Works procurement policies

Department of Finance policies that guide our works-related procurement processes and the way we work.

The Department of Finance has three works-related policies that describe how we procure and make decisions. They are:

We also have an Occupational Safety and Health Policy which outlines our commitment to safe and healthy workplaces and sites.

Value for money policy

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We assess both cost and non-cost factors to determine if a bid offers value for money.

​Examples of the costs and non-cost factors that are assessed when selecting a supplier to deliver government works include:

Cost factors

  • initial construction costs
  • maintenance costs
  • usage costs

Non-cost factors

  • fit for purpose
  • technical and financial issues
  • supplier capability
  • sustainability
  • availability of maintenance

Open the Value for Money Works Procurement Policy for more information.

Open and effective competition policy

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Outlines Finance procurement thresholds and our commitment to transparent practice.

Open and effective competition is about ensuring suppliers are provided with fair and equal access to work opportunities and that we act with transparency and integrity. This means we are committed to:

  • using consistent methods to approach the market and enter into contracts
  • publishing submitted prices for most construction tenders valued over $250,000
  • publishing contract award information for contracts valued over $50,000 (GST inclusive)
  • keeping respondents informed during the procurement process
  • providing feedback to unsuccessful respondents on request

Open the Open and Effective Competition Works Procurement Policy for more details.

Probity and accountability policy

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Outlines our commitment to due process in all aspects of our procurement.

Probity and accountability means we act ethically, honestly and fairly when approaching the market, entering into contracts and managing contracts and are able to publicly account for our decisions. This means we:

  • do not disadvantage or advantage one supplier over another
  • keep supplier information confidential
  • communicate with suppliers consistently
  • are clear about who is responsible for decisions
  • maintain adequate records
  • comply with Finance and Government policies

We do this through:

  • communicating and enforcing expected behaviours
  • ensuring our staff are skilled, knowledgeable and experienced
  • using checks and balances throughout the procurement process

Open the Probity and Accountability Works Procurement Policy for more information.

Occupational safety and health policy

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Outlines our commitment to safe and healthy workplaces and building sites.
Page reviewed 24 March 2020