Common Use Arrangements (CUAs)

Information for agency staff purchasing goods and services available under Western Australia's whole-of-government contracts.

COVID-19, important update

A state of emergency was declared in Western Australia effective 16 March 2020. Under the Emergency Management Act (2005), the Commissioner of the Western Australia Police Force is the State of Emergency Coordinator (SEC) and is responsible for directing and coordinating the response to the emergency.  

The SEC requested essential products be available to meet the needs of critical clients across the State. At this time, essential products are deemed as products relating to personal protective equipment (PPE), cleaning products and sanitisers. This requirement may be extended to other products over the next few weeks.

On behalf of the SEC, the Department of Finance (Finance) is seeking to negotiate a single purchase of all available stock of these essential products on behalf of the Western Australian Government. The prioritisation and distribution of these products will be determined by the SEC in consultation with the Chief Health Officer and the Department of Health. This is to ensure that stock is available to critical clients during this stage of emergency in line with the SEC’s priorities. Please refer to the PPE priority list for further information.

The CUA Contractors responsible for these essential products have been contacted and advised to NOT fill any new or existing orders without approval from Finance.  

Agencies have been advised to refrain from requesting PPE at this time and that they will be informed on how stock can be accessed in due course.

Find a CUA

Welcome to the new Contracts WA website, where you can find buyers' guides for Common Use Arrangements (CUAs), Regional Buying Arrangements (RBAs) and Group Buying Arrangements (GBAs).

If you are a supplier wanting to sell to government, find more information on the supplying goods and services guide. 

To find a CUA:

  1. Go to the Contract List
  2. Use the filters on the right to refine your search:
    • by keyword (e.g. 'media' or 'CUAICTS2015')
    • by supplier (e.g. 'Company XYZ')
    • by category (e.g. 'consumables')
  3. If you regularly use the same CUA, you can save a bookmark to the page within your browser
  4. If you need to save a copy, use the 'print/save this page' link on the right hand side of every page

What is a CUA?

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Contracts, otherwise known as Common Use Arrangements (CUAs), exist for goods and services commonly bought by government, for example fuel, computers, electricity, travel, advertising, groceries and stationery.
Regional Buying Arrangements (RBAs) and Group Buying Arrangements (GBAs) exist for regional purchasing. Examples of these include groceries, agricultural products and waste services.

CUAs, RBAs and GBAs deliver more than just savings through pre-negotiated pricing. They also offer efficiencies like easy ordering and risk mitigation strategies such as strict due diligence practices as part of the tendering process. These contracts have you covered when it comes to compliance with relevant government policy and insurance requirements, too.

Most CUAs are mandatory in the Perth metropolitan area for public authorities. If your delivery point is regional WA and there is a CUA but the CUA is non-mandatory in the regions, you may:

  • Purchase under the applicable CUA from a CUA contractor. Some CUAs may have contractors that are located in the region/s; or
  • Exercise your discretion to purchase outside the non-mandatory CUA, and purchase in accordance with State Supply Commission policies and Buy Local policy

Before you buy, also check that your purchase falls within your organisation's procurement policies

Who can buy from a CUA?

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The following groups are able to access CUAs:

  • Public authorities (a department of the Public Service of the State or an agency, authority or instrumentality of the Crown in right of the State) under the Commission's jurisdiction
  • approved Government entities not under the Commission's jurisdiction
  • approved Public Benevolent Institutions (PBIs)
  • other bodies approved by Finance such as Local Government and Universities.

The register of who can buy from Common Use Arrangements (CUA) lists all the approved CUA users. This list assists contracted CUA suppliers in identifying persons and bodies approved to access their government contracts.

Apply to access CUAs

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Government entities

Submit a written application to Finance and provide justification for seeking access to CUAs under section 23 of the SSC Act 1991.

Public benevolent institutions (PBIs)

To be eligible to access CUAs, a PBI must:

  • have corporate status as an incorporated organisation under either the Associations Incorporation Act 1987 or the Aboriginal Councils and Associations Act 1976 or be a company limited by guarantee or by shares under Corporations Law
  • be endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a Public Benevolent Institution under item 4.1.1 of the table listed in section 30-45 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936
  • be funded directly or indirectly, partially or entirely by either the Commonwealth, State or Local Government or be in receipt of a Lotteries Commission grant
  • be a non-profit organisation.

PBIs seeking access to the CUAs are subject to additional eligibility requirements, where they are incorporated under the Corporations Law. In the case of a PBI limited by guarantee, the company's constitution must prohibit (and continue to prohibit) any distribution of profit or property to its members. In the case of a PBI limited by shares, approval will be provided on a case-by-case-basis, depending on the nature of the company shareholding and the arrangements in place for the dealing of those shares.

Prospective PBI applicants or other government entities are required to complete the application form and provide documentation supporting their ability to meet the eligibility criteria.

If an approved PBI does not access a CUA within a 5 year period, the Department of Finance may remove them from the register of who can buy from Common Use Arrangements (CUAs)

Recent CUA changes and updates

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Effective Date Change


16/02/2020 Contract Extension CUACMD2014 - Computing and Mobile Devices
10/12/2019 Contract Extension CUAICTS2015 - Information and Communications Technology Services
1/11/2019 Contract Extension CUAHRS2015 - Human Resource (HR) and Investigation Services
6/09/2019 Contract Extension CUASTA2014 - Office Stationery and Consumables
3/09/2019 Contract Extension CUACKB2015 - Cleaning, Kitchen and Bathroom Products
1/06/2019 New CUA CUAMVR2019 - Motor Vehicle Rental Service
30/05/2019  Contract Extension CUAGBA - Agricultural Products
8/05/2019 Contract Extension CUA56808 - Telecommunications Services
15/02/2019 Contract Extension CUACMD2014 - Computing and Mobile Devices
4/02/2019 CUA Expiry HCNS110209 - Nutritional Products

Archive of CUA changes and updates

Get help with a CUA

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To make an enquiry about a specific common use arrangement (CUA), please contact the contract manager listed on the CUA page. 

If the CUA you are looking for is no longer listed, it may have been discontinued after its expiry date. To make an enquiry about a discontinued CUA or for general CUA enquiries, please send us an email

To provide feedback, complaints, compliments, or suggestions, please use our Feedback Management Form

Page reviewed 6 April 2020