Related party transactions: duty requirements

What you need to provide in relation to related party transactions.

A dutiable transaction is made between related parties if the parties are:

  • related by blood, marriage, co-ownership or prior business relationship
  • related companies as defined in the Corporations Act 2001
  • partners in a partnership
  • participants in the same joint venture
  • trustees of trusts which have common beneficiaries
  • joint owners of property
  • not at arms’ length by any other circumstances.

See Dutiable transactions involving a business for a transaction between related parties that relates to business assets, and Mining transactions for a transaction between related parties that relates to mining tenements.

What to provide

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If the transaction is between related parties, provide:

  1. the transaction record (such as a transfer or agreement to transfer)
  2. a completed Foreign Transfer Duty Declaration Form
  3. completed duties valuation forms for all land. Duties valuation forms are not required if a valuation is obtained from a qualified valuer which meets the criteria specified in Commissioner’s Practice TAA 23 ‘Circumstances when a Taxpayer will be Required to Provide a Written Valuation’
  4. a copy of any valuation or appraisal conducted on the property within three months of the date of the transaction
  5. the amount of any liabilities assumed under the transaction
  6. the amount of any debt released or extinguished under the transaction
  7. if a life or remainder interest in land is involved – the information set out in Valuation of life and remainder interests
  8. if the property is under crop – details of
    • the area under crop
    • the crop sown
    • the date of planting
    • the cost of planting, including labour, seed, fertiliser, fuel etc.
  9. any other relevant information that may assist in the assessment of duty.

An assessment of duty will not be issued until all required information is provided.

Page reviewed 25 February 2020