Streamline WA

Making it easier to do business in Western Australia.

Streamline WA is a whole of government initiative announced in December 2018 to make it easier to do business in Western Australia by improving regulation and regulatory practice. The initiative is led by a Steering Committee, which is chaired by the Directors General of the Department of Mines and Industry Regulation and Safety and the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation, and is supported by working groups. 

The Steering Committee and working groups oversee, prioritise and progress regulatory reform projects that will diversify the economy, create more jobs and make it easier for industry and community to interact with government.

For more information about Streamline WA, and your chance to have a say on how regulations can be improved, please visit the Streamline WA website or email   

The Department of Treasury supports the Steering Committee’s objectives through the completion of projects. These projects focus on sectors of economic significance, as approved by the Steering Committee, and seek to identify and reduce regulatory and administrative impediments to the commencement and day to day operations for businesses in that industry.  

The projects are undertaken in collaboration with other government agencies, industry and associations and individual businesses. 

Projects Underway 

Previous Projects

Between October 2015 and April 2019, Economic Policy undertook a series of regulatory mapping and reform projects of a similar nature to the projects being undertaken through the Streamline WA reform initiative. 

These projects were undertaken in collaboration with government agencies, industry stakeholders and individual businesses, with a focus on regulations and interactions that business identified as challenging and burdensome.  Each project delivered: 

  • a regulatory process map to guide businesses and regulators; and
  • practical and meaningful recommendations to reduce regulatory burdens. 

The resulting recommendations and regulatory maps for the completed projects can be found in the links below.   

Page reviewed 18 February 2020