​Getting started with community services procurement

Consideration of policies, planning and stakeholder engagement when buying community services.

This section of the guide sets out several considerations that are relevant no matter the value of your community services procurement, or the procurement method you intend to use. The pages include:

These pages will help you to understand procurement in the community services context, and the steps you need to take when planning your procurement, including the importance of engaging your stakeholders. 

Understanding the community services context

​​Before you get started with your procurement process, you should have an understanding of the way government seeks to contract with community services providers. This means understanding the principles of the Delivering Community Services in Partnership Policy (DCSP Policy), and in particular the need to seek genuine partnership with the community services sector. 

These pages also give information about where to get further support for community services procurement. 

Funding and Contracting Services (FaCS)

The FaCS team provides guidance and support to both the public and community services sectors on the implementation of the DCSP Policy.

FaCS provide: 

  • policy advice on the DCSP Policy 
  • assistance with the implementation and application of the DCSP Policy 
  • coordination and facilitation of a range of education and training workshops 
  • a suite of standardised community services procurement templates which are regularly updated 
  • procurement support and advice to both sectors

Training and resources

Page reviewed 22 May 2020