Chattels, plant and equipment: duty requirements

What you need to provide if the only property is a chattel.

If the only property in a transaction (including any aggregated transactions) is a chattel, provide:

  1. the transaction record (such as an agreement to transfer)
  2. a schedule containing a description of each chattel or category of chattel together with its value (if not listed in the instrument or transfer duty statement)
  3. if any of the items are connected to the land or the premises in any manner – full details about:
    • the extent to which they are connected
    • why they were connected
    • the estimated length of time the items have been on, and are expected to remain on, the premises
  4. if any of the items rely on some means of power to function – full details about:
    • how each item is powered and the method of connection to the power source (e.g., plug-in electricity, 3 phase wiring, gas piping, etc.)
    • why they were connected
    • the estimated length of time the items have been on, and are expected to remain on, the premises
  5. if the placement or removal of the items is governed by the terms of a lease – a copy of the lease
  6. any other relevant information that may assist in the assessment of duty.

An assessment of duty will not be issued until all required information is provided.

Page reviewed 25 February 2020