structure, government policy and regulations to minimise or remove these barriers and attract greater private sector investment.

Advanced Metering and Competition in Metering Services

This project considered the best way to transition the metering framework in the South West Interconnected System to a new national metering framework under Chapter 7 of the National Electricity Rules.

Page reviewed 4 September 2019