About Treasury

Treasury works to support the Government achieve its priorities and whole-of-government targets, while working collaboratively with all government agencies and consulting with the public on important policy issues.

Our Work 

Treasury is the central department managing Western Australia’s public sector finances and formulating and implementing the annual State Budget. We develop economic and revenue forecasts, and monitor developments in the State’s economy, major revenue bases and public sector finances, to ensure Western Australia remains on track against the State Government’s budgetary objectives and targets.

Our policy advisory role covers a wide range of issues, including Commonwealth-State financial relations, revenue policy, public sector wages policy, public sector superannuation policy, and advice on alternative models of service delivery and infrastructure provision. 


Economic assists the Government of the day through expert commercial, economic, financial and policy advice that promotes the public interest across a wide array of activities. This advice ranges from economic conditions, tax and royalty changes, the distribution of GST grants, best practice regulation, wages policy, and microeconomic reforms, to complex commercial transactions and projects such as the commercialisation of Landgate’s automated land title system. The team is a leader in economic and revenue forecasts and is responsible for modelling a range of economic policy options and settings to better inform decision‑making. Economic also promotes a whole‑of‑government perspective to negotiations of financial agreements with the Commonwealth and undertakes in‑depth analysis of important and emerging economic issues. 

Economic and revenue data, Economic research papersForecastsEconomic policyEconomic modellingRegulatory Impact Assessment, Wages policyCompetitive neutrality policyTAB Consultation, State taxes, Submissions, Rail Access Review

Case study: US – China Trade Dispute

infrastructure and finance

Infrastructure and Finance work closely with over 100 government agencies, providing evidence-based analysis and advice on service delivery to inform Government decision‑making. The team provides expert assistance for superannuation policy and operations, cash flow management, investment of the Public Bank Account, Consolidated Account debt management and mitigation of operational and financial risks. The team also provides oversight, governance and financial support to the State’s Government Trading Enterprises. 

Financial policy publications and agency adviceGTE governance and oversightPublic Bank Account Investments, SuperannuationUnclaimed money

Case Study: Case Study: Government Trading Enterprise Reform

strategic policy and evaluation

Strategic Policy and Evaluation is a highly collaborative team working closely with health, mental health, education and training, communities, justice and transport agencies/sectors to achieve value for money outcomes through financial and social policy advice. Through its genuine partnership approach with agencies, the team also supports agencies’ technical work through its data analytics and evaluation expertise. This ensures that the best possible advice is being provided to Government to enable improved strategic and financial decision-making. 

Program evaluation

Case study: Social Investment Data Resource

Deputy Under Treasurer Directorate

The Deputy Under Treasurer’s directorates support priorities that fall across the department and Government. 

  • State Finances provide advice on whole-of-government financial management and reporting. They focus on consolidating agency financial information for presentation in whole-of-government statutory reporting publications, including the Budget Papers, Quarterly Financial Results, Annual Report on State Finances Results and the Mid-year Review. The team also provides policy advice on issues such as debt management, financial targets, and corrective measures. 
  • Infrastructure and Public Sector Reform is responsible for monitoring, reporting, advice and planning in regard to the State’s asset investment program. The team also coordinates Treasury’s involvement in the Government’s Public Sector Reform Program, including reform projects for which Treasury is the lead agency as well as engagement, advice and support on relevant reforms led by other agencies.
  • Corporate Strategy and Performance supports the department by enhancing organisational capability and agility, performance and sustainability of Treasury through the delivery of human resources and learning and development, finance, strategic ICT, business communication and internal audit and risk services. 

State FinancesStrategic Asset Management Framework, Career at TreasuryGraduates at Treasury

Case Study: Graduate Recruitment Strategy

Page reviewed 25 February 2020