State Supply Commission Common Use Arrangements Policy

A Common Use Arrangement (CUA) is a whole of government standing offer arrangement for the provision of specific goods or services commonly used within government.

This policy should be read and interpreted in full. Important information may be missed if individual sections are read in isolation.

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Gazettal date

State Supply Commission
13 March 2020

Common Use Arrangements

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A Common Use Arrangement (CUA) is a whole of government standing offer arrangement for the provision of specific goods or services commonly used within government. CUAs are aggregated supply arrangements that enable a public authority to source goods or services.

Where a CUA has been established, a public authority must purchase under it in accordance with the relevant buyers’ guide1, except where and to the extent that an authorised officer of the Department of Finance, approves alternative arrangements.

1 A buyers’ guide is the document or online buyer information outlining the rules of access and buying in relation to a particular CUA. Buyers’ guides are accessible from

Purchasing from an Australian Disability Enterprise or an Aboriginal business

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Where there is an opportunity to procure from:

  • a business that primarily exists to provide the services of persons with a disability and that business is a registered Australian Disability Enterprise2;  or
  • a registered Aboriginal business3.

Then a public authority may procure directly from those entities, notwithstanding the existence of a mandatory CUA. Approval from the Department of Finance is not required in this instance.

2 Australian Disability Enterprises (ADEs) are commercial businesses that employ people with disability. A complete list of approved ADEs is available from the ADEs website.
3Reference to the directories of registered Aboriginal businesses accepted by the Department of Finance may be found in the Aboriginal Procurement Policy Implementation Guide.

Page reviewed 9 April 2020