Lodgments: Portal Guide

Lodge transactions relating to transfer duty, mining tenements and landholder acquisitions.

1. Transaction type

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There are three ways to select the document/transaction type.

  1. Smart mode: Type a word into the search bar to bring up all related document/transaction types.
  2. Manual mode: Use the dropdown list of dutiable transactions.
  3. Browse the list: Select the appropriate transaction from the full list.

Once the relevant transaction has been selected, you will need to

  • enter the date of the transaction
  • select the duty rate
  • enter the dutiable value (if the dutiable value is unknown, enter zero)
  • enter the number of no double duty transactions
  • enter a client reference (if applicable)
  • indicate whether the transaction is between related parties.

Click Continue to proceed to the next section. After clicking Continue, an estimate of the duty payable will be displayed. If you have made an error when entering information in the first section you can click the Edit button, update the necessary fields and then click Continue again to proceed. The estimated duty payable will recalculate if required and display on the screen.

2. Dutiable property

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From the dropdown list, select all types of dutiable property involved in the transaction and provide the required details based on your selection.

If land is included, you'll need to click on the plus (+) sign to enter the volume, folio, certificate of title portion, lot number, survey type and survey number details (available on the certificate of title).

If the property is a new subdivision without a Certificate of Title, enter a free text description of the land details.

Click Continue to proceed to the next section.

3. Interested parties

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Click the plus (+) sign next to each party to enter their details.

Depending on the transaction, the title of the interested parties will differ.

Enter details based upon whether the parties are individuals, companies, Government departments, associations or partnerships, and select the capacity that they are acting in.

If the dutiable property includes land, certain details about the receiving party are mandatory. You can complete the lodgment of the transaction without these details, but you won't be able to print the certificate of duty until these details have been provided.

If you make an error when typing the details, you can edit the details or delete the entry and reenter the details.

Once the interested parties have been added, click Continue to proceed to the next section.

4. Foreign buyer duty

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Indicate whether any of the buyers are foreign and whether the property is considered residential land.

You can then calculate the estimated transfer duty payable and the estimated foreign transfer duty payable.

5. Additional details

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You may be required to complete the Additional Details section, including entering the consideration paid.

  • If there is no consideration, enter 0 (zero) and select the appropriate Non-monetary Consideration reason from the dropdown.
  • If Other is selected, type a description in the field provided.

Enter the total percentage interest of the property being transferred.

  • If the parties are Tenants in Common, you can enter the number of shares or a percentage in the box provided.
  • If the parties are Joint Tenants, you can link them once all parties are added to the transaction.

Depending on the transaction, you may be asked if you are providing a licensed valuation.

  • If you're providing a licensed valuation, enter the required details, upload a copy of the valuation and any other supporting documentation.
  • If you don't have a licensed valuation, provide the required details so that an Electronic Valuation Request can be submitted.

Select the property type from the dropdown list. Based on your selection, further fields must be completed. Provide as much information and supporting documentation as possible to assist in the valuation process. This could include a market appraisal made by a licensed real estate agent or building inspection conducted by a licensed building inspector. Once you've entered the details, click OK to return to the transaction details.

To update the details for the valuation request before submitting your transaction, click on the Modify Valuation Request Details button. Otherwise click Continue to proceed.

6. Upload supporting documents

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This section provides a list of required and optional supporting documents for your particular transaction.

  • The required documents enable the lodgment to take place.
  • The optional documents may be required for the transaction to be assessed but do not need to be lodged at this time.

If you've selected ‘land’ or ‘rights’ as the dutiable property, you must upload a completed Foreign Transfer Duty Declaration for each of the purchasers/transferees even if none of the parties to the transaction are foreign.

Clicking on the document name will open the relevant form which can be completed, saved to your computer, then uploaded to the portal. You can also access the Duties Information Requirements which provides additional information on the required supporting documentation for each transaction type.

Select the Document type from the dropdown list, locate the file on your device and click Upload. Complete this process for all documents you are attaching to the lodgment.

Documents you have uploaded will appear at the bottom of the screen. If you've uploaded the incorrect document, click the bin icon to remove it.

Please note: The maximum file size is 10MB. If the file is too large, scan the document in sections and upload each section separately making sure to clearly indicate the order of the sections. The following file types are accepted: DOC, DOCX, GIF, JPEG, JPG, PDF, PNG, TIFF, TXT, XLS, XLSX and ZIP.

7. Lodge transaction

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Selecting Add new Document allows you to add additional transactions to this bundle. This should only be used for related transactions, for example, aggregated transactions.

At any time before lodging a transaction, you can click on Save for later to save your progress.

After clicking Lodge to lodge the transaction with us, you will receive an electronic declaration which you must accept for the lodgments to be successful. You will then receive a Lodgment is successful notification which allows you to download or print your Electronic Lodgment Form.

Page reviewed 25 February 2020