Corporate trustees: duty requirements

What you need to provide in relation to distribution of shares.

When there is a disposition of a share in an unlisted corporation (other than one declared to be an authorised trustee corporation under the Corporations Act 2001) which is the trustee of a discretionary trust that directly or indirectly holds property under the trust, provide:

  1. the transaction record (such as share disposition record)
  2. the relevant transfer duty statement
  3. a completed Foreign Transfer Duty Declaration Form
  4. full details regarding the total issued shares in the corporate trustee, including details of the respective rights and obligations pertaining to the shares
  5. complete financial statements for the trust as at the date of disposition or as at 30 June nearest that date
  6. complete financial statements for the linked entity as at the date of disposition or as at 30 June nearest that date if
    • the trust’s assets include an interest in any one of the following linked entities
      • a listed corporation or a listed unit trust scheme in which the trustee has a 90% or greater interest
      • an unlisted corporation or an unlisted unit trust scheme in which the trustee has a 50% or greater interest
      • another discretionary trust of which the trustee is a potential beneficiary or
      • a partnership of which the trustee is a partner and has contributed, or is required to contribute, 50% or more of the capital of that partnership, or is required to bear 50% or more of the losses of that partnership and
    • the linked entity is entitled to dutiable property
  7. full details of the reasons why the share is being disposed of, including copies of all documents relating to the transaction in any manner whatsoever
  8. any other relevant information that may assist in the assessment of duty.

Note: This information is not required where the disposition is to a beneficiary pursuant to the administration of the estate of a deceased person.

An assessment of duty will not be issued until all required information is provided.

Page reviewed 25 February 2020