How to submit a compliant offer

Minimum requirements for your offer

​Your offer will be checked soon after the close of tenders to make sure it conforms to the requirements of the tender. Conforming offers will be assessed. Offers that don’t meet the requirements may be deemed non-compliant and may be removed from further consideration. It is essential you ensure your offer:

  • is complete and contains all the necessary information
  • meets the specified technical requirements
  • is lodged by a valid tendering entity
  • is submitted before the closing time and date – late tenders will not be accepted
  • meets prequalification requirements (if applicable)
  • is submitted in the specified format – faxes are no longer accepted

If you would like to submit an offer that proposes an alternative way to deliver a contract (referred to as an alternative offer), you must also submit an offer that meets the requirements of the request (referred to as a conforming offer). Alternative offers will only be considered if a conforming offer is also submitted.

It is recommended that you submit your offer electronically through Tenders WA.

Avoid common mistakes

​Small mistakes can negatively influence the assessment of your offer, so before you submit your offer make sure you check it carefully. Examples of common mistakes include:

  • failing to follow the instructions contained in the request and associated documentation
  • exceeding the page limits when responding to qualitative criteria
  • failing to respond to all parts of the qualitative criteria
  • relying on your past experience with us - the evaluation panel will only assess the information you provide (unless the request allows us to refer to available information, such as any performance reports we have on record)
  • typographical errors that change the substance of your offer
Page reviewed 4 October 2019